Well in the big scheme of the world all coaches are overpaid - way overpaid.
But that is due to the values of members of our society - including you - by suggesting coaches are worth $300,000 per year. How many social workers have you argued for making $300,000 per year - or even $50,000? We would much rather reward a coach than a couple who foster disadvantaged kids - often literally saving their lives. Coaches are valued by parents far more than teachers who spend a career teaching their kids. Etc. It goes on and on. Most members of American society think coaches & athletes are better people, more worthy, more to be worshiped than anyone else in society. Otherwise they would not allow the disparity in salaries. All societies do not do that - but our current one does.
However, Sherri is not the one responsible for that. If a person ever utters the words - "coaches and athletes are worth what they are paid" he/she is the ones responsible. Sherri brings a lot to the table for OU. Recruiting is tricky. If a person is unwilling to bring a lot of baggage (personality problems, drug problems, moral flaws, etc.) into their program it is harder to win.
I would argue the loss tonight is not to be laud totally on her shoulders. She was not the one who kept making stupid bounce passes into the middle of the lane. She did not throw the ball 60 feet down the court - creating a foolish turnover - when we were desperately trying to make a comeback. She did not shoot 53% at the line. She did not miss what felt like a million layups.
Admittedly everyone bears some responsibility - including the coaches. But I was impressed they found some inner reserve that kept them from getting destroyed in the 2nd half. Lesser character teams would have likely done that.
Let me be clear. I am not defending what the girls allowed to happen tonight. But the fact is Baylor played over their heads tonight. We played below ours. For a while we could not buy a basket - even on easy wide open shots. Choke a bit for a while? Maybe. Or perhaps just bad luck. Sometimes the shots just won't go in. I don't know which it was.
But the 2nd half we played them even (47-46). And Baylor never called off the dogs. They were still trying to run it up with a few seconds left. I can take some small amount of solace in that.