
Finney has not got that many innings, less than 20 for the season. Control has been her big issue especially early in the season. Has looked very good on paper her last 5 outings and her control has gotten better. Her pitch has speed and movement. Once she can hit the corners she will tough.

Just too late in the season to play her in a critical situation with Parker, Stevens and Chestnut all presently throwing well. With Lopez, Mendes and Olmos coming in next year I have concerns if Finney will be back. I hope so as she throws in the upper 60's or 70 mph.

I would not presume to challenge Patti. I do wonder if there is a reason that Brit has been limited, like injury, the learning of new pitches, etc. She seems to have sufficient potential to keep and be excited, unless we are getting false readings when we see her. In searching for a #2 to go with Paige, I have more hope for Lopez or Olmos than for Chestnut. I thought Mendes was recruited primarily as an outfielder who just happens to be able to throw the ball hard as well. When I have seen Jayden, I see the most hittable of our pitchers. Like today, she has times when they just tee off. They hit about five balls in a row pretty hard. At 60 hits in 66.2 innings, she allows 6.30 hits per seven innings (ERA 2.73). Brittany would be 4.125 hits per seven innings (ERA 1.125). There are only two doubles and zero home runs in the 18.2 innings. It seems her stuff might be harder to hit.

Paige isn't superfast. But, she is hard to hit. You just don't see a lot of good wood on her pitches. Kelsey is pretty hard to hit. She just gets into trouble with a hit, a walk, and a hit batter.
Finney has not got that many innings, less than 20 for the season. Control has been her big issue especially early in the season. Has looked very good on paper her last 5 outings and her control has gotten better. Her pitch has speed and movement. Once she can hit the corners she will tough.

Just too late in the season to play her in a critical situation with Parker, Stevens and Chestnut all presently throwing well. With Lopez, Mendes and Olmos coming in next year I have concerns if Finney will be back. I hope so as she throws in the upper 60's or 70 mph.

I do too. She has seen the mound very sparingly and the future is questionable at best. If her main goal is to be a regular pitcher, she may decide her best bet is with another team.
The times the camera has been on Brit she has been engaged and happy. I hope she stays. it wouldnt surprise me if she got some relief time soon because, I agree, Chestnut seems to throw a hittable ball. And Finney has had good control the last two times she has played.
I did not make OU guilty of anything but they were guilty of not being able to adjust to the playing condition while the Tide took advantage of the situation. It was unfortunate for OU but it happen and we as fans should not still moan, p**s and groan four years later that Bama was unethical in their behavior. Life is not always fair. Sometimes you get good breaks and sometime you get bad breaks on the diamond.

Officiating is a human element of the game that cannot and should not be removed from the game. The human element is an integral part of the game.
The refs made a bad decision. The softball committee allowed that decision to stand. Bama beat OU enough said.

I am sorry if you cannot grasp that concept. Excuses are excuses and they are made for losers. What does that make you? You don't have to like decision, I didn't. You don't have to like the Tide. I choose to respect them for what they accomplish on the softball diamond despite their being a recent OU nemesis. It is what it is.

You seem to still be hung up on the idea that the umpires made the decision to continue the game and that the committee allowed that decision to stand. Trust me, the umpires had NOTHING to do with that decision. The committee controls EVERY decision in the world series and in all post season play. Even to how many minutes of warm up, etc. The umpires do what they are told or they won't work another series again. I know that for a fact.
You seem to still be hung up on the idea that the umpires made the decision to continue the game and that the committee allowed that decision to stand. Trust me, the umpires had NOTHING to do with that decision. The committee controls EVERY decision in the world series and in all post season play. Even to how many minutes of warm up, etc. The umpires do what they are told or they won't work another series again. I know that for a fact.

No one is disputing the final decision. To me it is not important. The game was initially stopped by the umps on the field. That is a fact. That decision was not made by the committee unless they have the umps wired. Once the game had been delayed the decision to resume the game could easily have been make the committee, the committee chairman, a committee member or whomever with input from other sources be that the coaches or the network. Ultimately I would suspect it was made by one individual with input from several sources. Regardless it was a human decision that impacted the game not to the Sooners advantage. Bad break!

