MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

What difference does it make to you that some fans lean toward being (in your eyes) overly optimistic? A remarkably high percentage of your posts comprise the airing of grievances regarding fans whose expectations and hopes were too high. It's such an odd thing to obsess over. And now you're airing those grievances proactively, many months in advance. A simple "I told you guys he was overrated" when the time comes should suffice, one would think, but apparently not.
I don't give a crap if people are optimistic. I'm not the one saying certain people should stop posting. I DO give a crap when people lie about their posts by hyping, hyping, hyping all offseason, then spinning the "woe is us, we just can't compete because our roster isn't any good" story after another failed season.
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Nonsense. Yes, we lack talent but we have enough talent that we should’ve made the tourney. NIL isn’t the reason we missed for the 3rd year in a row. It’s not the reason we lost to tech, UCF, or Houston at home, or TCU in the Big12 tourney. Any one of those wins leaves no doubt we’re in. We lost those games because porter moser is a mid major coach that doesn’t know how to win at this level.

We need more talent but that doesn’t excuse the coaching failures that have happened under moser. We can’t blame everything on NIL. That’s just lazy and incorrect.
And outside that UCF game, especially those games you mentioned, did they not have a better team with more talent? So of our other 11 losses, who did we have more talent and we were the better team?

Usually, it would be considered the coach's fault if a team consistently loses games they are supposed to win, against teams they have the talent edge. But that wasn't the case.

I agree. We should have made the tournament. And Moser bears some of the blame for not overcoming issues, or "coaching up". Win one of those games you mentioned and we are probably in the NCAA. But it was Moser's fault we shot 15-24 against TTU, or Los missed a layup with 15 seconds? Or Darthard or Moore didn't pickup or dive on a loose ball against Houston? Sure, Moser needs to coach them up, but the players have to make the plays.

Of course, I'm sure there will be replies on how that was Moser's fault for not getting better players or benching those who can't get it done.

The point is, OU's issues aren't just isolated to coaching. They aren't just isolated to NIL. Get a better coach, Scott Drew for example, and without the support of the admin, donors, and NIL, he can't get the talent needed to coach up. Get into the tourney but can't get out of the first weekend. On the other hand, get more NIL and have a terrible coach and we are in the same place- talented enough to win games, but not a well-coached team and can't get out of the first weekend. So, yes, NIL is a HUGE factor.

That's what some of us have been yelling from the rooftops. It's. Not. Just. Moser.

Unless your goal is just getting into the tournament, which we were one game away from two of the last three years, changing a coach won't solve the problem of not competing better in the portal, not getting a Sweet 16 type roster, not getting admin behind the program, an arena, more donor and fan engagement etc. And if you don't solve all those problems collectively, a better coach won't come or he won't stay. A really good coach will demand all of those, or be gone.

That is the sad dilemma OU basketball is in right now. To be okay/good or be great. And, so far, it appears the admin has made their choice.
Well, they couldn’t recruit a PG to play the second half. Kelvin has known for several weeks that Shead was leaving, so he is prepared for this. Just like they were prepared for the new conference.
My argument is no matter who the PG is, it won't be Shead. I don't think anyone on here would trade Shead for Uzan so if that's how it ends up, it'll be interesting to see how Uzan/Houston ends up next season.
I actually agree with you here. The Forsythe hype is total out of control. I'd love to be wrong, but he gives me some Bijan vibes.

Am I missing something? Somebody mentioned that they expect him to play, which doesn't seem that absurd. Why else would we sign him? I haven't seen anybody projecting him as a star player.
meh. Its a little of everything. It isn't one thing.
This is true. It’s not one thing, it’s everything. At this point, it’s a dumb argument to say it’s either/Or. Moser is at fault. The players are at fault. The admin is at fault. The donors are at fault. It’s everyone’s fault that we suck.

It’s coaching, NIL, and leadership that is failing.
This is an example of why I said Belzer is/was clueless.

Wade Taylor is a guy who's not in the portal but might leave A&M. Why? He wants $1M ish. That could be who Goodman is talking about.

Johnell Davis, in the portal from FAU, is supposedly asking for the same ballpark figure.

Dickinson from KU is getting similar already.

Belzer said the average power 5 program is at $750K. That just doesn't match the reality, it seems.

According to rumors/sources, OU was near the bottom of the B12 NIL standings last year (around $1M budget). You could say 7-9 teams in the league had $1M+ (teams above OU).
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I DO give a crap when people lie about their posts by hyping, hyping, hyping all offseason

There was very little hype last offseason, and there is absolutely none this offseason. Yes, there were a couple positive posts about a few players, which is okay to do from time to time on your teams message board. The hype didn't come until we got off to a great start and were ranked #7 in the country. Do you think the AP poll voters read this message board? It's the only reasonable explanation, as it was apparently obvious to every rational person that there was nothing to get excited about. Your omniscience is likely why you didn't post during that time period -- pure coincidence that you started posting immediately after our first signs of struggling.

