Politically Correct Hypocrisy taught at college campuses?


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Apr 1, 2009
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Why did the Kentucky player not receive any punishment?

The SEC and/or the NCAA need(s) to step in and let students know this isn't a joke anymore for anybody.
It isn't a joke for an athlete to act stupid within earshot of a mic after an emotional loss?

you're being silly.
It isn't a joke for an athlete to act stupid within earshot of a mic after an emotional loss?

you're being silly.

So, drunk frat dudes get held accountable for an off campus activity filmed by a private cell phone, while someone at a NCAA public presser gets a pass on emotion on national tv?

I love this new politically correct hypocrisy claiming college campuses and society in general.

It's WRONG at all levels and venues, so make sure that's well understood.
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It is odd what some people choose to be upset about:facepalm......the young man was upset, said something he regrets saying. It's not like he still claims that it's his right to say whatever he wants because ........Merica!

Oh, and IBTL.
It is odd what some people choose to be upset about:facepalm......the young man was upset, said something he regrets saying. It's not like he still claims that it's his right to say whatever he wants because ........Merica!

Oh, and IBTL.

And the kid on the bus was drunk and just trying to impress friends.

Harrison probably didn't mean much by it, and neither did the kid on the bus. Either punish them both for being stupid, or punish neither.
And the kid on the bus was drunk and just trying to impress friends.

Harrison probably didn't mean much by it, and neither did the kid on the bus. Either punish them both for being stupid, or punish neither.

I really don't see the situations as being equal......but what do I know, I'm only an old white man.

And I've always thought that asking any white person about racism in America is like asking your father about the pains of childbirth.

I really don't see the situations as being equal......but what do I know, I'm only an old white man.

And I've always thought that asking any white person about racism in America is like asking your father about the pains of childbirth.


These two cases were about students using racial slurs of any content or context.

You can't be that naive.
I really don't see the situations as being equal......but what do I know, I'm only an old white man.

And I've always thought that asking any white person about racism in America is like asking your father about the pains of childbirth.


Umm the kid from kentucky knew he was at a presser and that millions could see it, yet he did it anyway.

The drunk frat kid did not know anybody would see it but the people on the bus.

IF you switch the roles and it was a white kid at a presser that said it, oh my gosh it would be the biggest story of the year.

and if it was a black kid on a bus that used it, well that happens all the time and there are thousands of videos on youtube of it happening.
I don't believe the two incidents are equal by any means.

But this does show you what is acceptable language in regards to race in this country.

Had the OU frat boys immediately apologized, the OU incident would have blown over more quickly. Harrison defused the issue before most people knew it happened.
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Had the OU frat boys immediately apologized, the OU incident would have blown over more quickly. Harrison defused the issue before most people knew it happened.

no way. They weren't even given an oppurtunity to apologize. They were kicked out and the frat disbanded before they could ever say anything.

And lol at harrison's apology. Funny how after somebody says something like this their apology always makes sure to include that the person he offended is actually friends with them. yep...sure.
no way. They weren't even given an oppurtunity to apologize. They were kicked out and the frat disbanded before they could ever say anything.

And lol at harrison's apology. Funny how after somebody says something like this their apology always makes sure to include that the person he offended is actually friends with them. yep...sure.

Exactly. The frat boy apologized as soon as reasonably possible, IMO. And he did it the right way, at a press conference. Not via some 3am tweet. <insert eyeroll here>
I really don't see the situations as being equal......but what do I know, I'm only an old white man.

And I've always thought that asking any white person about racism in America is like asking your father about the pains of childbirth.


Why do the two situations have to be equal to merit attention, punishment or anything for that matter?
The stuff with SAE was institutional. A song that it was glaringly obvious had been sung by the chapter before and was taught to incoming pledges.

While it's a shame that the kids in question had to pay the brunt of the penalties, there's a heavier price to pay for institutional sins.

I don't see any comparison between the two events. Both were dealt with appropriately.
Look ... why don't we settle this for all the people who have this hangup about use of the "N" word.

