General Manager

I wish OU was innovative, but it's not. We are dinosaurs (relics of a lost world) in football and mens basketball (the only 2 sports that matter in NIL world and really only football matters bc it makes money). We are boyscouts focused on winning fictitious compliance of the year awards.

We should do something innovative for basketball. But I won't hold my breath

Also, if joe castiglione (who should be fired for the malpractice-like BV extension) flies off the handle unjustly and gives a ridiculous extension to moser too, i will play in traffic
Your points are so valid. I would be careful though on making a statement that ‘only football matters bc it makes money’ Sooner Illustrated did a lengthy article about all sports, men and women, comparing total revenues against expenditures. Football was by far the largest in total revenue, right at $100mm but expenditures were so high it was a positive $230k. Men’s basketball had revenue of $6mmish with a net gain of $2mmish. Women’s sports lost their fannies, even our vaunted softball team. The post appeared about a year ago.
I wish OU was innovative, but it's not. We are dinosaurs (relics of a lost world) in football and mens basketball (the only 2 sports that matter in NIL world and really only football matters bc it makes money). We are boyscouts focused on winning fictitious compliance of the year awards.

We should do something innovative for basketball. But I won't hold my breath

Also, if joe castiglione (who should be fired for the malpractice-like BV extension) flies off the handle unjustly and gives a ridiculous extension to moser too, i will play in traffic
I sure hope Joe learned his lesson. I have read multiple national writers slam him for the Venables extension, pointing out how silly it was when (a) Brent hadn't remotely earned it, and (b) there was zero risk of anyone else hiring him away from us. I still can't believe Joe thought it was necessary for recruiting purposes. I can't imagine any recruit last offseason would have had Brent's long-term future among their top 10 considerations.