MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

Again, cannot engage in a conversation but would rather lob personal attacks.

You, in fact, said you prefer 3 to 2 and one was unlikely to happen. Again, prefer losing to winning- your words, not mine.
"The first one obviously isn't going to happen no matter how much we would all like it, so again, it comes down to the other two...I would prefer scenario 3 to scenario 2"

I'll make it easy since you had a difficult time with the first one- would you rather see OU win, whatever level you choose, and keep PM, or have a losing record and get fired?

And BTW, count me as one who would rather have a NC regardless if it meant it was with a crappy coach and we just lucked into it for one year.
So me saying scenario 1 is not going to happen is the same as me saying I don't want it to happen? So if you buy a lotto ticket tonight but tell someone that you know winning is completely unrealistic, that is the same thing as you saying you want to lose? I mean, sure, I would be happy if CW Moser and his plucky band of low and mid major players go undefeated, don't give up a point all season, and a statue of Moser is built right next to the culture wall while he signs his lifetime extension.

As for as your "easy" question -- he would need to at least win an NCAA tournament game this season (not a play-in game) in order for me to think keeping him is best for the program. Anything short of that, and I would rather endure one bad season that ends his time here and leads to the possibility of a better coach. Like WT said, the best scenario would be if we win but he decides to move on.

Do you think Astros fans wish they had gone, say, 75-87, for several years in the early 2010s rather than bottoming out, collecting top draft picks, and then dominating the sport for 7 years while winning two titles? Pro teams tank all the time. I don't like the strategy in general because most teams (a) aren't smart enough to make it work, and (b) most owners have the money to eliminate the need for doing it. But clearly, there are people in organizations whose goal in life is to win a title. Sometimes, they realize that the best path to do that is to take a step back, not invest in high priced free agents or trade away prospects for rentals. They know it will likely lead to a few more losses in the near term, but help things in the long run.

In college, the players are constantly changing, especially now. So the coach has a massive influence on the long term health of the program. I think there is all kinds of evidence that Moser is not the man for this job. We have all kinds of examples of ADs being too quick to extend a coach based on one good/kind of good season. A lot of times, that backfires and hamstrings the program for years because they can't/won't pay the buyout. I think Joe already was foolish to do that after year one of Moser. So hell no I wouldn't want it to happen again unless things drastically improve.
So me saying scenario 1 is not going to happen is the same as me saying I don't want it to happen? So if you buy a lotto ticket tonight but tell someone that you know winning is completely unrealistic, that is the same thing as you saying you want to lose? I mean, sure, I would be happy if CW Moser and his plucky band of low and mid major players go undefeated, don't give up a point all season, and a statue of Moser is built right next to the culture wall while he signs his lifetime extension.

As for as your "easy" question -- he would need to at least win an NCAA tournament game this season (not a play-in game) in order for me to think keeping him is best for the program. Anything short of that, and I would rather endure one bad season that ends his time here and leads to the possibility of a better coach. Like WT said, the best scenario would be if we win but he decides to move on.

Do you think Astros fans wish they had gone, say, 75-87, for several years in the early 2010s rather than bottoming out, collecting top draft picks, and then dominating the sport for 7 years while winning two titles? Pro teams tank all the time. I don't like the strategy in general because most teams (a) aren't smart enough to make it work, and (b) most owners have the money to eliminate the need for doing it. But clearly, there are people in organizations whose goal in life is to win a title. Sometimes, they realize that the best path to do that is to take a step back, not invest in high priced free agents or trade away prospects for rentals. They know it will likely lead to a few more losses in the near term, but help things in the long run.

In college, the players are constantly changing, especially now. So the coach has a massive influence on the long term health of the program. I think there is all kinds of evidence that Moser is not the man for this job. We have all kinds of examples of ADs being too quick to extend a coach based on one good/kind of good season. A lot of times, that backfires and hamstrings the program for years because they can't/won't pay the buyout. I think Joe already was foolish to do that after year one of Moser. So hell no I wouldn't want it to happen again unless things drastically improve.
It was a hypothetical, and you answered it. You would rather have number three just own it. It’s OK we all knew the answer.
It was a hypothetical, and you answered it. You would rather have number three just own it. It’s OK we all knew the answer.
I am impressed you know what a hypothetical is. And again, I will keep waiting for you or your cronies to quote where I said I would rather have 3 than 1.