My only point of significance is that Alabama was playing a game in conditions that were making things difficult for Keilani. Whatever input they were allowed to have in the final decision was adamantly in favor of continuing to play. That is what they should have done. It afforded them the best chance to win. They were not unethical in doing so.

Also it is my opinion that had the roles been reversed Patty's position on continuing to play the game would have been the same as Murphy's opinion. Go on. Likewise, had Murphy been in Patty's shoes he would have wanted the game suspended. Their goals are to win the game. That's just an opinion.

Opinions are just that and and they along with a $2 bill have very little purchasing power. With regard to the final decision on finishing the game I assume you are on the committee, witnessed the committee make the decision, an umpire that has called the series or are merely expressing an opinion not a fact. And you know what I think my and your opinion is of little worth. Very little! Opinions are just that, opinions. And that is a fact.
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I would not presume to challenge Patti. I do wonder if there is a reason that Brit has been limited, like injury, the learning of new pitches, etc. She seems to have sufficient potential to keep and be excited, unless we are getting false readings when we see her. In searching for a #2 to go with Paige, I have more hope for Lopez or Olmos than for Chestnut. I thought Mendes was recruited primarily as an outfielder who just happens to be able to throw the ball hard as well. When I have seen Jayden, I see the most hittable of our pitchers. Like today, she has times when they just tee off. They hit about five balls in a row pretty hard. At 60 hits in 66.2 innings, she allows 6.30 hits per seven innings (ERA 2.73). Brittany would be 4.125 hits per seven innings (ERA 1.125). There are only two doubles and zero home runs in the 18.2 innings. It seems her stuff might be harder to hit.

Paige isn't superfast. But, she is hard to hit. You just don't see a lot of good wood on her pitches. Kelsey is pretty hard to hit. She just gets into trouble with a hit, a walk, and a hit batter.

For certain I am not challenging Patty. She with consultation from Melyssa Lombardi will make the call and I am not going to second guess their decision. I will say, in my opinion, it is doubtful that someone with only 18.2 innings is going to get to throw in a tie or one run game with the season on the line when she has 3 other pitchers with more game experience and success. Although I am fairly sure Kelsey will remain on a very short string.
You see the same things in the pitching staff as do I. Your understanding about the incoming freshmen are also what I have been able to gleen from various sources. I am curious though about your source for Chestnut's and Finney's season stats. They are not available on, or When I get that data I have to accumulate season stats from individual game box scores. Do you have a source for OU softball team/individual season stats? To my knowledge Patty has never published them.

Not important but Gasso does spell her name Patty not Patti. No big deal.
No one is disputing the final decision. To me it is not important. The game was initially stopped by the umps on the field. That is a fact. That decision was not made by the committee unless they have the umps wired. Once the game had been delayed the decision to resume the game could easily have been make the committee, the committee chairman, a committee member or whomever with input from other sources be that the coaches or the network. Ultimately I would suspect it was made by one individual with input from several sources. Regardless it was a human decision that impacted the game not to the Sooners advantage. Bad break!

My only point of significance is that Alabama was playing a game in conditions that were making things difficult for Keilani. Whatever input they were allowed to have in the final decision was adamantly in favor of continuing to play. That is what they should have done. It afforded them the best chance to win. They were not unethical in doing so.

Also it is my opinion that had the roles been reversed Patty's position on continuing to play the game would have been the same as Murphy's opinion. Go on. Likewise, had Murphy been in Patty's shoes he would have wanted the game suspended. Their goals are to win the game. That's just an opinion.

Opinions are just that and and they along with a $2 bill have very little purchasing power. With regard to the final decision on finishing the game I assume you are on the committee, witnessed the committee make the decision, an umpire that has called the series or are merely expressing an opinion not a fact. And you know what I think my and your opinion is of little worth. Very little! Opinions are just that, opinions. And that is a fact.

