MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

Yes. Top 5 in the country to start the season and down "so bad." :rolleyes:

I was being a little tongue in cheek given what has been said about Los by some on here in past year. Dragging him down when he is a sooner and then turnaround only to act like he’s irreplaceable after he transfer to Houston.
I was being a little tongue in cheek given what has been said about Los by some on here in past year. Dragging him down when he is a sooner and then turnaround only to act like he’s irreplaceable after he transfer to Houston.
Your argument is disingenuous. Multiple things can be true: he had a terribly underachieving season, will likely be better at Houston, and is better than all but maybe one of the guys we are brining in. There are plenty of guys in the country who are better and therefore he was not irreplaceable. But we didn’t sign any of those guys, and instead ended up with a bunch of mid and low major players who most on this board had never heard of.
Your argument is disingenuous. Multiple things can be true: he had a terribly underachieving season, will likely be better at Houston, and is better than all but maybe one of the guys we are brining in. There are plenty of guys in the country who are better and therefore he was not irreplaceable. But we didn’t sign any of those guys, and instead ended up with a bunch of mid and low major players who most on this board had never heard of.

You and your cronies can post all the funny memes you want, but I notice you didn’t actually point anything that was wrong with my argument, or cite any examples of me misrepresenting points you have made.
The sad thing is, you probably got giddy when you read that story, didn't you?? Like we've all said countless times at this point, time will tell. If we don't play well and make the tourney...PM is likely gone...so this is a win win for some of you wanting him out, right? All I know is I read countless game threads about how bad Oweh, Javian and Los were...now all the sudden, they are all great players on top 10 programs or whatever your narrative is. I am fine with a reset. Duke > than Los or Javian IMO. Jones is a much better shooter than Oweh on the wing and is a great defender. Elvis is the one that may not be an improvement..but he has been a better shooter than either Los or McCOllum, so I'll take it. Off the bench, Goodine is a much better shooter than Darthard (and I liked Dathard's game). ANd we lost Cooper late only to add Nwankwo...who I think is much better at this point in their careers.
The sad thing is, you probably got giddy when you read that story, didn't you?? Like we've all said countless times at this point, time will tell. If we don't play well and make the tourney...PM is likely gone...so this is a win win for some of you wanting him out, right? All I know is I read countless game threads about how bad Oweh, Javian and Los were...now all the sudden, they are all great players on top 10 programs or whatever your narrative is. I am fine with a reset. Duke > than Los or Javian IMO. Jones is a much better shooter than Oweh on the wing and is a great defender. Elvis is the one that may not be an improvement..but he has been a better shooter than either Los or McCOllum, so I'll take it. Off the bench, Goodine is a much better shooter than Darthard (and I liked Dathard's game). ANd we lost Cooper late only to add Nwankwo...who I think is much better at this point in their careers.
Last year at this time, the main argument many made to keep Moser was his great high school recruiting. Now the three main guys cited as examples are gone, and we replaced them primarily with low major players. Sure, we have no choice now but to wait and see, but it never should have gotten to this point.

I’m not giddy to read every major college basketball website trash our offseason, but it certainly confirms what I’ve been able to see with my own eyes. And it does make me chuckle that what they are saying is consistent with the arguments that have gotten me so much crap from some on this board. You guys act like I’m making wild statements, yet experts who know the college basketball landscape are unanimously panning our portal offseason.
Last year at this time, the main argument many made to keep Moser was his great high school recruiting. Now the three main guys cited as examples are gone, and we replaced them primarily with low major players. Sure, we have no choice now but to wait and see, but it never should have gotten to this point.

I’m not giddy to read every major college basketball website trash our offseason, but it certainly confirms what I’ve been able to see with my own eyes. And it does make me chuckle that what they are saying is consistent with the arguments that have gotten me so much crap from some on this board. You guys act like I’m making wild statements, yet experts who know the college basketball landscape are unanimously panning our portal offseason.
Again, the article ONLY talked about the guys we lost. Not one mention of anyone added. If Oweh is in any "expert's" top 100 transfer players...than maybe they aren't much of an expert. He struggled mightily in conference play, as did Javian. When he committed to Kentucky, all their fans were amazed at how good of a 3 pt shooter he was...strictly looking at his %'s. Well, we ALL know he isn't a good shooter..and those numbers were greatly skewed. I'll gladly take my chances with Jadon Jones. I am fine with all the perimeter players we added. I, like most on here, would have rather had a better post, no doubt. If will all depend on if Mo can stay on the court due to his fouling issues. If he can, he was much more productive on a avg/minute basis than some of the other posts out there...but I realize that's a big if. It's early to predict how this team will do, because we don't know how they will play together. Chemistry in b-ball is a real thing. This team this past season didn't always have it, and it costs us a few games. I think this team can win anywhere between 16-21 games. What range would you put on it?
I think this team can win anywhere between 16-21 games. What range would you put on it?
That's the problem. You are excited about what we added. Our schedule should get a little easier, at least in terms of conference play. And you still cap our wins at 21 (likely a bubble team, or 1 win over a bubble team).