As for the coaches, you can keep spinning it however you want. Good programs retain assistants for more than five minutes at a time. I'd challenge you to find a successful power conference program that has had similar turnover to OU the past three years.
I am impressed you know what a hypothetical is. And again, I will keep waiting for you or your cronies to quote where I said I would rather have 3 than 1.

As for the coaches, you can keep spinning it however you want. Good programs retain assistants for more than five minutes at a time. I'd challenge you to find a successful power conference program that has had similar turnover to OU the past three years.
So your expectation is that we don't lose ANY assistant coaches to programs like Kentucky, Duke...OR a HC job?? If that's your expectation, be prepared to be disappointed every time. You are truly something else.
So your expectation is that we don't lose ANY assistant coaches to programs like Kentucky, Duke...OR a HC job?? If that's your expectation, be prepared to be disappointed every time. You are truly something else.
Again, blatantly misrepresenting my post. I didn't say teams don't lose assistants. I said they don't lose them at the rate we have. And as I have said before, any coach (or any person running/managing a business) should recognize before hiring someone if that person is looking to leave quickly or wants to stick around. What good does it do our program to hire a young guy who considers himself on the fast track if you know that guy will likely leave in a year if he gets a better offer?

As for the guy who left for a HC job -- do you not think that a lot of the assistants at Baylor, Kansas, Houston, and just about any top 20 program could easily land a HC job at a low level D-! program? And yet they stay in their current jobs as assistants. That suggests that they are happy at their current job, and also might simply prefer being an assistant at the high major level. Again, these are things that should be factored in before you hire someone, especially when you are a new coach trying to get a foothold. Perhaps the revolving door of assistants helps explain why there has been no consistency from year to year in the type of roster we have or the identity of the program. We seem to be throwing stuff at the wall and hoping something eventually sticks.
So me saying scenario 1 is not going to happen is the same as me saying I don't want it to happen? So if you buy a lotto ticket tonight but tell someone that you know winning is completely unrealistic, that is the same thing as you saying you want to lose? I mean, sure, I would be happy if CW Moser and his plucky band of low and mid major players go undefeated, don't give up a point all season, and a statue of Moser is built right next to the culture wall while he signs his lifetime extension.

As for as your "easy" question -- he would need to at least win an NCAA tournament game this season (not a play-in game) in order for me to think keeping him is best for the program. Anything short of that, and I would rather endure one bad season that ends his time here and leads to the possibility of a better coach. Like WT said, the best scenario would be if we win but he decides to move on.

Do you think Astros fans wish they had gone, say, 75-87, for several years in the early 2010s rather than bottoming out, collecting top draft picks, and then dominating the sport for 7 years while winning two titles? Pro teams tank all the time. I don't like the strategy in general because most teams (a) aren't smart enough to make it work, and (b) most owners have the money to eliminate the need for doing it. But clearly, there are people in organizations whose goal in life is to win a title. Sometimes, they realize that the best path to do that is to take a step back, not invest in high priced free agents or trade away prospects for rentals. They know it will likely lead to a few more losses in the near term, but help things in the long run.

In college, the players are constantly changing, especially now. So the coach has a massive influence on the long term health of the program. I think there is all kinds of evidence that Moser is not the man for this job. We have all kinds of examples of ADs being too quick to extend a coach based on one good/kind of good season. A lot of times, that backfires and hamstrings the program for years because they can't/won't pay the buyout. I think Joe already was foolish to do that after year one of Moser. So hell no I wouldn't want it to happen again unless things drastically improve.
I don't believe it was an essay question, or needed lengthy explanation for a simple answer. But you've made your preference clear.

So will you actively root for OU to lose, or just prefer they did since it "is best for the program"?
Lots of WS attack, I think a tad unwarranted here.

Yes, he has a hard-time just outright saying a natty, but I don't think anything he said was saying that was/wasn't his choice.

No one, and I mean no one on this board (the other idiots included), would say no to a National Championship, even if it meant missing the tourney the following 3 years after a Moser extension. Wichita would agree, he would take a Natty tomorrow.

Wichita was saying that it was so outlandish, that the only logical choices, based on our portal this year, would be choice 2 or 3. That being said, if his choice was a first round exit or losing Moser, he would choose Moser.

