
It's not against the rules. In fact it's completely within the rules.
It's a recent change. It's why you see Lon/Gasso/LR all indirectly talking
to the kids thru Twitter.
I think you need a refresher on the limits of social media recruiting.
It's not against the rules. In fact it's completely within the rules.
It's a recent change. It's why you see Lon/Gasso/LR all indirectly talking
to the kids thru Twitter.
I think you need a refresher on the limits of social media recruiting.

I think it is against the rules. And, it doesn't make sense. Alo is the one from Hawaii, and it would be legal to comment about her.
Okay you are just wrong. and completely incapable of admitting it.
You must not follow recruiting on Twitter or you would never have made that statement.
The rules about social media recruiting have changed. They changed in the last 12 months.
It's not about Alo. Alo is signed with OU. Patty can hold a two hour speaking engagement
about Alo if she wants.
The graphic and reference are about the new verbal.
Okay you are just wrong. and completely incapable of admitting it.
You must not follow recruiting on Twitter or you would never have made that statement.
The rules about social media recruiting have changed. They changed in the last 12 months.
It's not about Alo. Alo is signed with OU. Patty can hold a two hour speaking engagement
about Alo if she wants.
The graphic and reference are about the new verbal.

What does the new commit have to do with Hawaii?
Zaida kind of looks like the Moana. Not too hard to figure it out.
Btw, waiting for you to say you are completely wrong about twitter rules and recruiting.
Since you know that you are.
Or Gasso, Lon, and LR/Stoops were all violating NCAA rules along with every other HBC
in the NCAA.
Zaida kind of looks like the Moana. Not too hard to figure it out.
Btw, waiting for you to say you are completely wrong about twitter rules and recruiting.
Since you know that you are.
Or Gasso, Lon, and LR/Stoops were all violating NCAA rules along with every other HBC
in the NCAA.
I don't know that I'm wrong. And, I think your insistence that this has anything to do with Puni is pure wishful thinking---yet one more attempt to say that Sherri isn't doing her job. Puni has nothing to do with Hawaii, and you submit a picture involving a Hawaiian as being an indicator of Gasso's exhibition of joy at Puni's commitment?

Go fish. Not buying this one at all.
Your total inability to admit being incorrect is baffling.
Coaches can make indirect references to recruits over Twitter.
Gasso tweeted out right after Puni's twitter announcement. Which Puni retweeted.
Your inability to add 1 and 1 into 2 is just bizarre.
Your total inability to admit being incorrect is baffling.
Coaches can make indirect references to recruits over Twitter.
Gasso tweeted out right after Puni's twitter announcement. Which Puni retweeted.
Your inability to add 1 and 1 into 2 is just bizarre.

I am quite willing to admit when I am wrong. But, I don't buy what you are selling. I don't see a connection between a Hawaiian picture and Puni. Puni is not Hawaiian.

Get on with your life. You won't sell this to me as anything as yet one more thing claiming to be evidence of Sherri's incompetence, which was your entire point. By now, you really have to have strong evidence to back your claims since you have been on the attack so much.
Not sure if Gasso & Sherri should even be mention together..One is on a much higher scale than the other...I leave it up to the board to decide which.
On the day he stands at the Pearly Gates (a long shot at best is my guest), Syb will tell the good Lord that God Almighty himself is wrong and that Syb is, of course, right and the only one who knows all true things.

Banishment to the underworld will then ensue. Pride is the worst of the seven deadly sins.
It is interesting that an event of celebration, the commitment of a future superstar, is seen as just another opportunity to criticize Sherri Coale, who has nothing to do with a softball thread.
It is interesting that an event of celebration, the commitment of a future superstar, is seen as just another opportunity to criticize Sherri Coale, who has nothing to do with a softball thread.

Not sure if Gasso & Sherri should even be mention together..One is on a much higher scale than the other...I leave it up to the board to decide which.
You are dead on correct, Patto Gasso and Sherri Coale should not even be mentioned in any way together. At this point in their careers and programs are on two totally different levels. Gasso at the pinnacle and Coale at or near the bottom of a long slide to and past mediocrity.
Well, it is well-deserved criticism earned over nearly a decade of overseeing a faltering program that is limping to the lowest levels of the sport.
I doubt that Patty Gasso would approve of the criticism of Sherri Coale. Both were hired by Marita Hynes to build a legacy for OU women, and both struggled at the same time to develop something with minimal support. Gasso almost left, and her husband did leave, the year that she won the national title, assuring a significant enough raise for him to return. I suspect that they think of themselves as allies.
If SC were equipped to wear a jock, several posters on this forum could not carry it.
If SC were equipped to wear a jock, several posters on this forum could not carry it.
I would like to carry her bank account over to mine..other than that she can keep what ever she wears. Now before some of you cry babies start trying to make something more out of my post than it is like he talking about her money, he talking about her looks, he talking about her because she's a woman. Why not try and be adults here
some gonna back her to the bitter end..fine by me..Just don't try and give others a hard time because some have seen enough from this staff to know things not likely to change.
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Now back to Softball

Auburn coach Meyers suddenly retires, son involved also. Title 9 complaint filed
against Auburn Softball program by former player. ESPNW reports. I don't know how to link this story.