Definitely not an opinion. Fact. Not on the committee, witnessed the committee make the decision, or an umpire but very good friends with an umpire that has called many world series that knows for a fact how the committee works.
Definitely not an opinion. Fact. Not on the committee, witnessed the committee make the decision, or an umpire but very good friends with an umpire that has called many world series that knows for a fact how the committee works.

Not disputing what you say is true but to me a good friend even a reliable friend telling me something is hearsay not fact. Reliable information perhaps but still hearsay. It is not indisputable.
Big 12 Champs – again. Now, let's cap off the regular season with a pair of wins over OSU and enter the postseason with a 22-game winning streak.

I'm stoked over the prospects for a deep run in the postseason. I really believe these Sooners can compete with any team in the NCAA. They may not yet be ready to win a CWS title, but I do believe they'll give a good accounting of themselves no matter who they play the rest of the way.

I was a little surprised and somewhat disappointed by the way TT hit the ball so hard against Chestnut late in yesterday's game. She looked really good in her first inning of work, but was hit hard the next time around. It makes me wonder if Patty didn't instruct her to just go out and throw strikes and let the chips fall where they may. Patty's really not one to show up an opponent. Am I way off the mark? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I've watched quite a few games this season (Big 12 and SEC, mostly), and I do believe Paige Parker has been consistently better than any other pitcher I've seen. She's not the fastest, but Paige's repertoire, control and the way she changes speed so effectively makes her, in my opinion, the best pitcher. Florida still has the best pitching staff, though. The Gators have three starters who are in, or close to, Parker's league. Their pitching staff and experience have got to make them the favorite to win another CWS title.

I've got to resist the temptation to get ahead of myself, though. The Sooners must first tend to business in their regional and the super regional. So, which teams will we get in our regional? And if we do get to host a super regional, who do you see as our most likely opponent?

I'll hang up and listen.
I would not presume to challenge Patti. I do wonder if there is a reason that Brit has been limited, like injury, the learning of new pitches, etc. She seems to have sufficient potential to keep and be excited, unless we are getting false readings when we see her. In searching for a #2 to go with Paige, I have more hope for Lopez or Olmos than for Chestnut. I thought Mendes was recruited primarily as an outfielder who just happens to be able to throw the ball hard as well. When I have seen Jayden, I see the most hittable of our pitchers. Like today, she has times when they just tee off. They hit about five balls in a row pretty hard. At 60 hits in 66.2 innings, she allows 6.30 hits per seven innings (ERA 2.73). Brittany would be 4.125 hits per seven innings (ERA 1.125). There are only two doubles and zero home runs in the 18.2 innings. It seems her stuff might be harder to hit.

Paige isn't superfast. But, she is hard to hit. You just don't see a lot of good wood on her pitches. Kelsey is pretty hard to hit. She just gets into trouble with a hit, a walk, and a hit batter.

Brittany got 4 starts and a couple of relief jobs in the first 24 games. Through her first 10.1 innings including 3 starts she walked 10 batters. That does not get you many innings pitching for Patty.

Starting with her four start she has thrown 8.1 innings with only 3 walks. She did not walk a batter in her fourth start (3 innings). So she is beginning to throw strikes. ERA has not been a problem but the free passes put you in tenuous situations that Patty will not tolerate. Control wise it appears she may be turning the corner.
Current statistics:

NCAA Softball site:

From here, click on "stats."

Now, go to the bottom of the page and click on "VIEW REPORT on"

Want OU's stats, click on "Oklahoma" which is ranked #1 in BA.

Now, where is says "team statistics" at the top, click. You can get pitching, fielding, and hitting stats for each person on the team. If you then, click on their name, it yields the same information in a game-by-game status.

They update this daily for every team in the US.
Interesting stats, for the team and how OU stacks up nationally.

Not only does OU lead the nation in team batting average, the Sooners are also first in fielding percentage, which is huge, in my opinion.

