Carter fouls Fay: Fay's FTs: misses first, hits second, 29-16
Treece with a layup 31-16
Treece fouls
Foul Sharane, Fay's FT's: misses first, hits second
Gioya airballs a three, out of bounds
31-17 11:17
THey miss, Treece reb, she is fouled by Shewan
Gioya misses, airball, they reb, T'Ona fouls, our seventh team foul, Martucci misses, reb out of bounds
Little scores 33-17
T'Ona steals, offensive foul on her drive
Costello scores 33-19
Little is fouled, Abshire
Maddie in the game, Sharane is fouled by Ostergard, sixth team, Sharane misses a three Carter reb, misses, they reb
They miss a three, get reb, Vivi fouls on reb. Ostergard FTs: hits first, hits second
33-21 9:25
Ortiz misses a three, Driscoll reb
Ostergard misses Maddie reb
Ortiz hits from 11 35-21
Driscoll misses, Sharane reb
VIvi scores 37-21
Driscoll misses a layup, we get reb.
time out Sherri 8:16 37--21