The word has DIFFERENT MEANINGS. It's not some magic word that only has a detrimental meaning when used by a white person ... but when used by a minority it's fine. The whole point behind your so-called hypocrisy is a mistake.

For example - if you say b!tch in many social settings people may get offended. If you go to a dog show and say it then most of the time it's perfectly acceptable. If you're using it to refer to that beautiful little dog who won the working class then it's fine. If, OTOH, you're referring to the lady who judged your little dog and gave her bad marks then it's offensive. See the difference? It's NOT hypocrisy. It's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings and the context is often a key to how it was intended.

Same with the "N" word. If it's being used to refer to a person by an immutable characteristic such as their race or skin color or culture then it's offensive. HIGHLY offensive because people cant choose those things thus society considers that unfair. However, if it's being used as satire or to refer to a person who is an acquaintance etc... just as a general reference then it is fine. Again, it's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings. This is NOT hypocrisy. SAE frat dude was using it to refer to people by an immutable characteristic. He was NOT using it to refer to people who he was acquainted with in general.

We use the venacular "N word" simply because people like yourself seem to have some problem understanding this concept. NOT some magic word. There is an assumption that minorities aren't using it to refer to a characteristic and are using the other meaning. It's part of the context using a historical reference. Others do not get the benefit of the doubt of that historical reference so their context isn't aided in that manner. It's not hypocrisy. It's not a magic word. It's a matter of which meaning is inferred from the context.

So, please, enough of this dramatic over-sensitization. Frankly it comes off as racist or, at least, rather ignorant.
So, please, enough of this dramatic over-sensitization. Frankly it comes off as racist or, at least, rather ignorant.

So take racial slurs out of it...say Harrison calling Frank the N word was simply an insult.

We have a student athlete cursing and throwing an insult to another student athlete at a national press conference.

This isn't worthy of punishment? You know that if this had been a white player from Wisconsin and he said Eff that idiot when talking about a black player, he would have been punished
So take racial slurs out of it...say Harrison calling Frank the N word was simply an insult.

We have a student athlete cursing and throwing an insult to another student athlete at a national press conference.

This isn't worthy of punishment? You know that if this had been a white player from Wisconsin and he said Eff that idiot when talking about a black player, he would have been punished

you guys just dont get it. Harrison was NOT referring to Kaminsky by an immutable trait.

He wasn't referring to his race or his skin color or his culture. He was just referring to an acquaintance in a general manner. That is NOT the "offensive" meaning. It is NOT some magic word.

Is this really such a hard concept to understand????
you guys just dont get it. Harrison was NOT referring to Kaminsky by an immutable trait.

He wasn't referring to his race or his skin color or his culture. He was just referring to an acquaintance in a general manner. That is NOT the "offensive" meaning. It is NOT some magic word.

Is this really such a hard concept to understand????

apparently you can't understand my last post. I said take race out of it. Change the N word to idiot or some other insult. You have a player saying Eff that idiot at a press conference. Not worthy of punishment?
This isn't worthy of punishment? You know that if this had been a white player from Wisconsin and he said Eff that idiot when talking about a black player, he would have been punished

YOU are the one throwing race in this. Harrison wasn't referring to race at all.

Your comparison is way off. Harrison wasn't calling him an idiot. Harrison was using the word as a general reference. YOU are making the "N" word mean idiot for your little hypo.

Harrisons' meaning was akin to "Kaminsky? F*ck him." That's all. The comment deserves the same treatment whether said by a white or a black player.

Here's the test so you can tell in the future and not get confused ... was the person using the word such that he/she is referring to someone by their skin color or race or culture? Do you think Harrison was referring to Kaminsky's dark skin? His race? His culture?

NO. It was the same as Jeff Lebowski referring to someone as dude. Lebowski saying "dude" doesn't necessarily mean he's referring to the guy as a worker at a ranch. The word has different meanings.

I hope this helps because I am so tired of this ignorant argument.