
Who pitches tomorrow????

Sooner Magic is alive......4 runs in the bottom of the tenth....:eek:

What a ball game!!

The OU softball team has a LOT of HEART.

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
I turned off espn3 after Tulsa went up 4-2 in the 10th. Had I been at the game, no matter how I felt, I would have stayed to support the players (both teams) but, of course, OU. I am feeling confident about tomorrow. OU is no longer playing from behind. I believe Paige starts. Her defense did not help her and that might have affected her too. We made costly mistakes that weren't just being aggressive. Most critical to me was Rogers running on Pendley's fly out because that seemed like a mental error. Still, players make mistakes and not down on her, just wish it hadn't happened. I still a good chance of being in the WCWS. Nice to have Pendley hitting so well right now.
Those who count this team out before the last out is made don't know these Sooners. These girls don't know the meaning of the word quit.

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I have to get out of Firefox or it buffers.

Thanks for the suggestion, Syb! After about 4 innings of frequent buffering using Firefox, I shut it down and opened IE, went to, and I had ZERO problems the rest of the way with buffering! All I can think of is that Firefox uses too many resources and causes the buffering problems.

I still like Firefox as my main browser, but I'll use IE from now on in conjunction with ESPN3!

How about that great finish in the 10th??? Great to get the win, but Sooner ladies are still making WAY too many errors! Lucky to survive, until the 7th game, IMO.
I really expect Parker to start tomorrow. Lowary was great today but she threw a bunch of pitches. Lopez could be a surprise starter, but whoever Patty decides to pitch will be on a short leash. It's all hands on deck.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Syb! After about 4 innings of frequent buffering using Firefox, I shut it down and opened IE, went to, and I had ZERO problems the rest of the way with buffering! All I can think of is that Firefox uses too many resources and causes the buffering problems.

I still like Firefox as my main browser, but I'll use IE from now on in conjunction with ESPN3!

How about that great finish in the 10th??? Great to get the win, but Sooner ladies are still making WAY too many errors! Lucky to survive, until the 7th game, IMO.
Exactly what I do.
I really expect Parker to start tomorrow. Lowary was great today but she threw a bunch of pitches. Lopez could be a surprise starter, but whoever Patty decides to pitch will be on a short leash. It's all hands on deck.

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Sent from my MT2L03 using Tapatalk
Sooner magic is alive and well you guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Amen to that!

I was supposed to go to dinner with a friend. When the game went to extra innings, I called her and told her we needed to push it back about 45 minutes.

When Tulsa scored to make it 4-2, I called her said I'd meet her and I'd leave in about 5 minutes.

I was late!

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Thanks for the suggestion, Syb! After about 4 innings of frequent buffering using Firefox, I shut it down and opened IE, went to, and I had ZERO problems the rest of the way with buffering! All I can think of is that Firefox uses too many resources and causes the buffering problems.

I still like Firefox as my main browser, but I'll use IE from now on in conjunction with ESPN3!

How about that great finish in the 10th??? Great to get the win, but Sooner ladies are still making WAY too many errors! Lucky to survive, until the 7th game, IMO.

I use Chrome for my browser. It buffered once for about 2 seconds but that was it.
I was at the game I didn't think the rogers deal was all that big of a deal, it looked worse because she thought there were two outs and didn't really try to get back but if she just takes her normal lead with the pitch she's out anyway trying to get back
The play that mystified me was wodach throwing it over page's head and into cf where was the backup- I think she threw it from her knees did they not have time to get there? They don't score except for that I don't think
And speaking of wodach good thing the game ended when it did she was worn slick, catching what 17 innings on a warm day. She was a warrior except for that one play. Wish I knew where her hitting had gone. Never a great hitter but better last year than this.
I would hope we have a mental edge going into tomorrow since we took as it were their "best shot" and still won, and put 10 innings into their best pitchers arm. We will be visiting team tomorrow hope we come out and put a 4 spot on them like we did NDSU. And mr ncaa the working people of the world who cannot attend a noon game thank you for that bit of scheduling.
Those who count this team out before the last out is made don't know these Sooners. These girls don't know the meaning of the word quit.

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Those who count this team out before the last out is made don't know these Sooners. These girls don't know the meaning of the word quit.

Sent from my MT2L03 using Tapatalk

EDIT: Not to say that your post was directed at me specifically, but just responded because it was right under my post about turning off the game after the top of the 10th. Did not take personally and not saying you are not correct, just talking about how I felt watching the game from home.

I know but my gut was telling me it was over after watching the game. I was not discrediting the team in anyway. Plus, my turning it off did not affect the outcome. Also, it did not mean I did not go to the stats after a bit to see who had won or if the game was still going. The thing is they shot themselves in the foot a few times, they had come back and then blew it, then to have Tulsa to up 4-2 in the top of the 10th, well, I was disappointed and did not want to watch. I was going with the odds of how they were playing today, which was uncharacteristically erratic. ANYWAY, am not worried about tomorrow's game. Believe they have their confidence back and also won't make the errors they made today.

An aside, believe Page P. can start and have some good innings. The team needs for her to do so.
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I was at the game I didn't think the rogers deal was all that big of a deal, it looked worse because she thought there were two outs and didn't really try to get back but if she just takes her normal lead with the pitch she's out anyway trying to get back
The play that mystified me was wodach throwing it over page's head and into cf where was the backup- I think she threw it from her knees did they not have time to get there? They don't score except for that I don't think
And speaking of wodach good thing the game ended when it did she was worn slick, catching what 17 innings on a warm day. She was a warrior except for that one play. Wish I knew where her hitting had gone. Never a great hitter but better last year than this.

You may be right, I do not know but she SHOULD know the outs. Plus, if she was actually trying to get back it puts pressure on the defense and they may have made a mistake.

As for Wodach's throw, that was just careless and can only be blamed on her. Why should there be anyone backing up a regular throw from catcher to pitcher? Not saying you shouldn't be on at all times, but is that a normal thing for players to be looking to back-up a throw from the catcher to the pitcher that is not part of any ongoing run situation? Action had stopped until that throw.

And, no one plays perfectly so not knocking anyone for their game. But for, some of the plays made by the people who made errors, we wouldn't have been in the game. Was just talking about what had happened that was not normal and that could have cost them the game. I really enjoy this team, how they play, and their attitudes.
I was at the game I didn't think the rogers deal was all that big of a deal, it looked worse because she thought there were two outs and didn't really try to get back but if she just takes her normal lead with the pitch she's out anyway trying to get back
The play that mystified me was wodach throwing it over page's head and into cf where was the backup- I think she threw it from her knees did they not have time to get there? They don't score except for that I don't think
And speaking of wodach good thing the game ended when it did she was worn slick, catching what 17 innings on a warm day. She was a warrior except for that one play. Wish I knew where her hitting had gone. Never a great hitter but better last year than this.

Wodach was a very good hitter when she was in the outfield before Montgomery left and she had to move to catcher. Playing catcher is tough and her hitting a really fallen off. She did hit .297 as a freshman and .315 last year. She has been sub .200 virtually all season this year.