None of that is unreasonable to believe or even want at that point if those are the two choices. I get this has become a Wichita vs the world thing, I think it is kind of silly, bc I don't even think any of the pumpers believe we can win a Natty this year. Which is more likely, a National Title or missing the tournament? Even the most pumpy of pumpers would lean the latter.

If we go back again to bubble watch and borderline surviving without recruiting any good 5 in any year that Porter has been here ... then if it meant we had a shot at Bucky McMillan, I would choose choice 3 of both choices 2 and 3.
I don't believe it was an essay question, or needed lengthy explanation for a simple answer. But you've made your preference clear.

So will you actively root for OU to lose, or just prefer they did since it "is best for the program"?
I will prefer for you to take an SAT refresher course on reading comprehension.
Lots of WS attack, I think a tad unwarranted here.

Yes, he has a hard-time just outright saying a natty, but I don't think anything he said was saying that was/wasn't his choice.

No one, and I mean no one on this board (the other idiots included), would say no to a National Championship, even if it meant missing the tourney the following 3 years after a Moser extension. Wichita would agree, he would take a Natty tomorrow.

Wichita was saying that it was so outlandish, that the only logical choices, based on our portal this year, would be choice 2 or 3. That being said, if his choice was a first round exit or losing Moser, he would choose Moser.

None of that is unreasonable to believe or even want at that point if those are the two choices. I get this has become a Wichita vs the world thing, I think it is kind of silly, bc I don't even think any of the pumpers believe we can win a Natty this year. Which is more likely, a National Title or missing the tournament? Even the most pumpy of pumpers would lean the latter.

If we go back again to bubble watch and borderline surviving without recruiting any good 5 in any year that Porter has been here ... then if it meant we had a shot at Bucky McMillan, I would choose choice 3 of both choices 2 and 3.
THANK YOU! This seems clear to me, but I realize when it is coming from me, there are a handful of posters who will spin it as me "wanting to lose" because I "hate" Moser more than I love OU. I suspect a lot of people, though, absolutely agree with your (our) belief that a chance at Bucky or a similar coach is better than the annual hope that this may be the year when we squeak into the tourney if everything goes right.
I will prefer for you to take an SAT refresher course on reading comprehension.
Lol. Why is an engaging conversation/debate without attacking personally difficult for you? If someone disagrees or questions your opinion, you personally attack. EVERY TIME.

If we want to compare IQ, SAT scores, reading comprehension, and personal accolades bring it, but it's probably better reserved for a NON-OU BASKETBALL FORUM.

But if you want to get into debates, conversations, and differences of opinion on OU Basketball, which you say you do, this is the place, right?!?

I asked a basketball question, so why the personal attack? Will you actively root for OU to lose since, according to your words, it is best for the program?
Lots of WS attack, I think a tad unwarranted here.

Yes, he has a hard-time just outright saying a natty, but I don't think anything he said was saying that was/wasn't his choice.

No one, and I mean no one on this board (the other idiots included), would say no to a National Championship, even if it meant missing the tourney the following 3 years after a Moser extension. Wichita would agree, he would take a Natty tomorrow.

Wichita was saying that it was so outlandish, that the only logical choices, based on our portal this year, would be choice 2 or 3. That being said, if his choice was a first round exit or losing Moser, he would choose Moser.

None of that is unreasonable to believe or even want at that point if those are the two choices. I get this has become a Wichita vs the world thing, I think it is kind of silly, bc I don't even think any of the pumpers believe we can win a Natty this year. Which is more likely, a National Title or missing the tournament? Even the most pumpy of pumpers would lean the latter.

If we go back again to bubble watch and borderline surviving without recruiting any good 5 in any year that Porter has been here ... then if it meant we had a shot at Bucky McMillan, I would choose choice 3 of both choices 2 and 3.
Only reciting his words and answers. And he's the one who can't come out and say he would prefer a NC with Moser. I'd take one with freakin Mike Boynton if it meant a NC.

And are you saying we should rather OU go 12-20 if it meant we had a shot/chance at a mid-major coach who missed the tournament his first 3 years? Maybe a minority, but I'd rather have a coach who can get us into the tournament- in year 4 just as Bucky did- at a P6 gig.

