MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

And you don't have to take personally (which you certainly seem to do) every post that doesn't match your worldview. You don't just disagree, which of course you're entitled to do; you whine and complain for months because a small handful of fans express an opinion (or in this case merely respond to a media report) you consider unfounded. Honestly, the Los-to-the-pros conversation was a minuscule blip on this board, and here you are, still going on about it as if someone had defamed you personally. It's truly a head-scratcher.
I'm not the one taking things personally. I never try to stop people from posting. I don't block people I disagree with. I don't call them mentally unstable. I don't question whether they are a "real fan." I question the basketball IQ of certain posters who are irrationally excited about every player we sign, but again, the only I truly dislike is the hypocritical nature of those who refuse to admit how inconsistent their opinions are in an effort to shift the blame from CW Moser.
Why is every argument about "NIL" comparing us to top 15 schools? That isn't what those of us complaining our asking for. I get it, we don't have the resources in place to "buy" a top 15 roster. That isn't what I'm complaining about. What I'm complaining about is that I feel like we have the resources, and heck, even the talent on campus, to be a top 30ish team. And yet, per Ken Pom, we've finished top 30 by his rankings exactly ONE time, and oddly enough, that was his first season with OU. Only downhill since then.

Somebody should figure out where our "roster talent" ranks using the latest recruiting rankings (ie, using transfer ratings for transfers). No way OU is outside the top 30-35. It's hard because transfers don't have numeric rankings, only star ratings, so that is probably what has to be used. I thought 247 had a page that ranked rosters by recruiting rankings, but I can't find it.
I think using recruiting or transfer ratings to try and gauge the talent level of teams is not necessarily a very accurate way to do that. I think looking at individual player statistics and team statistics at the end of a season might be the more accurate approach, but I admit it is a very daunting task to do.
It actually is pretty easy. Use recruiting rankings. I wish Portal kids came with the numeric rating, but they don't, so stars is all we have. Isn't perfect, but it'll get you close.
OU was 16th in 2023 and 9th in 2022 in terms of average HS prospect ranking. In the country. They (247) also had us as the 13th and 14th ranked Portal classes.

But yes, please, continue telling me that OU is void of talent.
I think using recruiting or transfer ratings to try and gauge the talent level of teams is not necessarily a very accurate way to do that. I think looking at individual player statistics and team statistics at the end of a season might be the more accurate approach, but I admit it is a very daunting task to do.
No. Player stats are greatly impacted by coaching and other factors.

The teams that recruit the best are typically towards the top of the standings and winning championships. We aren't going to ignore recruiting rankings just because you don't want to admit that our coach stinks.
Where did I say ANYWHERE in my post, or anywhere on this board, about the need for our NIL to be in the top 15?

Top 15 teams get AA type transfers. That would be nice, but not expected. But the NIL should be at least competitive to get All-Conference talent.

If what most experts say where we ranked in NIL was about 8-10 in the Big XII (far below the top 15 in the country, then guess what, we finished where our talent and NIL took us- in the #8-10 spot. Yet we expected our coach to be in the top 1/2 of the league with a budget/support from the bottom quartile. So maybe he did coach well.

We only lost to one "inferior" opponent- UCF- in the NET rankings but beat Cincy twice, beat ISU, and beat BYU. And arguably, beat some teams with more talent (NIL budgets) that underperformed on the floor this season. Yeah, maybe we could have beat TTU, beat Texas, beat TCU, beat KU at home, or could have beat Houston if Moser pulled different strings, or a better coach was on the sideline. But no one can objectively look at any of those squads and say that our talent was better than theirs. And, BTW, those schools step it up more in NIL and support than the OU admin and donors do right now.

If you believe OU has a top 25-30 roster, I don't know what to tell you because in the college basketball I watched this past year, it is easy to pick 25 teams more talented than OU was. Tell me one top-25 team that started someone equivalent to Sam Godwin at the 5. And besides, better recruiting rankings don't always equal better teams. If so, Texas would have won multiple NCs in football in the last 20 years, A&M wouldn't have fired Jimbo and Shaka Smart would still be in Austin. Our roster was not top 25 comparably.

Again, simply stating in another way, as many others have, PM is not the sole reason we are in this predicament. IDC who the other top coach OU could get, he won't rescue us out of the situation either. It's a combination of admin support, NIL, facilities, fan and donor apathy, AND coaching that has made us miss the tournament three years in a row. Not just PM. Maybe a better coach could've gotten us into the NCAA, but without the other needed items we would have been bounced the first weekend. Getting back to the tourney is a goal, but that shouldn't be THE goal. Winning games in March, or into April, should be. And we need more than a new HC to do that.

And until we get it ALL fixed, or move in that direction, harping on a change in coach without other support, will only get another mediocre coach or a good one that leaves.
I really like the clear thinking and writing in virtually all of your posts. You add so much to this board. Thanks.
I was someone who thought (still do) that uzan had multiple NBA traits. I mentioned it during his freshmen year. Some draft networks noticed as well. I didn’t expect him to regress so significantly at shooting as a sophomore, but he isn’t the first player to have a sophomore slump. I honestly think he will figure that out and look much better down the road. He wouldn’t be the first player to overcome a soph slump either.
OU was 16th in 2023 and 9th in 2022 in terms of average HS prospect ranking. In the country. They (247) also had us as the 13th and 14th ranked Portal classes.

But yes, please, continue telling me that OU is void of talent.
That is a flawed way of viewing roster talent. It shows you the avg level of signed players that class. But doesn't show you your team's level.

