Jerian Grant, Harvey's son

I do know Kansas has been pursuing wing. They recruited Zeigler early but have cooled off on him, Roscoe Smith was another elite wing that KU has looked at. Both KU and OU are recruiting Clark and Lamb. I suspect they'll split on those two guys. There has also been rumblings of Barton decommitting and looking at UK and KU. With the exception of Zeigler, the rest of those guys have a chance to be McD's AA. From the reports on Grant lately, he has a good chance at passing Zeigler and Olipido and being right behind Lamb as far as hottest wing prospects are concerned.
I do know Kansas has been pursuing wing. They recruited Zeigler early but have cooled off on him, Roscoe Smith was another elite wing that KU has looked at. Both KU and OU are recruiting Clark and Lamb. I suspect they'll split on those two guys. There has also been rumblings of Barton decommitting and looking at UK and KU. With the exception of Zeigler, the rest of those guys have a chance to be McD's AA. From the reports on Grant lately, he has a good chance at passing Zeigler and Olipido and being right behind Lamb as far as hottest wing prospects are concerned.

Yeah, I know they are pursuing wings but they just seem to be in on a ton of PG's and a few high profile big men. I just don't think the 6'5-6'6 traditional wing is as big a deal for Self's offense has he likes combo guards so that's why I think the PG's and Bigs are key this year. And I'll be shocked if Grant skyrockets into the top 25 like Lamb. Right now Grant isn't in the top 100 on either Rivals or Scout and he's 3 star. I think you are overvalueing him some. He's definitely a solid player but not the MCDAA type you are hyping him to be...just my opinion.
Yeah, I know they are pursuing wings but they just seem to be in on a ton of PG's and a few high profile big men. I just don't think the 6'5-6'6 traditional wing is as big a deal for Self's offense has he likes combo guards so that's why I think the PG's and Bigs are key this year. And I'll be shocked if Grant skyrockets into the top 25 like Lamb. Right now Grant isn't in the top 100 on either Rivals or Scout and he's 3 star. I think you are overvalueing him some. He's definitely a solid player but not the MCDAA type you are hyping him to be...just my opinion.

The development of Releford will determine the ugency in that position, but I do agree with you in the fact that it is not as high a priority as PG. However, Bill hasn't really recruited below the top notch PGs this year. He hasn't offered Pressey or Releford, two top 150 pgs.
The development of Releford will determine the ugency in that position, but I do agree with you in the fact that it is not as high a priority as PG. However, Bill hasn't really recruited below the top notch PGs this year. He hasn't offered Pressey or Releford, two top 150 pgs.

I know he's recruiting Releford just hasn't offered because he's sitting amongst the finalist in 4 of the top 7 PG's in Josh Selby, Joe Jackson, Ray McCallum & Cory Joseph. Plus he's already signed 6'3 combo guard Royce Woolridge who can play both guard spots. Plus he has Taylor, Reed, CJ Henry etc that can all play the point. I think he's swinging for the fences for a top PG...he's got plenty of quality depth there already.
Isn't Eliajh Johnson a top 50 PG from this class a PG or was he a combo guard?
I know I don't. That is why numerous times in this thread I've said "who knows". You don't, I don't most of us don't. I'm just saying 1) why assume OU is not recruiting him...rivals list isn't exactly the end all, be all 2) if Capel isn't I'm sure there is a very logical reason.

I'm just saying the recruiting at OU is on a whole different level these days. Capel knows what he's doing.
You pose some good questions. I don't know. My guess is he's not as good as Coach would like to get in this class and why risk losing Clark or Barnes by bringing in another wing player.

I don't really take sides in disputes, it's not my thing, but I do agree with this statement.

I don't think any of us really have any handle on just who the coaches are in contact with, and would probably be surprised if certain names were to come to light. The fact that Rivals doesn't have OU listed as recruiting him may just mean they don't know exactly where OU stands on him.

Capel is going to go after the best, and I love the mentality he has adopted in recruiting. He is not backing down on the highly rated ballers simply because a UNC, or a Duke, or a Kentucky is recruiting the same kid - he is going toe-to-toe with the big boys and showing that OU has a place in the fight with any other program. But, having said that, recruiting high level kids comes with a different set of rules. To borrow some poker references, sometimes you go all in, and sometimes you hold your chips, except these are riverboat gamblers Coach is dealing with, not rookies.

The best thing to do is wait to make any rash statements about who we are recruiting and who we are not until we have some confirmation either way. And have some damn faith - Coach C knows what he is doing.:ez-laugh:
I don't really take sides in disputes, it's not my thing, but I do agree with this statement.

I don't think any of us really have any handle on just who the coaches are in contact with, and would probably be surprised if certain names were to come to light. The fact that Rivals doesn't have OU listed as recruiting him may just mean they don't know exactly where OU stands on him.

Capel is going to go after the best, and I love the mentality he has adopted in recruiting. He is not backing down on the highly rated ballers simply because a UNC, or a Duke, or a Kentucky is recruiting the same kid - he is going toe-to-toe with the big boys and showing that OU has a place in the fight with any other program. But, having said that, recruiting high level kids comes with a different set of rules. To borrow some poker references, sometimes you go all in, and sometimes you hold your chips, except these are riverboat gamblers Coach is dealing with, not rookies.

The best thing to do is wait to make any rash statements about who we are recruiting and who we are not until we have some confirmation either way. And have some damn faith - Coach C knows what he is doing.:ez-laugh:

Exactly. To take any coach to task on why he's not recruiting someone when we have no idea who he's recruiting is silly.
And lets be honest...Rivals and Scout does a WHOLE lot better job of updating the top guys...I can't really blame them that's who a lot of people want to read about. Grant isn't even a top 100 guy so I'm guessing his stuff isn't as updated as much as a top 25 guy where there is lots of information about. I mean this board really hasn't started talking about Grant until here recently but we've been talking about Pressey for a long time. It's just how the game works.
Exactly. To take any coach to task on why he's not recruiting someone when we have no idea who he's recruiting is silly.
And lets be honest...Rivals and Scout does a WHOLE lot better job of updating the top guys...I can't really blame them that's who a lot of people want to read about. Grant isn't even a top 100 guy so I'm guessing his stuff isn't as updated as much as a top 25 guy where there is lots of information about. I mean this board really hasn't started talking about Grant until here recently but we've been talking about Pressey for a long time. It's just how the game works.

I'd like to have Grant, Releford, Clark, Taylor, and Jones. OU is in good shape with those four and Lamb, Harris, Cobbins and a host of others.