OU fans after last year's Portal - "Porter is doing things in HS recruiting that we haven't done in decades, and this Portal class is great. JM has an NBA game, as does Uzan. Hugely was great when healthy in Pittsburgh. Blah, blah, blah....."
OU fans after another disappointing season - "Do you really think Porter wanted those players? Yuck. Can't win with guys like that. Nobody could. FIRE JOE C!!!!!"
So annoying.
Edit: When your NIL game isn't great, you can't need to replace nearly 50% of your roster every year. JM was a top 10 Portal guy. Moore and Soares played better than any of us could have expected. Moser just isn't good at building a team and getting them to play good, consistent basketball. That likely isn't a recruiting issue, unless the point you are making is that Moser needs elite talent to build a good team.