That isn't good. And we get to start over with a roster the following year. If that is PM's ceiling for the type of team he can piece together, I want him gone even if he does manage to sneak into the Tournament this year.
That's the problem. You are excited about what we added. Our schedule should get a little easier, at least in terms of conference play. And you still cap our wins at 21 (likely a bubble team, or 1 win over a bubble team).

That isn't good. And we get to start over with a roster the following year. If that is PM's ceiling for the type of team he can piece together, I want him gone even if he does manage to sneak into the Tournament this year.
lol...where did I state that I'm "Excited" over the guys we signed?? I'm just not a total miserable Pr!ck about it like some are...so I guess if you call that excited. I do think this team has a chance to be better, but how that translates to wins/losses...hard to say. And I'm not so sure that our conference schedule will be all that much easier...looking like the SEC will be pretty stacked next year as well. When you're not throwing $2MM at players like K-state did (I personally think that number is insane for that kid btw), it's hard to get in on those top tier kids. For this team to win more than 20+ games, it will have to be a situation where the sum is greater than the parts.
lol...where did I state that I'm "Excited" over the guys we signed?? I'm just not a total miserable Pr!ck about it like some are...so I guess if you call that excited. I do think this team has a chance to be better, but how that translates to wins/losses...hard to say. And I'm not so sure that our conference schedule will be all that much easier...looking like the SEC will be pretty stacked next year as well. When you're not throwing $2MM at players like K-state did (I personally think that number is insane for that kid btw), it's hard to get in on those top tier kids. For this team to win more than 20+ games, it will have to be a situation where the sum is greater than the parts.
We won’t be better next season. Our talent is significantly worse than it was three months ago. In addition to a net loss in the portal, people seem to be forgetting that our best player over the last several weeks of the season graduated.

As for a record prediction, I’m going to wait and see our noncon schedule. We MAY end up with a better league record, though I’m not sure of that. It’ll be a slightly easier league schedule, but we are also a worse team than we were a year ago. The noncon schedule will likely include more good opponents because it’s almost impossible not to, but we don’t yet know who we will play in Atlantis and are still waiting to find out several of our noncon games.
Did I miss something? I don’t believe he mentioned Wague did he? He did hype Sam as always. Gonna take another step….pfft!

Can’t talk about a player that is finishing a class at another school. He is at bama.

Sam is a good player. I don’t understand the hate. Ill Take a Sam on every OU team till I die.
I don't think this is at all accurate
Three of our four most talented players from last season are gone. No one who replaced them is comparable. It’s not even a close call. If this team is more successful (they won’t be), it will have to be because of skill and intangibles, not talent.
Did I miss something? I don’t believe he mentioned Wague did he? He did hype Sam as always. Gonna take another step….pfft!
Any word on Luke? I assume he has looked like Chet in workouts and will be good for several threes a game.
Can’t talk about a player that is finishing a class at another school. He is at bama.

Sam is a good player. I don’t understand the hate. I’ll Take a Sam on every OU team till I die.
Sam isn’t just “on the team.” He is being counted on to start for the second straight season. I’d love to have a Sam on every OU team as an 8th or 9th man who could provide a few minutes per half while backing up an SEC or Big 12 caliber starter. But alas …
Sam isn’t just “on the team.” He is being counted on to start for the second straight season. I’d love to have a Sam on every OU team as an 8th or 9th man who could provide a few minutes per half while backing up an SEC or Big 12 caliber starter. But alas …

I see that sentiment. But he avg 18mins a game. To me that’s a part time player. He does a ton for Okla. sure I want an elite big man but he is more than serviceable.