Hey Trevor Releford Everybody else is doing it.

I really hope Norman doing an impression Seattle of this weekend isn't a turn off.
I really hope Norman doing an impression Seattle of this weekend isn't a turn off.

He's from Kansas. Have you ever seen the state between Witchita and KC. It's like 500 miles of medford Oklahoma.
He's from Kansas. Have you ever seen the state between Witchita and KC. It's like 500 miles of medford Oklahoma.

Come on DM the Flint Hills are God's gift to Kansas. After all they were the backdrop for that masterpiece "Dances with Wolves". If Releford comes calling tomorrow we shall call him two socks
Come on DM the Flint Hills are God's gift to Kansas. After all they were the backdrop for that masterpiece "Dances with Wolves". If Releford comes calling tomorrow we shall call him two socks

I swear there's a Simple Jack every 5 miles between Witchita and KC.


No offense, Trev.
doesnt matter, it's Kansas. If it weren't for Jayhawk basketball no one would know the state existed.

If you are uneducated or don't care about US history then I guess it doesn't matter.
If you are uneducated or don't care about US history then I guess it doesn't matter.

DM - Maybe you need to take a trip to Coffeyville to better appreciate KS or maybe your dislike would diminsh if you spent a relaxing wind-free day in Colby