We actually bumped a thread recently about our preseason expectations, which was actually very accurate. For some reason you mocked the posters on this board and now you're pretending we had unrealistic expectations going into the year. If the predictions for our win total were pretty accurate, where is the overhyping?

What I'm excited for is to see you criticize all of our transfer targets (unless you think they're getting away like Hugley). Then when guys like Soares or Moore have career years, you can transition to all the reasons why we're wasting them or going to lose them in the portal. All while telling us that nobody ever develops under our coaching staff.
There was very little hype last offseason, and there is absolutely none this offseason. Yes, there were a couple positive posts about a few players, which is okay to do from time to time on your teams message board. The hype didn't come until we got off to a great start and were ranked #7 in the country. Do you think the AP poll voters read this message board? It's the only reasonable explanation, as it was apparently obvious to every rational person that there was nothing to get excited about. Your omniscience is likely why you didn't post during that time period -- pure coincidence that you started posting immediately after our first signs of struggling.

We actually bumped a thread recently about our preseason expectations, which was actually very accurate. For some reason you mocked the posters on this board and now you're pretending we had unrealistic expectations going into the year. If the predictions for our win total were pretty accurate, where is the overhyping?

What I'm excited for is to see you criticize all of our transfer targets (unless you think they're getting away like Hugley). Then when guys like Soares or Moore have career years, you can transition to all the reasons why we're wasting them or going to lose them in the portal. All while telling us that nobody ever develops under our coaching staff.
So people didn't enter last season saying Los could be drafted after the season? Talking about how much faster and more athletic we would play? Expecting Hugley to start? Pumped to see Cooper and projecting him as a rotation guy? And were people not over the moon after seeing JM for a few weeks?

You can keep bitching about me all you want. And it's funny you bring up Soares and Moore. I have posted about 20 times that I was wrong about them. I don't pretend like I didn't get that wrong or try to spin my previous posts. I was off by a million miles on them. They were great. The fact they gave us so much more than expected makes it even more frustrating that the rest of the team was so bad. If we get competent play from any of the Los, Oweh, and JM trio during the final two months of the season, we make the field easily.

And since you like to pretend that I stopped posting because we were winning, let there be no confusion -- my prediction is that we won't make the tourney next year, no matter how excited people get after reading Lusk and Bob P tweet that Luke made 90 threes in a closed scrimmage and that Forsythe is going to surprise people.
But NIL/arena is the toughest to control. So that is why I worry about the other stuff. Again, when we have a coach that is getting 95% out of the roster he has, and we're failing, I'll jump on the "NIL is to blame train". Until then, I just want a coach that can max out the talent we're able to get. Personally, I think those results would be pretty nice.
Please let us know what percentage we got out of our roster this year
The ignore function has tremendously improved my viewing experience on this forum the last week. Not being able to see the posts, even when quoted by other posters, has been a pleasant surprise as well.

I recommend it for the vast majority of you to ignore the usual 2-3 suspects.
I finally did this today...
The big reason I've wanted Overton, aside from the fact that he's been successful at the D1 level already, is that he's only going to be a Sophomore this upcoming season. We need to bring guys in that have a chance to be here for multiple years. Bringing in a senior is almost the same as bringing in a guy that jumps back into the portal the next season as far as continuity goes. A guy like Overton offers the possibility of stability which is something our roster sorely needs (on top of a general talent upgrade)
Idk if it matters anymore tho.. Theyre prolly just as likely to enter the portal every year as anyone else. Honestly, i kind of think the "last chance" SR teams may be the way to go for a program like OU that is in dire straits..

There are some kids that are just dying to play on power D1 teams. To try to make the tourney. Not necessarily looking for huge paydays, but a chance to go off and get endorsements and/or throw a hail mary up to going pro or better offers in Europe. I think my bias would be for those SRs that have 1 last chance
Idk if it matters anymore tho.. Theyre prolly just as likely to enter the portal every year as anyone else. Honestly, i kind of think the "last chance" SR teams may be the way to go for a program like OU that is in dire straits..

There are some kids that are just dying to play on power D1 teams. To try to make the tourney. Not necessarily looking for huge paydays, but a chance to go off and get endorsements and/or throw a hail mary up to going pro or better offers in Europe. I think my bias would be for those SRs that have 1 last chance
Fair enough, and I can appreciate this viewpoint. However, I still think grabbing some guys that can offer potential roster stability - especially when they're from OK and are thus much more likely to stick around - would be beneficial. Wasn't trying to imply we shouldn't be going for some of those "last chance" SRs, just saying that we should also try to include some younger guys when possible as well.

I believe TEvans has pointed out somewhere that the roster turnover for teams similar to us has not been as bad as what we've experienced to this point. Transferring in CBB is here to stay, but the amount that OU has seen in particular should be able to be reduced a bit. If Porter wants stability in the program, he needs to find ways of keeping more guys year over year.