
This weekend:

1. Florida: beat Arkansas 9-0 and 5-0 in Florida.
2. Michigan: run-ruled Rutgers twice, 9-1 and 11-1, in Ann Arbor.
3. Oklahoma: beat Texas Tech 8-0 (5) and 4-0 in Norman.
4. Alabama: beat Georgia 7-2 and 9-7 at Bama.
5. Florida State: lost to Louisville, 4-0, but beat them, 9-0 (5) in Tallahassee.
6. Oregon: run-ruled California, 15-2. But, Cal came back to run-rule Oregon, 15-4.
7. Auburn: lost twice at home to Texas A&M, 5-6 and 6-13.
8. Washington: split at LSU, 0-6 and 9-4.
9. James Madison: beat Hofstra, 4-0 and 7-1, in Harrisburg, VA
10. Missouri: split with South Carolina, 5-2 and 1-3, in Columbia, MO.

The top four are rolling along pretty well. There is some staggering behind them.
Thanks for the updates, syb. Things are shaping up well (so far) for our Sooners to remain in the Top 3 in RPI/NCAA rankings. We'll wrap up our series with Tech this afternoon and I'm anxious to see if OU can shut out the Red Raiders a third consecutive game. I hope so; I genuinely love this young team.

I'm sure all but two, possibly three posters are growing weary of the back-and-forth, so this will be the last time I address the "rain game." I just wanted to say "thanks" to you, syb, for defending the OU program and Coach Gasso against those who believe she somehow showed weakness and was outcoached in the 2012 CWS. I think real Sooner fans realize that what we saw that night from Bama was classless, and that we will never see a Patty Gasso-coached team behave in that manner.
But, I am not the one who is casting aspersions on Gasso by stating that she would have attempted to show up the umpires and officials with her little water sprite antics.

And this is the crux of your position? I have never cast aspersions toward Patty. I have the utmost respect for Patty. She does the best she can do to win every game. She is as good at here job as any in the country. But you need to learn to cast your stones for what I say not for what you envision I say. But diversion and distortion has always been your forte.

On rare occasion scrybe is absolutely correct. The rain game has been discussed enough. Meanwhile I'll as always be at Marita Hynes, Stoolwater and in OKC for the remainder of the Sooners' games showing my loyalty and supporting Patty with butt in seat as it will have been for almost 30 games this year.
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And this is the crux of your position? I have never cast aspersions toward Patti. I have the utmost respect for Patti. She does the best she can do to win every game. She is as good at here job as any in the country. But you need to learn to cast your stones for what I say not for what you envision I say. But diversion and distortion has always been your forte.
If you feel that Alabama was exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior with their water sprite behavior and made no attempt to say that Patti would have done the same, then you have no reason to defend your position. Do you?
That series with Alabama was almost four years ago. Two outstanding teams. We just couldn't finish it. We came so close that year too.
I am very excited about our future. We have a great chance to be even more dominant over the next few years. Patty is a terrific coach and recruiter.

A little off topic, but when do you guys think we will expand our softball stadium? It's still a nice place, but we do need to expand our capacity.
Thanks for the updates, syb. Things are shaping up well (so far) for our Sooners to remain in the Top 3 in RPI/NCAA rankings. We'll wrap up our series with Tech this afternoon and I'm anxious to see if OU can shut out the Red Raiders a third consecutive game. I hope so; I genuinely love this young team.

I'm sure all but two, possibly three posters are growing weary of the back-and-forth, so this will be the last time I address the "rain game." I just wanted to say "thanks" to you, syb, for defending the OU program and Coach Gasso against those who believe she somehow showed weakness and was outcoached in the 2012 CWS. I think real Sooner fans realize that what we saw that night from Bama was classless, and that we will never see a Patty Gasso-coached team behave in that manner.