For example, if you signed 1 5 star you would be a top recruiting class per average ranking. It also doesn't take into account who portals out

A better way of evaluating using rankings is to take our entire team, and take the average ranking of the entire team and then compare that to everyone else
That is a flawed way of viewing roster talent. It shows you the avg level of signed players that class. But doesn't show you your team's level.

For example, if you signed 1 5 star you would be a top recruiting class per average ranking.

A better way of evaluating using rankings is to take our entire team, and take the average ranking of the entire team and then compare that to everyone else
I don't think what I presented is all that flawed. Less flawed then traditional class ranking which is impacted as much by quantity as quality.

But I agree, looking at the entire roster, or the top 10 spots, is a better way of doing it. I don't have time to put that together on a large scale. I thought the 247 site had that done somewhere, but I cannot locate it.
There was enough talent that plenty of coaches could have taken this team to the tournament. I don't think any could have taken this team to the Sweet 16 without an upgrade at the 5 spot.
Agreed, I said before the season that it was going to be very difficult to win without an upgrade at the 5. Now it looks like to get a good 5 you have to shell out close to 7 figures. In that climate it's going to be very difficult for us.
I don't think what I presented is all that flawed. Less flawed then traditional class ranking which is impacted as much by quantity as quality.

But I agree, looking at the entire roster, or the top 10 spots, is a better way of doing it. I don't have time to put that together on a large scale. I thought the 247 site had that done somewhere, but I cannot locate it.
I lied earlier. It looks like 247 does assign a player rating (other than stars) to Portal players.
It is pretty crazy how far people will go to defend Moser. Wow, we won two whole games against ranked opponents. UCF did too. Oh, and we got run out of the gym by UCF. They act like OU basketball has never had success and that we should just be okay with missing the tournament and a complete rebuild in year three. We don’t have to be a holes about it but no OU basketball fan should be even remotely content right now. We don’t need to personally attack the guy but I just don’t know how anyone can really defend his tenure at OU.

NorthCarolinaSooner says it could be worse. The reality is the only way it could be worse is if there was a major scandal. It can’t get much worse from here. We have a coach who has made history by missing the tournament three years in a row and as of now, not a single core piece of last year’s team is certain to return.
Where you just born recently? Your claim that it is nearly impossible to have a worse situation is either incredibly naive or even borderline stupid. No one guarantees every team that they are entitled to make the big dance at least once in every x years. You need to get a grip or reality. We are not nearly as bad as you insinuate.
Where you just born recently? Your claim that it is nearly impossible to have a worse situation is either incredibly naive or even borderline stupid. No one guarantees every team that they are entitled to make the big dance at least once in every x years. You need to get a grip or reality. We are not nearly as bad as you insinuate.
Wow you about had an aneurysm saying I "insulted" a player and/or coach for a pretty mild criticism and here you are basically calling someone stupid.
Wow you about had an aneurysm saying I "insulted" a player and/or coach for a pretty mild criticism and here you are basically calling someone stupid.
well, if someone really doesn't think being a top 50 team can't get any worse....

I don't know Boom Soon but he seems to just pick up the talking points of the 3 amigos (WS, WT, & you) and just runs with it
Why not just have no coach and fund our NIL with moser's salary every year..
It might work except (1) you would need someone to call the timeouts and complain to the refs if they make a bad call since we don't want our players to get hit with a technical. It is likely we wouldn't be able to find a volunteer to do the job since we have so many vocal critics of anything the program tries to do. (2) Nil money can't come from the University. It has to come from outside sources.
Agreed, I said before the season that it was going to be very difficult to win without an upgrade at the 5. Now it looks like to get a good 5 you have to shell out close to 7 figures. In that climate it's going to be very difficult for us.

Totally agree that ou (in its current state) will never be able to haul top portal big men consistently.

I agree with @WTSooner that there are plenty of 6-8 junkyard dogs that can rebound and play defense that would serve us better than a project 6-11 guy.
I'm not the one taking things personally. I never try to stop people from posting. I don't block people I disagree with. I don't call them mentally unstable. I don't question whether they are a "real fan." I question the basketball IQ of certain posters who are irrationally excited about every player we sign, but again, the only I truly dislike is the hypocritical nature of those who refuse to admit how inconsistent their opinions are in an effort to shift the blame from CW Moser.
I hereby offer a blanket acknowledgement that some of the opinions I have posted in the past were misguided and it's entirely possible that I forgot in some instances to circle back and publicly admit that they were wrong. I deeply regret this oversight and have now created a spreadsheet in which I will enter every opinion I ever post on this board, accompanied by the date and time, so that I will have a resource that allows me to disavow all future unfounded posts once they have been proven wrongheaded.

Further, I encourage all other participants on this board (you lurkers are off the hook) to follow my lead. It's the least we can do to bring WS some peace and closure.
Sky, you don't have to reflexively defend every inaccurate fan take because "that's what fans do." Feel free to keep doing so, but I prefer fans who can objectively view players and not overrate all our guys. But I do enjoy the annual threads about our depth and how it will be so tough to narrow our rotation to 9 guys because we have so many dudes who can really contribute.
Like we give a hoot about what you prefer. Maybe instead of giving directions to others on how to be a more liked poster by Wichita maybe you could try to be a little more positive and truthful in your own postings. I am sure you are going to come back and tell me how stupid I am and that I don't recognize hyperbole or sarcasm. Save your breathe, you have already done that in the past.