Let's Play GM...


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Mar 5, 2009
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Your the GM of the Thunder and you get to make both picks. #3 and #25.

Blake gets selected by Clippers
Rubio gets selected by Memphis
Who do you take at #3?

Who would you want at #25?

You can also make trades that make sense.
I would take Harden over Thabeet at 3 then at 25 take the best available of Ellington/Budinger/Terrance Williams.
Your the GM of the Thunder and you get to make both picks. #3 and #25.

Blake gets selected by Clippers
Rubio gets selected by Memphis
Who do you take at #3?

Who would you want at #25?

You can also make trades that make sense.

I take Demar Derozan at #3, to solidify the Thunder backcourt (Westbrook, Derozan, Durant) for years to come. And then I take Omri Casspi out of Israel at #25 for offense and athletic ability in the front-court.

Casspi is an athlete, very tough, and skilled at 6'8'' 225. He is in the mold of Hedo Turkoglu, but is a better athlete and can put the ball on the floor better. You won't find a better talent at #25, and he could be there.


I'd probably look to trade down a bit. Maybe move up from the 2nd pick, or get a veteran bench guy that they like. I think anybody that would/could help them, will still be there a few picks lower.
I would take Thabeet at 3, and try to find a backup PG at 25. If Jeff Teague, Patrick Mills, or Jrue Holiday is available I would take one of them.

I think Thabeet's size is tough to pass up. The Thunder went after Tyson Chandler and Thabeet can be a similar player at half of the cost.
I would take Thabeet at 3, and try to find a backup PG at 25. If Jeff Teague, Patrick Mills, or Jrue Holiday is available I would take one of them.

I think Thabeet's size is tough to pass up. The Thunder went after Tyson Chandler and Thabeet can be a similar player at half of the cost.

You are probably right, but I am not a big fan of starting Sefalosha, Kyle Weaver, or Shaun Livingston in the back court next to Durant and Westbrook...

In 2 years they would be better off with:

PG: Russell Westbrook
SG: Demar Derozan
SF: Kevin Durant
PF: Jeff Green
C: Nenad Kristic

They need a backup point guard in the worst way... Maybe instead of taking Casspi they should try and get Ty Lawson, Eric Maynor, Jrue Holiday, Toney Douglas, or Jermaine Taylor at #25... Almost all of those guys should be available at 25. I would go Lawson or Maynor if they are there, and then Douglas and Taylor after that to play backup point guard.

Either way, I would take Derozan at #3.
Presti is known for his talent evaluation (Tony Parker, Manu, Jeff Green at 5, Westbrook at 4).

I trust they will make a solid selection and wouldn't be surprised if it's different than predicted.
I think it is obvious the Thunder need a 2 and a 5. I have no idea which way they will go, but to me a defensive minded 5 who is 7'3'' fits perfectly with Durant and Green who are more offensive minded. I also think it is easier to find a 2 than a 5 in free agency. I do like Derozan and Harden they are both in 6'6'' range and seem like good fits for the NBA game, but I would go with Thabeet.
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I think we need shooters or scorers off the bench. Without Durant and Green on the court the offense was very stagnant. They need one scorer off the bench. Casspi would be a good pick up at #25.

I can't wait for Serge Ibaka to come over. That kid is legit. He might be the most athletic player in Africa. Once he learns how to play, look out. He will take over for Kristic whenever he comes over. He is 6-10 and can block shots and play defense as well as run the court.
I am different than most. I like Westbrook at the 2. So I would probably trade down and take a point guard, Johnny Flynn perhaps. At 25 I would take the best available big and at that point it may be a very solid player in Casspi.
They need a backup point guard in the worst way... Maybe instead of taking Casspi they should try and get Ty Lawson, Eric Maynor, Jrue Holiday, Toney Douglas, or Jermaine Taylor at #25... Almost all of those guys should be available at 25. I would go Lawson or Maynor if they are there, and then Douglas and Taylor after that to play backup point guard.

Either way, I would take Derozan at #3.
There is no way that Holiday or Maynor fall to #25, and Lawson will probably be gone before then.

Although DeRozan is a very intriguing talent, I think he is a terrible fit for the Thunder, and he isn't overwhelmingly more talented than everyone else on the board that you simply can't pass on him. The Thunder need a guard, either a PG or a SG, who complements Westbrook. With Westbrook in the backcourt, you want your other guard to be someone who is an effective outside shooter and/or a good ballhandler. With a Westbrook/DeRozan backcourt, the Thunder would have an unbelievably athletic tandem that brings a lot to the table, but they would also have two poor ballhandlers who lack 3-point range. DeRozan could also play SF, but the Thunder obviously have Durant there already. As much as I love DeRozan's potential, I don't think he fits in with the Thunder's other pieces.
There is no way that Holiday or Maynor fall to #25, and Lawson will probably be gone before then.