Also, Erin Miller, who is leading the team with a .413 batting average, has been very close to automatic at the plate in the past couple of weeks. And almost all of her hits have been lined shots. Has any Sooner player that you can remember been this hot so close to the start of the postseason?
OU went 4-0 last week and dropped a spot in the RPI to #4. Bama moved up to #3 and lost their Sunday game to Georgia. They have lost 11 games this year and OU has lost 7. Just lets you know how the SEC schedule impacts RPI compared to the Big 12.
The Colonial is another conference with a lot more stroke than the Big 12. James Madison jumped from #9 all the way to #5.
The ranking changes were interesting. Bama did lose last night. I don't know if it had any impact. Auburn lost twice to Tennessee in run-ruled games. I think they lost four in a row before taking the final game from A&M. But, they only fell to #8. Tennessee hardly gained.

Washington went to LSU and lost two of three in Baton Rouge. So, they moved up to #6? Kentucky keeps winning by narrow scores due to all pitching, no hitting. But, they have fallen in the rankings, especially after sweeping Mississippi State.

I figure that the Regional will NOT have another team in the top sixteen. Right now, that would put Georgia and Minnesota on the search for a regional. I'd rather not see one of them in Norman.
If the seedings mean anything, you would anticipate that the sixteen regional sites would be hosted by the top sixteen seeds. You might also tend to think that the stronger non-seeded teams (i.e., those ranked #17-24) would be in the same regional at the #9-16 seeds. If this were to be true, OU, as the host of a Super-Regional, might not see a team ranked as high as #24 in the regionals. You might expect a team ranked #25-#32 in the regionals.

This is where pitching makes a difference. If we face no better than a #24 team in the regionals, I think we can beat them with any pitcher that we have. If one doesn't have it, someone else would. Since we would probably not even face a team that good in the first game, we might save Paige for the second game in which we would play someone a bit better. The regional looks somewhat easy unless we screw up.

It is the Super-Regionals where having a second pitcher begins to make a difference. We would likely be facing someone ranked in the top sixteen. If you win both games, you can probably pitch Paige. If you lose one, you may need a second pitcher.

I think when OU has won the national title that we have been undefeated during playoffs. We never fell into the loser's bracket. That is KEY. When we won against Tennessee, we needed a second pitcher because of an extra-inning game. Would Keilani have shut down Tennessee? Actually, Michelle may have been the more consistent pitcher at the end of the year. But, if you force a starter into pitching an extra game or two in a two-or three day period, you have a problem.

Gasso made the comment after the game that she likes where we are with the pitching staff. I must admit that I would be reluctant to have Stevens, Chestnut, or Finney go against a top sixteen team. I think Paige has learned more about pitching in key games this year. Last year, we lost at LSU and Bama late. This year, we won against Bama and Tennessee in pitching duels (well, half a duel since the Vols didn't choose to participate). She is better in key games this year. She doesn't have all of the perfect games against weak teams, but she beats the good teams. I'm just not sure that we have a #2 who can pitch against a Georgia.
If the seedings mean anything, you would anticipate that the sixteen regional sites would be hosted by the top sixteen seeds. You might also tend to think that the stronger non-seeded teams (i.e., those ranked #17-24) would be in the same regional at the #9-16 seeds. If this were to be true, OU, as the host of a Super-Regional, might not see a team ranked as high as #24 in the regionals. You might expect a team ranked #25-#32 in the regionals.

This is where pitching makes a difference. If we face no better than a #24 team in the regionals, I think we can beat them with any pitcher that we have. If one doesn't have it, someone else would. Since we would probably not even face a team that good in the first game, we might save Paige for the second game in which we would play someone a bit better. The regional looks somewhat easy unless we screw up.

It is the Super-Regionals where having a second pitcher begins to make a difference. We would likely be facing someone ranked in the top sixteen. If you win both games, you can probably pitch Paige. If you lose one, you may need a second pitcher.

