Should Players Foul Out after 6 Fouls Instead of 5?


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Nov 5, 2008
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Dickie V. was ranting about this during the Kentucky/MSU game. My feeling is if you don't want to sit on the bench in the first half due to 2 fouls, don't foul.
Dickie V. was ranting about this during the Kentucky/MSU game. My feeling is if you don't want to sit on the bench in the first half due to 2 fouls, don't foul.

I agree with you, except for the role inept or whistle-happy officials sometimes play in a game.
Dickie V. was ranting about this during the Kentucky/MSU game. My feeling is if you don't want to sit on the bench in the first half due to 2 fouls, don't foul.

Dickie V wants more help for his Rolls Royce teams (UK, KU, Duke, Mich State, UNC)! Like they don't get enough help already. Why is it these teams are ALWAYS in these highlighted early season tourneys regardless of their rankings? I can't remember a year when these teams weren't promoted tirelessly in these early season tourneys! There is NO collegiate sport where favoritism is shown for a few teams than men's basketball and these same teams!
The NBA game is 20% longer than a college game. 5 fouls in 40 minutes is the same ratio as 6 in 48. I say leave it as it is.
Perhaps if you have less than 5 fouls going into overtime you should be granted an extra foul to play with.
Dickie V. kept saying 'The court is the same size but the players are bigger and faster.' That has nothing to do with how many fouls should foul a player out.
Dickie V. kept saying 'The court is the same size but the players are bigger and faster.' That has nothing to do with how many fouls should foul a player out.

Agreed. That's a weak argument for a sixth foul.

The emphasis on the rules the last two years has been designed to minimize physical play to give an advantage to the offensive player. The reason is simple. High scoring games are more exciting to average fans than a defensive battle with too many whistles. Adding a sixth foul would be counterproductive to everything the NCAA is trying to accomplish with the emphasis on the rules.

Basketball was meant to be a finesse game. If players don't want to get in foul trouble, stop fouling!
Add the 6th foul. I'm tired of good players sitting 12 minutes in the 1st half bc they pick up 2 fouls.
Correct, for all fouls are not earned.

Agree. As a former ref, I would say a player generally gets away with a lot more fouls that aren't called than fouls that are called incorrectly (e.g. not earned). They just don't replay the instances where a foul isn't called, but should have been..... at least very often they don't.
I say keep it as it is. I don't buy his arguments and adding an extra foul to keep the "star" players on the floor is a bad idea too I think. As pointed out it is the same ratio they will play with in the NBA if they make it that far. Just learn to not foul.
I say move it to 6 fouls... College basketball must do whatever it can to keep an entertaining product on the floor. We have gone through a spell where 50-45 games are very common. Open the floor up a bit, widen the lane, allow more fouls to keep better players on the court... I'd even support allowing continuation like the NBA does.
I say keep it as it is. I don't buy his arguments and adding an extra foul to keep the "star" players on the floor is a bad idea too I think. As pointed out it is the same ratio they will play with in the NBA if they make it that far. Just learn to not foul.

But in the NBA your best players aren't playing 90% of the minutes. NBA plays their best about 36-38 minutes, college is about 34-36.
Dickie V. was ranting about this during the Kentucky/MSU game. My feeling is if you don't want to sit on the bench in the first half due to 2 fouls, don't foul.

While I agree with that sentiment in principle, part of the problem is the inconsistent officiating in the NCAA. Players and coaches often seem not to know from one game to the next, or in some instances one half to the next, how tightly or loosely a game will be called. The KU game last night was almost possession to possession.

I'm still not in favor of the college game going to 6 fouls, and agree the game could use better defensive fundamentals, but the other part of the equation is more standardized officiating. Who can blame a kid for getting into foul trouble if the way the game is called is so inconsistent from game to game, or even inside of individual games?
no in fact I think the NBA should go back to 5 fouls.There are way too many deliberate fouls in the game and adding an extra foul only encourages this trend to continue and even increase.
While I agree with that sentiment in principle, part of the problem is the inconsistent officiating in the NCAA. Players and coaches often seem not to know from one game to the next, or in some instances one half to the next, how tightly or loosely a game will be called. The KU game last night was almost possession to possession.

I'm still not in favor of the college game going to 6 fouls, and agree the game could use better defensive fundamentals, but the other part of the equation is more standardized officiating. Who can blame a kid for getting into foul trouble if the way the game is called is so inconsistent from game to game, or even inside of individual games?

I wonder if 'full-time' officials, rather than officials who are part-time insurance agents etc, would help solve this problem.

Also, I don't think 'make the NCAA game more like the NBA' is a good reason to make any change.