Joke of a "top 25 all-time programs" list

Western Kentucky was #21 but we didn't make the top 25? Huh?
Shouldnt link garbage like that. I'm bummed i gave it a click lol
Any credible list would have OU in the top-25 all-time. It's not just the 5 Final Four appearances, it's the fact 3 of them are in the modern era. Also, for OSU to be ranked ahead of OU would mean a lot of weight was put into NCAA Tournament results during the first half of the 20th century. The problem I have with that is the NCAA Tournament really didn't become prestigious until the 1950s. Prior to that, was it even superior to the NIT, or just a different tournament?
Ahh you gotta love the all time program **** measuring contests. Regarding OSU, you need to be careful because even though OU owns the all time head to head, that doesn't necessarily mean that OU has the better tradition. And, you can't just go off the time period that most benefits you. In football, Texas has the head to head on OU but OU is a much better more accomplished football program all time by most any measured criteria.

Unless it's a true basketball blue blood, criteria can be finagled to make one program stand out among others if it's otherwise close. For instance, here's an NCAA one that has OU well ahead of OSU:

I agree with WaymanFan and everyone else and I believe OU is probably 20-25 all time, easily, just on initial eye test. I just think alot of these outlets do these to get fan bases riled up, and it works!
oswho has had eight coaches who finished with winning records and 11 who finished with losing records (another coach ended up at .500 or one game over, it's not clear).

OU has had 11 coaches who compiled winning records and just two with losing records.