MBB Transfer Portal Thread: Moser Year 4

In fairness, I believe I took a hiatus (family) during the last half of last year's portal season. I didn't even retweet this tweet (and probably would have).

Does he move the needle for you, now that you are clocked in?
Is it possible Uzan is the rumored portal reversal, so as to play with Traore? (If someone already posted this, apologies. My eyes tend to glaze over a bit during portal season.)
I meant to ask the same question to you TEvans.

What are your thoughts on Yohan? I haven't looked at Evan Miya/Kenpom, etc.

As a starter? Not really.

But if you nudged Keita out for Traore and had him as a bench/rotational big, I'd be in.

Hmm, I don't think he would come off the bench, unless like @skyvue pointed out, he may come back with Uzan. Would be interesting to say the least.

My personal opinion? We need a guy to push Godwin to the bench, very badly. Traore doesn't fit that, right now. But as you said, if he could accept that 3rd big role... Then I am okay with it.
Sam Godwin is a good basketball player. FYI.
There are thousands of good college basketball players. The vast majority of them aren’t good enough to start in a P5 conference. Sam is a very solid guy as a backup big. If he is starting, it’s a sign your overall roster isn’t where it needs to be.