I am also guessing everyone is tired of the back and forth; but to quote you regarding the bold you are entitled to your own opinion BUT not your own facts. I among a few others believe (opinion,not fact) that Coach Gasso was outcoached and that Bama was NOT classless (opinion, not fact) and that OU would behave in that manner (opinion, not fact) AND I AM a real Sooner fan (fact, not opinion). You know it is possible to have different opinions without making it personal. It would make this a better board if everyone tried that, don't you think? There are a couple of people who are always going to clap for Syb's posts (Syb, this is not a knock on you) and those same people seem ready to get personal and negative
when another person or two posts. And THAT IS BEFORE there has been any controversy. And that other person or two on the other SIDE sometimes do the same, i.e., make a negative personal comment before any post has become confrontational. I know probably everyone has been here longer than I so maybe I should not be saying anything about the ongoing hostility between 6 or 7 people on this board. However, I will just say this. The internet is an easy place to take out the frustrations in your life, a place to argue where you do not have to see the other person EVER, where you can just vent and get things out often not because you are so upset about what is posted but because you are upset in general. The internet is also a place which encourages competition. I will certainly ADMIT that in this regard I could go back and look at posts of mine from 3 years ago and on back and find ones that humiliate me. They all had to do with politics and social issues because I am a democratic socialist and am very sensitive to all the issues in which I see/believe people are being treated unjustly to say the least. However, some of my posts were arrogant, condescending, and most embarrassing did not make a point and/or were stupid in that sometimes I need not have posted and sometimes they were not good arguments because I did not take the time to make them so. AGAIN, it became competitive. AND I would like to revise posts I have made here in the past or maybe just delete them, because they weren't going to change anyone's minds. (But I JUST had to reiterate my position whether it furthered a discussion or not). And isn't that the POINT of this board to exchange ideas, post how we feel about an issue, but let others have their own opinion EVEN if we might believe they are being juvenile, ignorant or we just plain don't like what they are saying. We are not all going to like each other on here though I imagine in real life we would probably all get along much better. BECAUSE in real life we hopefully do not treat each other so rudely. I do believe the internet has added to a a change in people's behavior in the real world along with hate radio and hate tv, political pundits, and sports pundits. I mean there is so much talk in these places which sounds like that of 13 and 14 year olds, in which the speaker/writer uses words young teenagers and even younger children would use in arguments. I can't even listen to sports talk shows because they are so unprofessional and rather than discuss a player or coach or team as an adult they use the words of kids, make it personal regarding the object of their ire. BELIEVE this catches the attitude of many on the internet (and I used to be like this mostly re political/social issues, hopefully I have improved but know I still haven't gotten to the point where I don't regret a post.) I don't know if it is possible to post the first picture in this thread so will just post the link:
Really believe the first comic is so on point for many of us.
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That series with Alabama was almost four years ago. Two outstanding teams. We just couldn't finish it. We came so close that year too.
I am very excited about our future. We have a great chance to be even more dominant over the next few years. Patty is a terrific coach and recruiter.

A little off topic, but when do you guys think we will expand our softball stadium? It's still a nice place, but we do need to expand our capacity.

I think it's on the list but prioritywise, it's not as high up with football and LNC, unfortunately. With crash of O&G prices, I'm sure it's been delayed even more. Unless, Patty can find a donor exclusive to softball.

At this point in program history with the strong team (youthful!) and recruiting classes coming in the next few years, the main stadium needs to be expanded from 750 to 1200/1500, with maybe a couple of suites too, as soon as possible. I think they are just getting squeezed out because of all the other projects AND the O&G crash. :(
Oklahoma's economy is relevant to everything to which all levels of public education in Oklahoma fall short. (here is me NOT going political but
just addressing the main issue of OUFinalFour and Tycat, this is an improvement for me, I do keep trying) I am wondering 1st) are there many softball stadiums larger and nicer than ours, because I have no clue though I might guess that some in California with a storied history may be though they may be older stadiums and maybe some SEC schools? 2nd) Do you really believe that we need bigger stadiums, because I have no opinion and certainly not an informed one 3rd) it really surprised me when you mentioned a couple of suites, would those be used and be an economically sound investment?

It seems that the marketing of women's programs whether professional or collegiate or at the lower levels is the biggest issue. I think maybe the largest factor helping softball right now and will help more in the future is that softball has been reinstated in the olympics for 2020. (correct me if I am wrong, think that is correct, am not going to google) BUT still that has to be sold to the public. And it is an uphill battle because men's football, baseball, hockey and soccer are already entrenched in the sport's world in
fans, media, money, city and state governments. I am all for taking on that battle because so many sports enthusiasts who have never followed women's sports do become fans pretty easily when introduced to it by a friend who is a fan. My brother doesn't care much for baseball but he does like women's softball. He played basketball but didn't follow it until I took him to an OUWBB game. I am just not sure we can make a significant increase in the following of women's sports, especially at this time for a couple of reasons.

