
You may be right, I do not know but she SHOULD know the outs. Plus, if she was actually trying to get back it puts pressure on the defense and they may have made a mistake.

As for Wodach's throw, that was just careless and can only be blamed on her. Why should there be anyone backing up a regular throw from catcher to pitcher? Not saying you shouldn't be on at all times, but is that a normal thing for players to be looking to back-up a throw from the catcher to the pitcher that is not part of any ongoing run situation? Action had stopped until that throw.

And, no one plays perfectly so not knocking anyone for their game. But for, some of the plays made by the people who made errors, we wouldn't have been in the game. Was just talking about what had happened that was not normal and that could have cost them the game. I really enjoy this team, how they play, and their attitudes.
They always always both arnold and clifton if there is a runner on base run over to second as wodach throws back to the P. Not sure what happened this time I haven't seen film, either they didn't come over or she threw it back so quickly they didn't have time.
I love the fight and never-quit strength and ability of this team.

I don't know whether it's the coaching staff or the players, but it is truly amazing

The job Gasso, her staff and players are doing is shining example of what college athletics can be and the good it can do.

Frankly, I wish we could bottle this and make Sherri, her staff and her players drink a big dose every day. They give up more than any OU team I've every seen.
Monday; May 22, 2017

Thru 3 innings, Paige Parker Has thrown a lot of pitches (64) and the Sooners lead with a lead-off HR by Nicole Mendes. That is the only OU hit through 3 innings.

Thru 3 innings, PP has:
> Given up 4 hits
> 6 Strike Outs
> 0 Walks given up
> 0 Runs given up
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Paige Parker thru 6 Innings
> 8 Hits Allowed
> 6 Strike Outs
> 0 Walks
> 0 Runs

Good job Paige! One inning to go as the Sooners lead 3-0 as the 7th inning begins.
Sooners win 3-0 and advance to the Auburn super-regional!

Paige Parker pitches a complete game SHUT-OUT (throwing 132 pitches)!

Sooners fight thru and win 4 straight games, battling back thru the losers bracket, beating Arkansas, NDSU and Tulsa (twice).
They are happy but not surprised. The train is back on the tracks!

I had to watch without sound yesterday and today. Did the Texas-ex swallow her microphone after yesterday?
Sooners win 3-0 and advance to the Auburn super-regional!

Paige Parker pitches a complete game SHUT-OUT (throwing 132 pitches)!

Sooners fight thru and win 4 straight games, battling back thru the losers bracket, beating Arkansas, NDSU and Tulsa (twice).

Awesome! I wasn't able to watch or listen to the game.

Fight back and win when you're down is what great teams do. And, make no mistake, despite the NCAA slight and the first round loss, this IS a great team. I think everyone will see that from this point forward.
I had to watch without sound yesterday and today. Did the Texas-ex swallow her microphone after yesterday?

Good grief, she is terrible. And the guy she was working with is not much better.

Today, down 3-0, Tulsa led off with a single (in the sixth, I think), and the play-by-play guy got terribly excited, "Here comes the Golden Hurricane!"

How about we let them put two hits together before you get too excited, bub? I know it's the announcers' job to create some interest, some drama, but sheesh.
They are happy but not surprised. The train is back on the tracks!

I had to watch without sound yesterday and today. Did the Texas-ex swallow her microphone after yesterday?

Oh, she said a lot of nice things about OU, and all that, but I just imagine that she probably had to grit her teeth while doing so.

Her nasal speech, however, nearly drove me nuts! Like nails on a chalkboard...

Until we got the 3-0 lead in the 6th inning, I couldn't feel too comfortable that we'd win it, considering that Parker, despite her 10 Ks, was not able to retire the side against Tulsa all day long. Not a single 1-2-3 inning, and several of the Tulsa innings, they had 2 hits, and a baserunner EVERY inning.

So, you could assert that Paige was dominant, but Tulsa, to their credit, kept hanging in there. Credit to the Golden Hurricanes.
Oh, she said a lot of nice things about OU, and all that, but I just imagine that she probably had to grit her teeth while doing so.

