Politically Correct Hypocrisy taught at college campuses?

It wasn't a joke. He was pissed. He didn't like the question. The lack of backlash is pretty pathetic.

I think we only feel that way because we KNOW what the reaction would be if Frank had said it. While I think it's highly inappropriate to curse like that in a press conference, I understand he was pissed.
it's like arguing with a wall.

just keep believing as you will. I will take solace in the fact that you are wrong and just too obtuse to understand why.

and 'yes' I agreed that saying "f*ck" was wrong. it's always wrong to say "f*ck" within earshot of a hot mic. the other word was fine.

trash talk thread please
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Look ... why don't we settle this for all the people who have this hangup about use of the "N" word.

The word has DIFFERENT MEANINGS. It's not some magic word that only has a detrimental meaning when used by a white person ... but when used by a minority it's fine. The whole point behind your so-called hypocrisy is a mistake.

For example - if you say b!tch in many social settings people may get offended. If you go to a dog show and say it then most of the time it's perfectly acceptable. If you're using it to refer to that beautiful little dog who won the working class then it's fine. If, OTOH, you're referring to the lady who judged your little dog and gave her bad marks then it's offensive. See the difference? It's NOT hypocrisy. It's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings and the context is often a key to how it was intended.

Same with the "N" word. If it's being used to refer to a person by an immutable characteristic such as their race or skin color or culture then it's offensive. HIGHLY offensive because people cant choose those things thus society considers that unfair. However, if it's being used as satire or to refer to a person who is an acquaintance etc... just as a general reference then it is fine. Again, it's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings. This is NOT hypocrisy. SAE frat dude was using it to refer to people by an immutable characteristic. He was NOT using it to refer to people who he was acquainted with in general.

We use the venacular "N word" simply because people like yourself seem to have some problem understanding this concept. NOT some magic word. There is an assumption that minorities aren't using it to refer to a characteristic and are using the other meaning. It's part of the context using a historical reference. Others do not get the benefit of the doubt of that historical reference so their context isn't aided in that manner. It's not hypocrisy. It's not a magic word. It's a matter of which meaning is inferred from the context.

So, please, enough of this dramatic over-sensitization. Frankly it comes off as racist or, at least, rather ignorant.

Here in lies much of our problem.....

"the other word was fine."
You still think any time the "N" word is used then it is an insult (hence your statement above). It is NOT always an insult. The meaning used by Harrison is NOT an insult.

How do you know what was in Harrison's mind when he insulted him? Can you always read people's minds?

Harrison was frustrated and angry. What he said was certainly not intended as a compliment - as he admitted later. That is why he apologized.

So I ask again: Can you always read people's minds?

Let's run a test.

Last week I said something to a friend. What was I thinking at the time?
How do you know what was in Harrison's mind when he insulted him? Can you always read people's minds?

Harrison was frustrated and angry. What he said was certainly not intended as a compliment - as he admitted later. That is why he apologized.

So I ask again: Can you always read people's minds?

Let's run a test.

Last week I said something to a friend. What was I thinking at the time?

so you think he was referring to Kaminsky's black skin? Really? His race? Really? His culture? Really?

If you'd just THINK for a minute ... I dont hafta be a mind reader. Of course he was mad. That's beside the point. Of course he made the statement after an emotional loss. That doesn't make the word "******" bad ... what makes it bad is when it's used to refer to an immutable trait that is beyond someone's ability to control.

He was using it to refer to him as "that guy". The same as "F*ck him" or, in first person "F*ck you."

You guys honestly can't see this???? It's not an issue of reading his mind.
As an FYI to those who may be wondering why this thread is still on the main board. It's the off season and the OUHoops staff made the decision to allow it to continue, as long as posters keep it real and avoid name calling and inappropriate language. If the season was still in progress, it would have been moved to the Smack Talk board long ago. And, in time it will be anyway. It's just not time to do it right now.
so you think he was referring to Kaminsky's black skin? Really? His race? Really? His culture? Really?

If you'd just THINK for a minute ... I dont hafta be a mind reader. Of course he was mad. That's beside the point. Of course he made the statement after an emotional loss. That doesn't make the word "******" bad ... what makes it bad is when it's used to refer to an immutable trait that is beyond someone's ability to control.

He was using it to refer to him as "that guy". The same as "F*ck him" or, in first person "F*ck you."

You guys honestly can't see this???? It's not an issue of reading his mind.

How's Capel feel about the big game tonight?
That doesn't make the word "******" bad ... what makes it bad is when it's used to refer to an immutable trait that is beyond someone's ability to control.

You mean like calling me racist (not you per se) because I happen to be white?