Finally, not saying we don't need a larger stadium and have no clue about the suites. Aren't those usually something people pay large bucks to use?
And is that what you are thinking for these suites? I am just asking questions.
If you feel that Alabama was exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior with their water sprite behavior and made no attempt to say that Patti would have done the same, then you have no reason to defend your position. Do you?

Yes, but only because you continually make contrived false accusations and implications toward me. As always your standard M.O.
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Yes, but only continually make contrived false accusations and implications toward me. As always your standard M.O.

I will give you this, Spock. While some exhibit a strongly anti-OU bias, primarily with regard to women's coaches, I don't think you perceive or intend the negativity in some of your statements, and I'm not sure that you have the same negativity within you on this subject.
That series with Alabama was almost four years ago. Two outstanding teams. We just couldn't finish it. We came so close that year too.
I am very excited about our future. We have a great chance to be even more dominant over the next few years. Patty is a terrific coach and recruiter.

A little off topic, but when do you guys think we will expand our softball stadium? It's still a nice place, but we do need to expand our capacity.

Marita Hynes' capacity is not a major problem. The listed capacity is 1,378 aan there are always empty seats even for listed sellouts. I assume the standard unused tickets purchased by businesses is the reason. The ticket holder for the seats adjacent to me have not been used by the ticket holders this year. This is true for 15% of the season tickets in my area. Tennessee, UCLA, Florida, Georgia, LSU, UCLA, Texas, Baylor and Oregon have softball complexes that having listed seating capacities of 1,600 or less. Only Alabama's Rhoads Stadium which seats 3,940 after two expansions in the last decade is larger than 1,600.

I would like to see a modernization of the facility with better player and fan amenities provided and it only makes sense to expand the capacity somewhat as that would be the most economical approach. Also a new state-of-the-art stadium seating 2,500 with all chair backs, hospitality and VIP suites, improved and enlarged locker room, state-of-the-art video board that displays video replay, upgraded training facilities, updated indoor practice facility better restrooms and concession stands would be an additional recruiting tool for Patty and would improve attendance.

Oregon recently spent $17.2 million for a new facility Jack Sanders Stadium that has 1,500 permanent seats and 1,000 bleacher seats and roof over part of the stadium. See link below.

OU could probably accomplish all their needs on a budget of $5-7 million and should be able to acquire a major contributor to fund a majority of the cost. Also naming rights for the stadium could garner additional funding.
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Marita Hynes' capacity is not a major problem. The listed capacity is 1,378 aan there are always empty seats even for listed sellouts. I assume the standard unused tickets purchased by businesses is the reason. The ticket holder for the seats adjacent to me have not been used by the ticket holders this year. This is true for 15% of the season tickets in my area. Tennessee, UCLA, Florida, Georgia, LSU, UCLA, Texas, Baylor and Oregon have softball complexes that having listed seating capacities of 1,600 or less. Only Alabama's Rhoads Stadium which seats 3,940 after two expansions in the last decade is larger than 1,600.

I would like to see a modernization of the facility with better player and fan amenities provided and it only makes sense to expand the capacity somewhat as that would be the most economical approach. Also a new state-of-the-art stadium seating 2,500 with all chair backs, hospitality and VIP suites, improved and enlarged locker room, state-of-the-art video board that displays video replay, upgraded training facilities, updated indoor practice facility better restrooms and concession stands would be an additional recruiting tool for Patty and would improve attendance.

Oregon recently spent $17.2 million for a new facility Jack Sanders Stadium that has 1,500 permanent seats and 1,000 bleacher seats and roof over part of the stadium. See link below.

OU could probably accomplish all their needs on a budget of $5-7 million and should be able to acquire a major contributor to fund a majority of the cost. Also naming rights for the stadium could garner additional funding.

I HATE naming of facilities after corporations or some rich individual, especially in college sports, BUT understand the need BUT ONLY IF
the individual or corporation pays for it. I hated when the OU football stadium was renamed Gaylord Stadium. They better have paid big bucks for it and as it continues to expand, they should pay more unless the initial payment was huge.
Solid win. Good doubles by Self, timely. Clifton continues to be a surprise: power and dependability. It is now 26 straight games in which she has reached base.