Her nasal speech, however, nearly drove me nuts! Like nails on a chalkboard...

Until we got the 3-0 lead in the 6th inning, I couldn't feel too comfortable that we'd win it, considering that Parker, despite her 10 Ks, was not able to retire the side against Tulsa all day long. Not a single 1-2-3 inning, and several of the Tulsa innings, they had 2 hits, and a baserunner EVERY inning.

So, you could assert that Paige was dominant, but Tulsa, to their credit, kept hanging in there. Credit to the Golden Hurricanes.

That was a gritty and determined performance by Paige today, Blackwell. It seemed as though her velocity was down, but she had great spin and stayed ahead in the count for most of the game. Paige depended on her change-up a lot today. I remember on one three-pitch strkeout, her pitches were clocked at 56, 50 and 49 mph. Several of Tulsa's hits were flairs.
Oh, she said a lot of nice things about OU, and all that, but I just imagine that she probably had to grit her teeth while doing so.

I felt much of her praise for the Sooners was offered begrudgingly at best -- she hyped whichever team we were facing much more the entire weekend -- and the announcers focused WAY too much on the opening loss throughout the regional. A single loss in softball, like baseball, is not a huge shock. A pitcher having an off night can mean a loss, even against a lesser team, and it doesn't even necessarily take that for an upset to occur: One swing of the bat can make all the difference (as it did in that opening game).

But in the announcers' calls, we paid for that loss through the next four games -- all of which we won -- and it got a little tedious.
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Several of Tulsa's hits were flairs.

I assume by "flairs" you meant that they were "seeing-eye" hits, kind of the fluke variety. (I'd never heard the expression "flair" in that context).

I think that we might've had one or two of those, also, especially the two that went over the fence! :)
I assume by "flairs" you meant that they were "seeing-eye" hits, kind of the fluke variety. (I'd never heard the expression "flair" in that context).

I think that we might've had one or two of those, also, especially the two that went over the fence! :)

A "flare" is a short hit, kind a long pop out, that just clears the infield, not powerfully hit. It is often a weak single that is miss-hit,, but muscled just over an infielder's head. Not quite a line drive, not high enough for a pop.
I was at the game I didn't think the rogers deal was all that big of a deal, it looked worse because she thought there were two outs and didn't really try to get back but if she just takes her normal lead with the pitch she's out anyway trying to get back
The play that mystified me was wodach throwing it over page's head and into cf where was the backup- I think she threw it from her knees did they not have time to get there? They don't score except for that I don't think
And speaking of wodach good thing the game ended when it did she was worn slick, catching what 17 innings on a warm day. She was a warrior except for that one play. Wish I knew where her hitting had gone. Never a great hitter but better last year than this.

First, Leah does have fingers wrapped on her throwing hand, which may have had something to do with the bad throw. We don't back-up routine toss backs to the pitcher. Neither Kelsey or CC had any chance to get to it., just one of those things that happens in sports, like when a defender in basketball comes back to intercept a routine throw-in after a basket.
Yep. And, some needed the help of home cooking.

Much more logical to play the game in Norman than Fayetteville, Tulsa, or Fargo. Play on the field warrants the Sooners having the advantage over the other schools.

Even if the favored team had to all travel the seeded teams would approach winning 75% the regional with their talent, depth and pitching and it would still be an excellent job of seeding is 12 of the 16 seeds advanced.
Much more logical to play the game in Norman than Fayetteville, Tulsa, or Fargo. Play on the field warrants the Sooners having the advantage over the other schools.

Even if the favored team had to all travel the seeded teams would approach winning 75% the regional with their talent, depth and pitching and it would still be an excellent job of seeding is 12 of the 16 seeds advanced.

Then why does the RPI say the home team will win 67% of the time even when the visiting team is far better?

So either the RPI is all messed up - or your statement above is totally wrong.