There are beginning to be arrests for excessive behavior on a sports field. The difference is one of social acceptance, not justice. It is an injustice that assault can be perpetrated on a court, but not often prosecuted.
But, the point is that the WNBA took a stand on something that wasn't even within their jurisdiction. The assaults didn't occur during a WNBA sanctioned event, under their control.
The situation with Baylor was a Baylor athlete performing while representing Baylor. Apparently, Baylor is OK with that. A should be criminal assault, not within the spirit of the game, is OK, as long as it doesn't cost you a game.
We both know that justice is not about laws. It is about social standing, gender, race, ethnicity, gender preference, etc. As far as the law, I think we are probably getting into a very specific area of criminal law and circumstances. The same actions aren't always criminal assault. SHOOT, it was no big deal when they rioted after the Kentucky game, not nearly as much as the protests after Baltimore. Same actions, different circumstances, different response from law enforcement which affected response by said rioters and protestors.
Back to Baylor, they did more than the NCAA required plus some actions which they said they would keep private. I think that is exactly what Sherri would have done. Any action beyond suspension, she would have kept private but said that there was further action but that it was private. WHAT would you have had them do?
AND as far as the WNBA, they have had on court incidents just like Britney's and done no more than Baylor. The WNBA did what it did because that is what is now being done in sports with what has happened the past 16 months or so with Rice, Peterson and others. They want to be on the correct side of domestic violence and I am glad about that. Glad the spotlight is making people aware and causing pro sports to take action. Hopefully, that will spread.
Again, I do not agree with any type violence. I don't like verbal abuse and certainly not physical abuse.
Where we seem to be disagreeing is that the WNBA has a higher standard that they hold their players to than the NCAA and/or Baylor, but you are comparing responses to different types of incidents. Comparing the WNBA to Baylor/NCAA in re the Britney incident in the Tech game and the WNBA in numerous games over the years with physical fights, they have been pretty much the same.