
Was it a catch? I was listening at work, but didn't see the play. Chris Plank and the former player handling color (not sure who it was) didn't seem entirely convinced it was.

I don't know the official rules well enough to say. The ESPN announcers thought it was. Disregarding the rulebook, though, it didn't seem like it should be a catch.
On another board, someone cited this rule:

Sec 15 d. It is not a catch, if a fielder (while gaining control), collides with another player, umpire
or a fence, or falls to the ground and drops the ball as a result of the collision or falling
to the ground.

Which makes it just like football where you have to control the ball the whole time on a catch. They said she lost it transferring the ball to her throwing hand, but it was the 3rd out so no need to transfer it. Looked to me like she never fully had it in her glove, so to me that ball is on the ground and it wasn’t a catch. Too bad Shay couldn’t have hit it a little harder out of the ballpark.

Did think it was interesting that Tori with Chris Plank kept saying she didn’t see any spark with the team today. I wonder if they were really tight or just a really good pitching performance frustrating them, but they seemed off today.
Ball never touched the ground although she bobbled it as she hit the ground just a little and then lost control when she got off the grass.

If it was football, I think they might have called that a catch, so...on to Saturday.

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The big 12 being 'soft' as far as softball goes is hurting us right about now. We played a couple Pac 12 teams in off conference schedule and got smoked by them when we did and didn't have much chance to improve playing against inferior big 12 opponents unfortunately and it showed today. I hope this was a wake up call and we play like we want to be there the rest of our games. Unfortunately I think our chances of winning a 3rd title in a row are slim to none now. I'm hoping we at least win a couple more games and have a decent showing.

I'm hoping i'm completely wrong of course and we win it all again, but it's only happened by one team so I know the odds are stacked against us, especially through the losers' bracket.
The big 12 being 'soft' as far as softball goes is hurting us right about now. We played a couple Pac 12 teams in off conference schedule and got smoked by them when we did.
Fact: we played five games against Pacific Twelve teams:

In Palm Springs
7 Arizona State 2
0 Arizona 2

In Eugene, OR
0 Oregon 5

In Corvalis, OR
4 Oregon State 0
8 Oregon State 0 (6)

We won three, lost two----all on west coast soil, three being road games. You didn't notice any with the courage to come to Norman. Did you?

We still have almost as good of an opportunity as anyone else. We just need to avoid arriving asleep as we did today. Had we played the entire game like we played once we brought Paige back in with the bases loaded, we would be getting ready to play Oregon instead of ASU (whom we have beaten). Parker was ready to throw strikes and bring it when she came back in.
So many things wrong today- very unaggressive at that plate- take take take. We take way too many 2-1 and 3-1 pitches that are right down the middle. Poor defense- certainly a poor throw by Lowary on what should have been an easy out at the plate.
We weren't prepared when WU responded to Lowary being in the game by bunt bunt bunt and exposing the weakest part of Leah's game, getting out from behind the plate and fielding bunts.
I agree we shouldn't have pinch hit for Kelsey, but I am willing to say Patty knows best, just doesn't always work out. Looked like Lundberg with her big loopy swing was way overmatched. Maybe Raegan Rogers?
Can we come back and win it? Yes but we have to play way way better than we did today.
And so it begs the question- how does a 2 time defending champion arrive in a poor mental state as we were today? Looked like we were totally bamboozled by the Wash U pitchers herky jerky funky motion, which if it isn't illegal ought to be.

And an interesting point brought up on the radio after the game- is 3 umpires enough? If there were 4 infield umpires and two outfield umpires would it have made a difference in the play in right field on SK hit?
We will see how the Sooners play with their backs to the wall. I think they will play very, very well. They didn't bring their A game today. They need to just loosen up and play softball. I bet the team will have a players only meeting tonight or tomorrow.
From Mark Cooper...

