I get the impression from the announcers that these really aren't fouls. They even said a Quinnipiac foul wasn't a foul.
Vivi reb
Nicole hits a three 50-33
Martin misses, Vivi reb
Ortiz hits her third three 53-33
Martucci fouled by Vivi, Martucci;s FTs: hits both
Derica in the game
Laneisia loses it,
Nepolitano misses twice, out off Quinn
Bad pass by Wyatt
htye miss a three, T'Ona is fouled on a layup, Costello fouls. T'Ona's FTs: hits first, 1:31, hits second 55-35
Martin hits 55-37
Vivi scores 57-37
Driscoll misses, gets own reb, Vivi fouls: Driscolls FTs: hits first, and second
Bad pass LaNesia. T'Ona fouls, Martin misses first, hits second
LaNesia shot blocked
We finished the half with T'Ona, Derica, LaNesia, Nicole, and Vivi on the floor for the last two minutes.