Since OU just received a commitment from Veitenheimer who is a member of Texas Elite, the coach's comments of that team doesn't seem to reflect a bias against Sherri. Indeed, two other members of that team seem to be considering OU.
Are we dealing with individual AAU coaches who have their own agendas, which probably don't involve the best interests of the athlete?
We don't really know what this is all about yet. It could be an AAU coach that thinks he can get her mother a better job if she is elsewhere. It could be a promise that she will be the next Plum if she is elsewhere.
Transfers seem to be happening a lot more recently. We've had Peyton and Morgan come in. We lost Chelsea. I don't know that the earth will shake any more with her departure than with Peyton's arrival.
Regarding the feud between Mulkey and Dungee--first I have heard of it. My original objection to a poster was the first post which indicated that we would be "disappointed" with Mulkey and Dungee. This is my first disappointment with either. Of course, since the intent was to imply that they weren't as good as we had thought, I'm not sure why we should be so concerned about losing someone who was to have been a "disappointment." Need to define whether to gloat over our losing someone whom he didn't value highly in the first place or gloat because she was better than he projected, and now we have lost her.