Jeff Capel's Twitter...

What is your basis for a statement like this? Capel has choosen his words carefully when using Twitter and I personally see nothing to support what you just said. In fact, I have very high expectations that OU will sign a guy before this signing period ends.

I was thinking the exact same thing. I would find it VERY VERY odd if Coach Capel were to post something like that on his Twitter account if something were not REALLY up. The guy is just too methodical and careful to do something like that unless there's at least some fire behind the smoke.

I of course am not by any means saying anything is guaranteed, "in the bag," or anything like that. I just think that if there were not something of major interest possibly down the pike, that Coach probably would not make any shrouded references.

Again, I'm not under any illusions of being certain about anything...just my take right now on how things look.
I just took "and one more to go??? Hmmmmm.......?"
As what it is.
There's a lot of question marks.
So to me, it seems like he knows that T. Jones follows him on Twitter, and is trying to encourage him to sign in a public sort of way.

I could be wrong (and hope I am), but it just seemed like more of a request than a statement.
Has anyone taken into account that it might not be TJones.
Has anyone taken into account that it might not be TJones.

That's kind of what I've been thinking since I first saw it posted. But exactly who he might be referring to, I have no idea.

Kinda surprised Henzo hasn't weighed in on his thoughts yet...
Kinda surprised Henzo hasn't weighed in on his thoughts yet...

That's because he's a smart guy. He's not presumptuous like that loser on the KU site who sent out a crap sandwich that gets picked up by the whole ESPN network. This is the last day so our answer will come soon. Who knows what was working in the background of this situation.
Has anyone taken into account that it might not be TJones.

Can't be Lamb because he's said he's signing late and is visiting UConn this weeekend. I guess it could be McCallum, but I've never really gotten the vibe that we were going to get him. The one thing that makes me think it's Jones is their has been no definite denial yet that he's not signing early just speculation. So obviously it's a possibility. Guess we'll find out today.
Well if you knew what a cliff hanger was, then you would understand the desperate house wives remark. I have to sit through it every sunday night with my wife(I watch it too, but don't want her to know that) and I can't think of a better T.V. show, when it comes to cliff hangers. Maybe if Dallas were still on air.

Does Jon and Kate keep you on the edge of your seat til the next episode airs? I don't watch it, so I don't know.

Ugly Betty is the show that I got 'forced' to watch and now I'm the one that can't wait for it to come on now.