And that is not to say I think Moser is the best coach OU can get. I just think preferring OU has a disastrous year, only for a chance to replace with unproven coaches is crazy.
Lots of WS attack, I think a tad unwarranted here.

Yes, he has a hard-time just outright saying a natty, but I don't think anything he said was saying that was/wasn't his choice.

No one, and I mean no one on this board (the other idiots included), would say no to a National Championship, even if it meant missing the tourney the following 3 years after a Moser extension. Wichita would agree, he would take a Natty tomorrow.

Wichita was saying that it was so outlandish, that the only logical choices, based on our portal this year, would be choice 2 or 3. That being said, if his choice was a first round exit or losing Moser, he would choose Moser.

None of that is unreasonable to believe or even want at that point if those are the two choices. I get this has become a Wichita vs the world thing, I think it is kind of silly, bc I don't even think any of the pumpers believe we can win a Natty this year. Which is more likely, a National Title or missing the tournament? Even the most pumpy of pumpers would lean the latter.

If we go back again to bubble watch and borderline surviving without recruiting any good 5 in any year that Porter has been here ... then if it meant we had a shot at Bucky McMillan, I would choose choice 3 of both choices 2 and 3.

Don’t disagree but find it fascinating as a relatively casual board reader how it’s seemingly impossible for someone who clearly cares about OU bball to answer what is clearly a “stupid” hypothetical without factoring in how bad the current coach is lol.

But there are far greater things on this board to be upset about.
THANK YOU! This seems clear to me, but I realize when it is coming from me, there are a handful of posters who will spin it as me "wanting to lose" because I "hate" Moser more than I love OU. I suspect a lot of people, though, absolutely agree with your (our) belief that a chance at Bucky or a similar coach is better than the annual hope that this may be the year when we squeak into the tourney if everything goes right.
Just answer the question then

Why is it so hard for you to say it?
Lots of WS attack, I think a tad unwarranted here.

Yes, he has a hard-time just outright saying a natty, but I don't think anything he said was saying that was/wasn't his choice.

No one, and I mean no one on this board (the other idiots included), would say no to a National Championship, even if it meant missing the tourney the following 3 years after a Moser extension. Wichita would agree, he would take a Natty tomorrow.

Wichita was saying that it was so outlandish, that the only logical choices, based on our portal this year, would be choice 2 or 3. That being said, if his choice was a first round exit or losing Moser, he would choose Moser.

None of that is unreasonable to believe or even want at that point if those are the two choices. I get this has become a Wichita vs the world thing, I think it is kind of silly, bc I don't even think any of the pumpers believe we can win a Natty this year. Which is more likely, a National Title or missing the tournament? Even the most pumpy of pumpers would lean the latter.

If we go back again to bubble watch and borderline surviving without recruiting any good 5 in any year that Porter has been here ... then if it meant we had a shot at Bucky McMillan, I would choose choice 3 of both choices 2 and 3.
Nah....he deserves anything he gets.....Mike Jones.
Lol. Why is an engaging conversation/debate without attacking personally difficult for you? If someone disagrees or questions your opinion, you personally attack. EVERY TIME.

If we want to compare IQ, SAT scores, reading comprehension, and personal accolades bring it, but it's probably better reserved for a NON-OU BASKETBALL FORUM.

But if you want to get into debates, conversations, and differences of opinion on OU Basketball, which you say you do, this is the place, right?!?

I asked a basketball question, so why the personal attack? Will you actively root for OU to lose since, according to your words, it is best for the program?
I have answered your questions about 15 times in the last two hours and explained exactly what my position is. You continue to fabricate and claim that I said that I would rather lose 20 games than win a national title. That leaves two options: you are either intentionally lying or you can’t read.
I have answered your questions about 15 times in the last two hours and explained exactly what my position is. You continue to fabricate and claim that I said that I would rather lose 20 games than win a national title. That leaves two options: you are either intentionally lying or you can’t read.
As predicted... a personal attack. So much for this forum being the place to have differing opinions, as you claim it should.

And since you keep avoiding the simple question- either a yea or nay- of "Will you actively root for OU to lose since, according to your words, it is best for the program?", I guess we can assume the answer.

Just was trying to get it on record since you have NOT answered that question. But I am moving on since I know the answer.