Excellent analysis, NC.
I also am puzzled as to how we can play so badly once or twice a year against far, far inferior teams. It is without any doubt the thing I find most disappointing in our teams. And I think it costs us lots of fans. It simply should not be happening except on the rarest of occasions.
I do have a thought on one point you made. I believe we are so successful on the out of bounds plays because it is something the coaches can teach - as a method. And they are as good at teaching particular skill sets as any staff around. The fact is, our players are generally not great athletically. Now that does not mean they are below average, just not the types (generally) that are top notch athletics. So the other parts of the game leave us sometimes dependent on certain skills our players are pretty good at - but not excellent at.
Plus, we have depended on the 4 guard offense so much (perhaps due to who we can seem to recruit). And the fact is, that does not consistently work against the very top, athletic teams.
I think the real issue is that our state is small - and very few tall (6-3 to 6-4) athletic girls are produced. So we are left recruiting shorter, guard type players, or tall athletic girls from across the country. If you pay attention, many, many girls stay in their home state, Not all, but most. It is a clear disadvantage.
We can wish it wasn't true. We can claim it isn't true. Some of us can even believe it isn't true.
But the fact is: It Is True.