Although DeRozan is a very intriguing talent, I think he is a terrible fit for the Thunder, and he isn't overwhelmingly more talented than everyone else on the board that you simply can't pass on him. The Thunder need a guard, either a PG or a SG, who complements Westbrook. With Westbrook in the backcourt, you want your other guard to be someone who is an effective outside shooter and/or a good ballhandler. With a Westbrook/DeRozan backcourt, the Thunder would have an unbelievably athletic tandem that brings a lot to the table, but they would also have two poor ballhandlers who lack 3-point range. DeRozan could also play SF, but the Thunder obviously have Durant there already. As much as I love DeRozan's potential, I don't think he fits in with the Thunder's other pieces.

I know he isn't a great shooter (yet), but why do I find myself hoping it winds up being Jrue Holliday? It just seems like he and Westbrook would be like yin and yang in the backcourt...
After further thought, I decided that if I were the GM I would go back to my original decision at DeRozan at 3 and Casspi at 25. You add two guys who will probably develop into really good NBA players with those picks. Casspi could be like Nocioni or Turkoglu (who he is compared to do), and Derozan has the potential to be a really good shooting guard at 6'6''.
I know he isn't a great shooter (yet), but why do I find myself hoping it winds up being Jrue Holliday? It just seems like he and Westbrook would be like yin and yang in the backcourt...
I don't know if you saw Gottlieb's mock draft (of what should happen, not what will happen), but he had the Thunder taking Holliday at #3. Holliday is definitely a Presti player.
Harden at #3. He reminds me so much of Manu Ginobli its not even funny. Can drive and shoot. Gives the Thunder much needed offense. At 25, it will probably be a foreign player knowing Presti's track record. I do love Patty Mills though especially after his performance in the Olympics this past summer. He showed he can play in the big leagues. You need to get rid of Watson which is not a big loss.
I don't know if you saw Gottlieb's mock draft (of what should happen, not what will happen), but he had the Thunder taking Holliday at #3. Holliday is definitely a Presti player.

Wow...3 sounds high, even with all the buzz he is getting. People are going to compare him to Westbrook, but I think he is vastly different. He is a lot longer, probably a better defender, less athletic but a natural point guard. I always wonder about how guys who like the ball wind up playing together, but it just seems like a good fit.

If Curry were athletic or ever had a chance of being a good defender, he really would be the perfect player to fit with RW (assuming he isn't a colossal bust).
Memphis is going to take Thabeet at #2.

So, does that mean you take Rubio at #3, or trade down? Chad Ford at ESPN says OKC is looking to trade down, possibly to Washington at #5, who desperately want Thabeet or Rubio.

He then says, OKC will select Harden at #5 and get 2008 1st round pick Javale Mcgee from the Wizards. McGee is basically a shorter Thabeet, but obviously not good enough for the Wizards to want to keep him.

Unfortunately, the Thunder need a shooter and a big man who can score and rebound, outside of Blake, this draft doesn't really provide a for sure option either way.
Memphis is going to take Thabeet at #2.

So, does that mean you take Rubio at #3, or trade down? Chad Ford at ESPN says OKC is looking to trade down, possibly to Washington at #5, who desperately want Thabeet or Rubio.

He then says, OKC will select Harden at #5 and get 2008 1st round pick Javale Mcgee from the Wizards. McGee is basically a shorter Thabeet, but obviously not good enough for the Wizards to want to keep him.

Unfortunately, the Thunder need a shooter and a big man who can score and rebound, outside of Blake, this draft doesn't really provide a for sure option either way.

The rumor right now is that they have already agreed to that deal, I guess it can't be finalized right now...

If that's the case, you do it and do it now. McGee is a really talented guy that has been horribly underused by the Wiz...

He has a great PER and his per minute numbers are fantastic. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opcT9pVQQpQ"]Here are some highlights...[/ame]
I don't think you make that deal yet.

You have to give the Clippers the chance to be the Clippers. See if there is any way they move the #1. How much in love with Rubio are they? How badly do they want to unload Baron Davis? You've got to give them that chance, if they don't do it, then pull the trigger with the Wizards on draft night.