I've been told over the years that there's no term equal to the the n-word that you could call a white person that would draw equal ire. Racist is that word for me. That's why I think the term is misused. There's little racism today, but plenty of prejudice.
As an FYI to those who may be wondering why this thread is still on the main board. It's the off season and the OUHoops staff made the decision to allow it to continue, as long as posters keep it real and avoid name calling and inappropriate language. If the season was still in progress, it would have been moved to the Smack Talk board long ago. And, in time it will be anyway. It's just not time to do it right now.

Unanimous vote?
you may as well move it because I have no choice but to say that the dumb is just wearing me down.
Quit talking then.
He meant it bad. He should be treated like any other person saying the exact word.
Quit talking then.
He meant it bad. He should be treated like any other person saying the exact word.

you dont understand what makes the word bad. you just think it's automatically bad whenever and however used.

quit thinking this.
you may as well move it because I have no choice but to say that the dumb is just wearing me down.

The life of being a gatekeeper is both tedious and arduous to a degree where one might elect to shuck their self appointed status.
you dont understand what makes the word bad. you just think it's automatically bad whenever and however used.

quit thinking this.
If a white player said the same thing but didn't mean it as racist what would the outcome be?
And I'm a minority but hate the double standards. Either it is our it isn't.
you dont understand what makes the word bad. you just think it's automatically bad whenever and however used.

quit thinking this.

Just like if I said "don't Jew me" when you're not of the Hebrew faith? Based on your perspective, since you are not Jewish, it means the term is not derogatory but only when directed towards a Jew himself?
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And I'm a minority but hate the double standards. Either it is our it isn't.

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

it is NOT "either it is or it isn't". Geeeeez.

once again ... when used to refer to specific IMMUTABLE traits (ones that you have no choice in) such as race or color or culture then it is viewed as bad because it is implying that said traits are bad and anyone possessing them is bad.

When used in it's OTHER meaning ... as a general reference to an acquaintance or association ... then it's NOT offensive.

Is this sinking in? Words have more than one meaning and they can be offensive in one and NOT offensive in another. It's a fact. Often their context provides assumptions as to the meaning - like saying "b!tch" at dog show or, unfortunately, a white person using the N word to refer to a black person. He may very well be intending not to mean it that way but due to people who dont comprehend the idea of multiple meanings the assumption falls against him.
Look ... why don't we settle this for all the people who have this hangup about use of the "N" word.

The word has DIFFERENT MEANINGS. It's not some magic word that only has a detrimental meaning when used by a white person ... but when used by a minority it's fine. The whole point behind your so-called hypocrisy is a mistake.

For example - if you say b!tch in many social settings people may get offended. If you go to a dog show and say it then most of the time it's perfectly acceptable. If you're using it to refer to that beautiful little dog who won the working class then it's fine. If, OTOH, you're referring to the lady who judged your little dog and gave her bad marks then it's offensive. See the difference? It's NOT hypocrisy. It's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings and the context is often a key to how it was intended.

Same with the "N" word. If it's being used to refer to a person by an immutable characteristic such as their race or skin color or culture then it's offensive. HIGHLY offensive because people cant choose those things thus society considers that unfair. However, if it's being used as satire or to refer to a person who is an acquaintance etc... just as a general reference then it is fine. Again, it's NOT some magic word. It has different meanings. This is NOT hypocrisy. SAE frat dude was using it to refer to people by an immutable characteristic. He was NOT using it to refer to people who he was acquainted with in general.

We use the venacular "N word" simply because people like yourself seem to have some problem understanding this concept. NOT some magic word. There is an assumption that minorities aren't using it to refer to a characteristic and are using the other meaning. It's part of the context using a historical reference. Others do not get the benefit of the doubt of that historical reference so their context isn't aided in that manner. It's not hypocrisy. It's not a magic word. It's a matter of which meaning is inferred from the context.

So, please, enough of this dramatic over-sensitization. Frankly it comes off as racist or, at least, rather ignorant.

I agree that they have different meanings to an extent but here is where it gets tricky. I've witnessed people of African descent beat the living hell out of white people (in one instance it was a guy from my high school attacking a younger girl) for using the slur in songs. Everyone reacts differently. Some don't care about its use as long as its not thrown around derogatorily and some will be furious regardless.

What I know for a fact though is that if the word cracker was viewed in the same light and I felt strongly about its use I wouldn't run around calling my friends "cracka" isn't that just begging for trouble?
When did people take it upon themselves to give a word an alternate meaning? Then expect everyone to realize/know/differentiate the given definition compared to the original? That's a cop out and excuse if you ask me.