I don't believe you. I do not speak to the players. I am 46 years old and live out of state. There is virtually zero opportunity for me to interact with any of the staff or players. However, if I knew someone on the staff or a player you would not get "inside" information from me. The very notion of inside information means you are betraying a confidence. If those people wanted it public, they would speak to a reporter.
Beyond that, words have meanings. Several means more than a a few. A few generally means three. Therefore, you are suggesting that Hornbeak was involved in four or more fights when you say several. You also said on Campus.
I simply do not believe that Coach Kruger would allow any player to be involved in several fights. It looks bad for the program. The player could be injured. The player could be arrested. The media could find out and write a negative story about OU. Someone getting in four or more fights in a year (or two) has a problem. The story as conveyed simply isn't believable. Perhaps with some details I might believe it.
I am not saying you are a liar. I just don't believe your source.