I believe he has already taken a medical redshirt because he is classified as a sophomore.
It is very early July...stress fractures don't normally take 5 months to heal.
Large humans with recurring foot problems are usually out a LONG time.
well ain't that a bone job. countin' on him for a little scoring.
If we were counting on him for scoring...we are in big big trouble
It is very early July...stress fractures don't normally take 5 months to heal.
Don't say that to Bill Walton. Stress fractures basically ruined his NBA career.
i'm hoping modern medicine has advanced in 40 years
Greg Oden
Kevin Durant recovered just fine from his stress fracture.
Some do, some don’t. Also multiple injuries piling up take it's toll, like Kevin Durant.
Ok, so with all that said.... where does that leave Merritt and this team?