Oklahoma will play Arizona State (48-12) at 11 a.m. Saturday in an elimination game. The Sooners must win four games in two days to reach their third consecutive championship.

“We were just flat today in certain areas of the game,” OU coach Patty Gasso said.

OU’s offense came to Hall of Fame Stadium red-hot. The Sooners scored 65 runs in eight wins in the Big 12 tournament, NCAA regional and super regional. Since its last loss, 5-0 to Oregon on April 19, OU scored at least three runs in every game.

But from the start, Washington starter Gabbie Plain had the Sooners’ number. OU hit only three balls out of the infield in the first five innings. Plain faced only 16 batters to get through five.

A preview of tomorrow's 11 a.m. elimination game vs Arizona State, also from Mark Cooper...

To get to the best-of-three championship, Oklahoma must win four games over two days.

After the Sooners (55-4) went 10-1 at the Women’s College World Series over the past two seasons — including a 6-0 mark prior to the championship matchup — they’ve got their work cut out for them in 2018.

“I know this might sound crazy, but this road was meant to be for us and we embrace it,” Oklahoma coach Patty Gasso said. “We've been very fortunate to win the first game the last couple years, and it sets you up nicely but this road is a different road this year and we're embracing this.”

The big 12 being 'soft' as far as softball goes is hurting us right about now. We played a couple Pac 12 teams in off conference schedule and got smoked by them when we did and didn't have much chance to improve playing against inferior big 12 opponents unfortunately and it showed today. I hope this was a wake up call and we play like we want to be there the rest of our games. Unfortunately I think our chances of winning a 3rd title in a row are slim to none now. I'm hoping we at least win a couple more games and have a decent showing.

I'm hoping i'm completely wrong of course and we win it all again, but it's only happened by one team so I know the odds are stacked against us, especially through the losers' bracket.

It's actually happened twice: A&M in 1983 and UCLA in 2003 both lost their first game, then went on to win the WCWS.

And that narrative about OU being unable to beat quality teams due to playing in a "soft" Big 12 is droll and over-used.

You're right, however, that the odds are not good for an OU three-peat. But if any one of the four first-round losers have a chance to pull off that feat, it's Oklahoma.
I finally saw the "catch." Sorry, I don't buy it. She never secured it, and the ruling that she lost it on the "transfer" is absurd, given there were two outs.
We seem to have a bad habit of coasting along then getting beaten by a team that shouldnt have a prayer against us. North Dakota St. last year, then Boston this year. After both we started winning consistently. Does it take losing a game to get our attention?
We seem to have a bad habit of coasting along then getting beaten by a team that shouldnt have a prayer against us. North Dakota St. last year, then Boston this year. After both we started winning consistently. Does it take losing a game to get our attention?

I don’t equate losing to Boston and NoDak State! One was during first few weeks of season and most of team was suffering from the flu and the other was at home in the playoffs.
I honestly cannot believe how bad we are batting This World Series, especially leaders like Kelsey Arnold. Top of the sixth against Arizona State and I think this is probably the worst at-bat I've seen her, it's Times Like These when senior should be mentally strong and be leaders. I hate to be negative but even if we get out of this game I don't see us beating Florida tonight :-( I sure hope I'm wrong!
I honestly cannot believe how bad we are batting This World Series, especially leaders like Kelsey Arnold. Top of the sixth against Arizona State and I think this is probably the worst at-bat I've seen her, it's Times Like These when senior should be mentally strong and be leaders. I hate to be negative but even if we get out of this game I don't see us beating Florida tonight :-( I sure hope I'm wrong!

Yes, could someone find our offense because we lost it somewhere in between Norman and OKC. Syd needs to go from “slumpin’” Syd to “sluggin’” Syd, too.
Man Paige Parker is a WARRIOR!!!!!! And then they interview her and she has this calm sweet little voice LOL. We know what’s burning inside her!

Don’t know if we can get 2 tomorrow but I will be watching and we need some BATS and Paige Lowery!!!