Jordan Hamilton

Hamilton does like to put it up, thinks he is Kevin Durant right now.

For as bad as he looks, Texas needs him to hit outside shots are they aren't going to win any games comes March. Hamilton will have a lengthy NBA career once he figures it out...just watch.
I would not want this guy on my team, talent or not...

I would but he needs a stronger coach. He needs a coach that says Jordan you get minutes but the first bad shot you take means you sit for the rest of the half. Go out there and help the team without scoring. That is what freshman need to do. Don't worry about points, rather play defense, get lose balls, rebound, block shots, set good screens, block out do all the little things and then the points will just start coming.
Dowell will be the one getting chopped not Gulley. The loss of Penn is a pretty serious blow.

Oh and Jordan Hamilton couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat. Unless that water is Stillwater. That game should have been ours.