My first look at Finney. Only saw her pitch to one hitter. It was enough. The girl has what it takes. Wonder what the limitations have been?
1. Florida: 8 Arkansas 0
2. Michigan: 8 Rutgers 0
3. Oklahoma: 10 Texas Tech 1
4. Alabama: 5 Georgia 9
5. Florida State: 4 Louisville 3
6. Oregon: Leads Cal 3-0 in the fourth
7. Auburn: 5 Texas A&M 4
8. washington: 4 LSU 5 (9)
9. James Madison: Finished
10. Missouri: 2 South Carolina 0
I finally got to see OU play in person today - it was our Mother's Day treat to my mom, who is a basketball die-hard but also loves her OU softball team.

That was a solid game today, and the only irritating thing was having to listen to a couple of Sand Aggie dad raging about "hometown cooking" when that girl from Tech got caught leaving third base early on what should have been an easy SAC fly / RBI. I wasn't paying real close attention to what the girl on third was doing, but people who were said she left way too early.

And it's totally ironic for Tech fans to rave about "hometown cooking" (and my niece, who works at the games as part of her degree program, said those clowns were yelling it all weekend).
They mentioned that she had left early before she even crossed the plate. But, the replay that they showed didn't even catch her leaving, focusing on the outfield. If she hadn't left early, she had plenty of time. She crossed with time to spare. She just made a mistake. So, it ended up 10-1 instead of 10-2. She was probably just surprised to being on base.
I finally got to see OU play in person today - it was our Mother's Day treat to my mom, who is a basketball die-hard but also loves her OU softball team.

That was a solid game today, and the only irritating thing was having to listen to a couple of Sand Aggie dad raging about "hometown cooking" when that girl from Tech got caught leaving third base early on what should have been an easy SAC fly / RBI. I wasn't paying real close attention to what the girl on third was doing, but people who were said she left way too early.

And it's totally ironic for Tech fans to rave about "hometown cooking" (and my niece, who works at the games as part of her degree program, said those clowns were yelling it all weekend).

They have too much "sand" on the brain! :ez-roll:
I HATE naming of facilities after corporations or some rich individual, especially in college sports, BUT understand the need BUT ONLY IF
the individual or corporation pays for it. I hated when the OU football stadium was renamed Gaylord Stadium. They better have paid big bucks for it and as it continues to expand, they should pay more unless the initial payment was huge.

Around 2002 the Gaylord family donated around $50 million dollars to OU. $22 million was earmarked for the new journalism building, $12 million for the Memorial Stadium $75 million expansion and $30 to the Health Science programs. In total the family has donated nearly $80 million.

Christy Gaylord Everest

Christy Gaylord EverestSchool ties: Attended University of Oklahoma and Colorado College
Age: 54
Reported wealth: N/A
How made money: Third-generation boss of the family-owned Oklahoma Publishing Co., which owns Oklahoma City's Daily Oklahoman.
How much donated: Gaylord family has donated nearly $80 million to OU, including $18 million to athletics.
School song/cheer: Boomer Sooner
Braggin' Rights: After the family's $12 million contribution to help complete an expansion project, OU Board of Regents in 2002 renamed the football playground the Gaylord Family-Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. ... According to OU president David Boren, athletics is third on the list of the family's benevolence. The Gaylords recently gave $22 million, the largest single gift ever to OU, toward the new building housing the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, and contributed more than $30 million to health science programs.
The Buzz: The Gaylord name comes with big bucks and power of the press. ... Christy Gaylord Everest, who attended the University Oklahoma, is chair of the OU Board of Regents, the official governing body. ... Her husband, Jim, is an OU grad. ... The family's Gaylord Entertainment owns a handful of resort/convention centers, including Opryland Hotel in Nashville and Colorado Springs' Broadmoor Hotel.
Solid win. Good doubles by Self, timely. Clifton continues to be a surprise: power and dependability. It is now 26 straight games in which she has reached base.

My first look at Finney. Only saw her pitch to one hitter. It was enough. The girl has what it takes. Wonder what the limitations have been?

Finney has not got that many innings, less than 20 for the season. Control has been her big issue especially early in the season. Has looked very good on paper her last 5 outings and her control has gotten better. Her pitch has speed and movement. Once she can hit the corners she will tough.

Just too late in the season to play her in a critical situation with Parker, Stevens and Chestnut all presently throwing well. With Lopez, Mendes and Olmos coming in next year I have concerns if Finney will be back. I hope so as she throws in the upper 60's or 70 mph.