Explain your Handle

Mine is after Bill Murray's character in the movie King Pin. His name in the movie is Ernie McCracken, or, "The Big Ern".

I have been a firearm enthusiast since I was big enough to drag a bolt action .410 and follow my Dad and Granddad quail hunting around Woodward. I had moved to Washington State to go to grad school after graduating pharmacy school (SWOSU) and they had a concealed handgun license up there, Oklahoma did not. So as soon as I was eligible I got one. My first carry pistol was a nice blued Sig Sauer p230. I still use is some to this day. No one else was really using that handle on message boards so it has become mine on just about every board that I post one.
my college nickname, with a capital O and an extra U on the end for obvious reasons. Agree with several above, should have been more creative, but when I found messages boards and the old "secret" OU basketball one, I was so anxious to get in I just put down whatever came to mind.

Maybe another thread could be what would you change your handle to now?
p230, love your handle. One of my favorite firearms in my collection is my Sig Sauer P220. It shoots mighty fine at the range.

My handle is based on the fact that I traveled a great deal during my working years. There were some years where I spent as much as 30 weeks out of town, usually returning home on weekends. My business travels took me to some wonderful places, including Western Canada, Western Australia, London, Norway, the Netherlands, plus uncounted places in the USA. I also traveled a great deal to watch Sooner road games in both football and basketball. For many years, my father and I made every Big-8 tournament in Kansas City, and every single home game at the LNC (unless I was out of town). The trip to the Notre Dame football game in 2013 was a blast. I'm looking forward to upcoming football trips to Tennessee, Ohio State, UCLA, Army, and more if I live that long. In the near term, I am also looking forward to trips to OU road basketball games at Memphis, Baton Rouge, and I am thinking about the Hawaii trip.

I like the Sooners. I like traveling.
It's obvious, right? Just a slight variation on the spelling to give it a little flair (hopefully).
Many years ago I was watching David Letterman when I picked a username for a game. Letterman had a running gag at the time where he randomly called people Radu. I added the OU at the front, it sorta rhymed.
p230, love your handle. One of my favorite firearms in my collection is my Sig Sauer P220. It shoots mighty fine at the range.

Thanks, Sig's are some of my favorite handguns. I shoot them better than other brands except maybe Steyr. I have a .380 and 9mm Ultra, I want to find one in .32 as well.
when I started posting online I lived in Boulder ..... and I am a Sooner ..
When I was in high school I would go see a local ska band play almost every weekend. I was extremely shy back then and was afraid to talk to anyone in the band. But I really wanted them to play one of their "older" songs that they rarely played. So I went to their messageboard and wanted to create an e-handle that could not be traced back to me anyway (not that they had any idea who I was) and thus TheGimper was born.
It's a shortening of the last name of my pen name - Stan Silliman, thus SilliSooner. I've lived in Norman 48 years.
I really can't remember exactly why I picked it. I'm older and a lot of the good times are behind me. I "used to be" an OU student (graduated), Marine, played multiple sports, scuba divemaster, refereed HS basketball, work (now retired), etc. I use the same username on OU Insider, Sooner Scoop, etc.
My last 3 dogs have been basset hounds, and I was always saying they were doing this or that like a big hound. So my handle came from that and I think of it like I'm a big fan searching for Sooner news. Plus, you can't spell hound without spelling OU!!!
I needed to pick an AOL Screen Name (or perhaps an AIM screen name) in 8th or 9th grade. I am a Sooner fan. My lucky number is 3, and I used my lucky number 3 times. Pretty lame.
In HS, I was a big fan of Trevecca (private Christian college in Nashville I eventually attended) and Oklahoma. One of my friends started calling me Trevahoma, so I thought it would be a good screen name.
I played in a band (AFA) for 7 years and I like the Sooners so... :D