Guys, I officiated in the "old" Southwest Conference, MO Valley and some in the Big 10 for over 25 yrs and part of what you are saying is true but don't put all the blame on the officials, TV and instant reply are part of the problem. In the old days officials made the call (right or wrong) but the call was made, now days we question every call even if it's right the talking heads blurt it out and all of us at home question the guys/gals making the call, we all want perfection and if we don't get it we lay the blame on someone. What many of you don't realize calls are made in a split second, once the calls goes out there is no turning back, you can't put the noise back in the whistle, kind of like once you said it you can't take it back. If we had more trust in our officials I'm a firm believer that calls would be better, now don't get me wrong there are missed calls but if I had to give a % I would say 90% are correct all the time.