Nolan Dennis to

I wonder what was said during the trip to prevent Nolan from stepping foot in Norman.

Oh well..we didn't have a chance either way I suppose.

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I wonder what was said during the trip to prevent Nolan from stepping foot in Norman.

Oh well..we didn't have a chance either way I suppose.
I don't think it was as much said as it was handed to him.
I say it save it, I don't think we will be able to find somebody to contribute this late in the game and we don't have as a big of a glaring need as in the past.
Plus we seem to have a good start to next year and an extra scholarship to give out would be nice.
Damn, I really thought we'd get him. I guess I can still hope that maybe he is just trying to be like Willie and winds up at OU anyway...
I don't understand how SD does it? How is he able to catch the big fish at Baylor?
I have no proof at all but I would say this.
Cmon Sam stay classy
Drew was smart to get him on campus first
Rom this is Baylor we're talking about, it's Baylor look at recent history. Then how Scott Drew has magically been pulling in kids left and right.
Drew recruits his freakin ass off. He is the Ron Zook of college basketball. Can't coach his way out of a tampon, but he can recruit with the bigboys.
Drew recruits his freakin ass off. He is the Ron Zook of college basketball. Can't coach his way out of a tampon, but he can recruit with the bigboys.

Yeah, but what the hell does he say to a kid on Wednesday who on Monday said, "In my mind I have really narrowed it down to two and that is UCONN and OU. Baylor is on the little cusp, but I am really looking at UCONN and Oklahoma,” to get him to cancel visits to both of those schools (who are historically good at basketball, one of which has beaten Baylor 30 times in a row) and commit instantly?
I think this came down to immediate playing time. Baylor lost two starting guards off of last year's squad (Dugat and Jerrells). Dennis will start from day one in Waco alongside Carter and Dunn.
He would have played 25 minutes or more a game at OU next year.
He would have played 25 minutes or more a game at OU next year.

Maybe. But he will play 30 a game and start for Baylor. I see WW, Crock, and TMG playing 30 plus each. Cade will get some minutes. Ray Willis and Pledger weren't going to bow down. Juan will get some minutes at the 3. It wasn't a sure thing at OU.
by: Justin Walsh
Baylor has just scored the biggest coup of the recruiting season, taking what was assumed to be a Kentucky recruit & adding a solid basketball player into the mix. Nolan Dennis is a Baylor Bear. SLAM broke the news & spoke with Nolan in the late hours of the evening for the scoop.

SLAM: Nolan, I’ve just heard you’ve committed to Baylor- is this true?

SLAM: What made you decide Baylor?
ND: The coaching staff. They’ve been recruiting me since the 8th grade. They have trusted me- going through all the ups and downs of recruiting and the entire time they’ve been by my side. I felt that the bond that I have with Coach Drew makes the fit perfect.

SLAM: That’s good. Was Coach Drew the main coach who recruited you from day one or were there others involved?
ND: It was Coach Drew, Coach Tang, Coach Mills… The entire coaching staff was a part of it and they were really loyal to me.

SLAM: Was it difficult deciding where to go after Calipari left Memphis; more to the point was it difficult to choose between Kentucky and Baylor?
ND: Partially. I opened up my recruitment after Calipari left, and I was torn about it. But at the end of the day, I felt Baylor was the right choice.

SLAM: Are you excited to play for a fast, young Baylor team with the offensive mindset they instill in their players?
ND: Oh yeah, Quincy, Tweety, Dunn, Jones… The entire team. It’s going to be a very good team next year. We are going to come in with good chemistry and I’ll bring another facet to the offense, another playmaker. We’re going to be a tough team in the BIG 12. I talked to the players, I was down there today, talked with the team and ran with them. That’s about it.

SLAM: Are you comfortable with the Baylor area yet?
ND: I went to Baylor Elite Camp, so I’ve been down there quite a few times. I just feel comfortable now, I just enjoy the idea of going to school there, being in that Baylor atmosphere.

SLAM: Do you have any goals for what you want to contribute to the team from day 1?
ND: Yeah! I have tons of goals, I mean we can go on and on. I hope I can get BIG 12 freshman of the year, defensive player of the year. I want our team to get to the NCAA tournament, but not just get there and bow out happily… I want to get deep runs in the tournament. I know they’re lofty goals, but I think you have to aim high to achieve a lot as a freshman.

SLAM: I’m guessing you believe Baylor can take that next step up and move into the top echelon of the BIG 12 next season?
ND: I think it’s going to happen. In the past few years, we’ve had some great players coming into the program. Last year, they made it to the championship of the NIT- we just need to push through that wall and get to the NCAA tournament. Like I said, I want us to get a deep run.