Look ... why don't we settle this for all the people who have this hangup about use of the "N" word.
The word has DIFFERENT MEANINGS. It's not some magic word that only has a detrimental meaning when used by a white person ... but when used by a minority it's fine. The whole point behind your so-called hypocrisy is a mistake.
For example - if you say b!tch in many social settings people may get offended. If you go to a dog show and say it then most of the time it's perfectly acceptable. If you're using it to refer to that beautiful little dog who won the working class then it's fine. If, OTOH, you're referring to the lady who judged your little dog and gave her bad marks then it's offensive. See the difference? It's NOT hypocrisy. It's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings and the context is often a key to how it was intended.
Same with the "N" word. If it's being used to refer to a person by an immutable characteristic such as their race or skin color or culture then it's offensive. HIGHLY offensive because people cant choose those things thus society considers that unfair. However, if it's being used as satire or to refer to a person who is an acquaintance etc... just as a general reference then it is fine. Again, it's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings. This is NOT hypocrisy. SAE frat dude was using it to refer to people by an immutable characteristic. He was NOT using it to refer to people who he was acquainted with in general.
We use the venacular "N word" simply because people like yourself seem to have some problem understanding this concept. NOT some magic word. There is an assumption that minorities aren't using it to refer to a characteristic and are using the other meaning. It's part of the context using a historical reference. Others do not get the benefit of the doubt of that historical reference so their context isn't aided in that manner. It's not hypocrisy. It's not a magic word. It's a matter of which meaning is inferred from the context.
So, please, enough of this dramatic over-sensitization. Frankly it comes off as racist or, at least, rather ignorant.