MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

There's nothing inconsistent about saying we should have been in both years for different reasons. Hell, this year, we WOULD have been in except for an historic championship weekend.
Coulda, woulda, shoulda. As Jim Rome says, "if my aunt had gonads, she'd be my uncle."
Coulda, woulda, shoulda. As Jim Rome says, "if my aunt had gonads, she'd be my uncle."
You're just stubborn. I get it. We all get it. You hate Porter Moser. I think he's a good coach. I just don't think anyone we bring in would do better with what he has available.

There's a reason EVERY SINGLE COACH we've had in the past 30 years has asked for more.
You're just stubborn. I get it. We all get it. You hate Porter Moser. I think he's a good coach. I just don't think anyone we bring in would do better with what he has available.

There's a reason EVERY SINGLE COACH we've had in the past 30 years has asked for more.
I'm not the stubborn one. You are the one arguing in the face of three years of results, not me. You are the one still entertaining excuses, not me. You are the one who thinks you know better than the committee, not me. And I will leave it to you to deduce what the difference is between Moser and every other coach we have had in the past 30 (or 40) years.
How are we in the top 4-8 for so many transfers if we have no NIL game?
Three things are keeping me from feeling the way you do about Moser:

1) We SHOULD have been in the tourney 2 of the 3 years. This year, had Virginia hit a damn free throw, we were in.
2) He's hamstrung with no budget. He's piecing teams together with his 2nd, 3rd and 4th options. That's not his fault.
3) I have someone on the inside telling me every time I ask that it's not Moser's fault. And I believe that person. We're just going to be back here with the next coach again until they fix what's structurally broken in the athletic department.

But yes, on a day like today, I'm thinking we should just move on and see if anyone can do a better job with a skeleton budget...
1. I agree to an extent.

This year, if not for the bid thieves, they were a tourney team. Still, they had an inexcusable loss to UCF, IMO, and lost 6 of their last 8 games (culminating in what I dub as a mail-it-in game vs TCU). Even if they should have been in, especially over sucky UVA, they left it to chance. We all know March is Mad (no one could have predicted this year's chaos). They didn't look like a tourney team when they needed to be. Some of that was due to injuries, sure, but that goes back to roster construction (you should have had another player or two who could play and play well). You could argue that all they needed was 1 more win and they were in. Then what happens? I think I said it...if they make the tourney, they'd probably attempt to run it back with mostly the same roster. If they miss, well, we're seeing the ramifications.

2. In part, I agree.

OU was in the bottom 3-4 in the B12 for NIL this past season. Only Oklahoma State is/was rumored to be for sure lower. I've been told OU had around $1M. Or...pretty much the same amount KU paid Hunter Dickinson by himself. DePaul was used to get more NIL. I have no idea how much more, haven't asked anyone, and I'm not much of an insider anyway (I rarely go out of my way). I hope it's at least double. It should be tripled. Not sure if we have anyone who cares that much, lol.

All that said, you should be able find some kids with minimal NIL. I'm not saying you're going to compete with Kansas, Baylor, or whoever else that possesses a truly competitive basketball NIL fund....but I feel pretty damn certain you could have found better players than Maks or Yaya to put on your roster...with a duct tape NIL. And possibly win one or two more games. Or someone to fill the empty spot. You could have maybe brought in a D2 kid that would have been better than nothing. I don't know, haven't put much thought into who else they could have added with minimal NIL. The staff has to do a better job evaluating kids. Every kid; juco, D3, D2, mid major, or bench guy in D1. We see NC State in the final four. I doubt their NIL is vastly superior to OU's. Instead of finding Hugley, find the next DJ Burns (sounds easy, I know, it's not).

Point: With a known, and recognizable, NIL limitation, the OU staff could do a better job at finding accessible talent. Is the job hard? Yes. Should it be this hard? No, we all agree.

3. I'm in the middle of the "it's all Moser's fault" debate. We know he's limited at OU because we can see the apathy from the AD when it comes to basketball. It's very evident. You'd have to be the world's biggest homer to not see it. And I think the next coach, if nothing changes, will face the same issues. I think Moser is a good coach...I'd say he's an elite mid-major coach and still TBD as a power 5/6 coach. I think he's struggled to understand what it takes at this level even with the limitations.

But, IMO, there are some things Moser can do to spruce things up and that's where I do blame him/his style. Circling back to social media, who some will say isn't important, but I think it's a great example. You can't run a program searching for more attention (that could lead to more money, better recruiting, etc) without giving it more attention. IMO. This isn't 1985. We're in the social media era. Fans, for the most part, aren't reading long ass articles, or buying the Daily Oklahoman, to check what some nerdy beat writer is saying in a million-word write-up. Fans want fast news, they want excitement, graphics help, etc....they flock to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (olds), or message boards. You can do a variety of things to sell your program.

I'm not smart enough, or dedicated enough, to lead the charge, just (barely) smart enough to know/see it's not good enough. The head coach hasn't followed a single portal kid and doesn't have a real presence on social media. Sure, you don't have to follow kids, you can go old-school, and call them. That's what I said; they prefer to move in silence. I say the same thing when it comes to football portal stuff (or HS recruiting). Does the silence actually do a damn thing? OU's silence isn't going to stop Kentucky, or Creighton, from knowing who the hell Sean Pedulla is. There may be some benefits to the approach but you could argue there are benefits from taking more of a Lane Kiffin approach as well. Maybe more toned down compared to Lane, though, lol. Fans eat that chit up and can see visible care. Ole Miss' portal approach may end up not being enough to win the SEC, or get to the playoffs, but it won't be for a lack of effort and certainly, a lack of money-generating excitement. All of that flash has led to Ole Miss' collective raking in a healthy NIL (I have no idea where they rank but it seems like they're in the top 10).

It's same argument for the C&C collective. Those dorks still don't know how to appeal to OU fans. It isn't doing interviews with OUinsider or the fake Captain, that's for sure.
So many words...lol. My bad.

Maddox Jr.

Visiting TCU today

Might be an Illinois fan (borrowed screenshot)


OU wants him to visit after the dead period. Will he make it that far? We'll see.
I'm not the stubborn one. You are the one arguing in the face of three years of results, not me. You are the one still entertaining excuses, not me. You are the one who thinks you know better than the committee, not me. And I will leave it to you to deduce what the difference is between Moser and every other coach we have had in the past 30 (or 40) years.

When would you have fired Dan Hurley?
Garrison will not happen. He’s not taking any visits till osu hires.

They are getting first crack.

That's bad news. A blue blood will have moved on to the their backup plan and likely beat our offer by then.
I hardly know chit when it comes to Garrison but there's a reason I haven't predicted him, lol. I think he wants to be a Cowboy.

It depends on Lutz and it depends on how much NIL Oklahoma State is getting with a new coach/restart.