MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

Has Moser ever had a guard that played for him go to the NBA?
How many has Kelvin put in the NBA?? Kelvin's had many more years at better programs, and how many did he put in the NBA over the years?? Grimes? And he's a bench player who didn't even start his career at Houston. Outside of the last 3 years at OU, PM has coached at smaller programs, where it's much harder to get the type of talent that leads to an NBA career.

We all get it, some of you can't stand PM...but this argument is weak.
I had to chuckle just now seeing confirmation that JM's agent is that Philips guy who was tweeting about him being the "most interesting draft prospect" last summer. There were people citing that dude as a credible source, and the Lusk kid (who has no idea what being an objective "reporter" means) actually went out of his way to praise JM's "team" on Twitter last week for being good people. All of which is to say, much of what passes for intel on the OU basketball beat is just info being fed to reporters in exchange for tweets and articles talking about how "elite" our players are.

Back to Los -- he should immediately sign if offered by Houston. The lazy, sloppy, disinterested play that we saw this season will be immediately fixed by Kelvin, and then we will see what his actual potential is.

Can't wait for Kelvin's reaction the first time he goes airborne on a drive to the basket, only to pass behind him and throw it to an opponent. And at least they won't have to put the cap on the hoop for the bubble drill when he's shooting.

Seriously, if he got down and frustrated with Moser's style of coaching and constant control/badgering, can't see how he responds to Kelvin's coaching. Certainly, Kelvin gets more out of his players than PM seems to be able to do, but the player has to want that coaching style. Los hasn't demonstrated he is that dog that can thrive on it.

Wish him the best though wherever he lands.
How many has Kelvin put in the NBA?? Kelvin's had many more years at better programs, and how many did he put in the NBA over the years?? Grimes? And he's a bench player who didn't even start his career at Houston. Outside of the last 3 years at OU, PM has coached at smaller programs, where it's much harder to get the type of talent that leads to an NBA career.

We all get it, some of you can't stand PM...but this argument is weak.
Sasser, Walker, Grimes, Taz Moore, Daymean Dotson, Armoni Brooks, DeJon Jarreau, Eric Gordon, soon Shead.
Can't wait for Kelvin's reaction the first time he goes airborne on a drive to the basket, only to pass behind him and throw it to an opponent. And at least they won't have to put the cap on the hoop for the bubble drill when he's shooting.

Seriously, if he got down and frustrated with Moser's style of coaching and constant control/badgering, can't see how he responds to Kelvin's coaching. Certainly, Kelvin gets more out of his players than PM seems to be able to do, but the player has to want that coaching style. Los hasn't demonstrated he is that dog that can thrive on it.

Wish him the best though wherever he lands.
Pretty much every player on Sampson's roster has to go through a major adjustment when they transfer in. I think at this point, he has probably gotten pretty good at identifying whether a player will ultimately be a fit. And if he doesn't, he won't play.
How many has Kelvin put in the NBA?? Kelvin's had many more years at better programs, and how many did he put in the NBA over the years?? Grimes? And he's a bench player who didn't even start his career at Houston. Outside of the last 3 years at OU, PM has coached at smaller programs, where it's much harder to get the type of talent that leads to an NBA career.

We all get it, some of you can't stand PM...but this argument is weak.
So none then? I think Kelvin has put quite a few in the NBA.

Also, guys from smaller schools make it to the league. It may be tougher but with good development it can happen.
I had to chuckle just now seeing confirmation that JM's agent is that Philips guy who was tweeting about him being the "most interesting draft prospect" last summer. There were people citing that dude as a credible source, and the Lusk kid (who has no idea what being an objective "reporter" means) actually went out of his way to praise JM's "team" on Twitter last week for being good people. All of which is to say, much of what passes for intel on the OU basketball beat is just info being fed to reporters in exchange for tweets and articles talking about how "elite" our players are.

couldn’t agree more with this part of your post.

The part about Kelvin is a bit of revisionist history. Kelvin ran off many high end talents who didn’t see eye to eye with him during his time at ou. If I was betting, I would bet against uzan being a fit with Kelvin.

Drew lavender, Deangelo Alexander, Ryan Humphrey, Lawrence McKenzie, Blake Johnston, Brandon Foust, Alex Spaulding,and the list goes on.
Back to Los -- he should immediately sign if offered by Houston. The lazy, sloppy, disinterested play that we saw this season will be immediately fixed by Kelvin, and then we will see what his actual potential is.
I agree Kelvin has shown he can draw more out of a player than Porter has done. But you're assuming that lazy, sloppy, disinterested play was Moser's fault.

If that play and attitude are due to Uzan- how can you be sure Kelvin can fix it? Moser couldn't and Los hasn't shown he can handle badgering/control type of coaching, and we all know Kelvin is more stick than carrot when compared to Moser. Unless something changes inside Uzan, he'll be in the doghouse more than he thrives at Houston.

No doubt Kelvin can make him a better player than he is now- but he has to want it AND accept the "coaching" Kelvin will give him. I'm not sure he's the type that will.
couldn’t agree more with this part of your post.

The part about Kelvin is a bit of revisionist history. Kelvin ran off many high end talents who didn’t see eye to eye with him during his time at ou. If I was betting, I would bet against uzan being a fit with Kelvin.

Drew lavender, Deangelo Alexander, Ryan Humphrey, Lawrence McKenzie, Blake Johnston, Brandon Foust, and the list goes on.
I don't know that I would call all those guys high end, but I see your point. But those were many years ago and he has lost almost no one to the portal at Houston. He may have adjusted somewhat, but I also think he has been doing it so well for so long that any player who signs there now is well aware that he is demanding and won't compromise on certain things. Maybe he will decide Los isn't a fit, or maybe they will offer someone better. But if he does go there -- he will learn very quickly that some of the careless play has to stop if he wants to see the floor.
I agree Kelvin has shown he can draw more out of a player than Porter has done. But you're assuming that lazy, sloppy, disinterested play was Moser's fault.

If that play and attitude are due to Uzan- how can you be sure Kelvin can fix it? Moser couldn't and Los hasn't shown he can handle badgering/control type of coaching, and we all know Kelvin is more stick than carrot when compared to Moser. Unless something changes inside Uzan, he'll be in the doghouse more than he thrives at Houston.

No doubt Kelvin can make him a better player than he is now- but he has to want it AND accept the "coaching" Kelvin will give him. I'm not sure he's the type that will.
I can't be 100 percent sure, but I can be sure that he will find himself glued to the bench if it doesn't improve. Los was going to play 30 mpg for OU no matter what. I can't think of any Sampson PGs who are careless or lackadaisical -- if he has any, they are sitting on the pine.
I can't be 100 percent sure, but I can be sure that he will find himself glued to the bench if it doesn't improve. Los was going to play 30 mpg for OU no matter what. I can't think of any Sampson PGs who are careless or lackadaisical -- if he has any, they are sitting on the pine.
Pretty much agree with that.

Just disagree with the premise stated on this board in the last couple of pages that Los should go to Houston to become the player we all thought he could be because he can't do that at OU with Moser. Go to Houston and he'll develop and star; or stay at OU and be the same as he can't get any better at OU with PM.

Yes, he can. It's up to Los. Not saying PM is a better development coach than Kelvin- as he hasn't shown he is. Kelvin is a better coach. But if Uzan changes who HE is, he can excel at Houston OR OU. The problem at OU is PM had no choice but to play Los unless we wanted Maks as our starting PG most of the year. Maybe the incentive wasn't there.

And knowing Kelvin, unless he does choose to change internally with his attitude and effort, I say the odds are greater he'll be on the bench more than the starting lineup.
couldn’t agree more with this part of your post.

The part about Kelvin is a bit of revisionist history. Kelvin ran off many high end talents who didn’t see eye to eye with him during his time at ou. If I was betting, I would bet against uzan being a fit with Kelvin.

Drew lavender, Deangelo Alexander, Ryan Humphrey, Lawrence McKenzie, Blake Johnston, Brandon Foust, Alex Spaulding,and the list goes on.

Alexander left because he was going to be ineligible for the next semester b/c he got caught cheating.
Hump left because he thought he was the next Scottie Pippen.
In no world was Spaulding anything close to a high end talent. Same goes for Blake Johnston.

So you have Lavender, McKenzie, and Foust, who I think were all in the same class.
couldn’t agree more with this part of your post.

The part about Kelvin is a bit of revisionist history. Kelvin ran off many high end talents who didn’t see eye to eye with him during his time at ou. If I was betting, I would bet against uzan being a fit with Kelvin.

Drew lavender, Deangelo Alexander, Ryan Humphrey, Lawrence McKenzie, Blake Johnston, Brandon Foust, Alex Spaulding,and the list goes on.
Deangelo still hurting us. Cost us Trey not once but twice.
Deangelo still hurting us. Cost us Trey not once but twice.
Yeah, maybe DeAngelo is still hurt toward OU and Kelvin not backing him and supporting him at the time and still lets his grudge be known to the family in how he talks about OU and the environment.

If what went down was true, OU had no choice, and Kelvin and the athletic department couldn't do anything. If true, plagiarism is the one rule that is not negotiable in college.

And I agree that probably had a factor somewhere in the evaluation in Trey's choice, and will again. Maybe not THE factor, but somewhere in the mindset about OU.