I think when OU has won the national title that we have been undefeated during playoffs. We never fell into the loser's bracket. That is KEY. When we won against Tennessee, we needed a second pitcher because of an extra-inning game. Would Keilani have shut down Tennessee? Actually, Michelle may have been the more consistent pitcher at the end of the year. But, if you force a starter into pitching an extra game or two in a two-or three day period, you have a problem.

Gasso made the comment after the game that she likes where we are with the pitching staff. I must admit that I would be reluctant to have Stevens, Chestnut, or Finney go against a top sixteen team. I think Paige has learned more about pitching in key games this year. Last year, we lost at LSU and Bama late. This year, we won against Bama and Tennessee in pitching duels (well, half a duel since the Vols didn't choose to participate). She is better in key games this year. She doesn't have all of the perfect games against weak teams, but she beats the good teams. I'm just not sure that we have a #2 who can pitch against a Georgia.

Sorry, I am not sold on Georgia. I think OU would rip their pitching. They are 4-6 in their last 10 games. Tennessee and Bama both won series with Georgia. Auburn destroyed them.

I do think you are underestimating the young pitchers. They don't have to do anything other than keep the ball in the park. OU's defense is second to none. I also believe Paige could pitch 3 games if necessary - she beat Baylor 3 times in Waco.
Current statistics:

NCAA Softball site:

From here, click on "stats."

Now, go to the bottom of the page and click on "VIEW REPORT on"

Want OU's stats, click on "Oklahoma" which is ranked #1 in BA.

Now, where is says "team statistics" at the top, click. You can get pitching, fielding, and hitting stats for each person on the team. If you then, click on their name, it yields the same information in a game-by-game status.

They update this daily for every team in the US.

Thanks, especially like the ranking trends and ranking summary date. Great for statistically comparing OU teams from the past five years. Gives you some relative grasp of how this team is playing. Really looks good on paper.

Most impressed with how consistently this team has been hitting. Looking at the last ten weeks they have been hitting .364, .369, .359, .357, .356, .356, .356, .356, .356 and currently ,359. That emphasizes to me the importance having every hitter in the lineup hitting .324 or better with four starters hitting .379 or better. Every hitter can carry the team for a game or two.

Also encouraged with how our ERA has dropped every week for 15 straight weeks going from a 3.33 to a 2.19 with most of the games against our conference opponents plus Alabama, Tennessee, Nebraska and Cal State Fullerton.

Also shows how consistent our fielding has been with a low of .977 the first week of the season but ranging from .982 to .986 with a current .984 to lead the country.
Sorry, I am not sold on Georgia. I think OU would rip their pitching. They are 4-6 in their last 10 games. Tennessee and Bama both won series with Georgia. Auburn destroyed them.

I do think you are underestimating the young pitchers. They don't have to do anything other than keep the ball in the park. OU's defense is second to none. I also believe Paige could pitch 3 games if necessary - she beat Baylor 3 times in Waco.

I agree is necessary Paige could throw three games however we have seen situations like Texas (11 runs in 11 innings, 8 earned) where she was not as effective as at Waco. The key is don't get in position where you need to throw Paige for 3 games in the regional or super regional.

My concern is the WCWS and the #4/5 seed. That would put us in Florida's bracket and a greater opportunity to get to the loser's bracket early and have to play more than 3 games.
I agree is necessary Paige could throw three games however we have seen situations like Texas (11 runs in 11 innings, 8 earned) where she was not as effective as at Waco. The key is don't get in position where you need to throw Paige for 3 games in the regional or super regional.

My concern is the WCWS and the #4/5 seed. That would put us in Florida's bracket and a greater opportunity to get to the loser's bracket early and have to play more than 3 games.

Yes, Florida has an advantage over the Sooners in two areas: (1) number of proven starting pitchers, and (2) overall experience (a senior-laden team that is the two-time defending CWS champion). Pretty good credentials, I'd say.

OU's strengths: (1) No team in the nation (Florida included) is more talented overall; (2) OU has possibly the best head coach and one of the best coaching staffs in the nation (the Florida, Tennessee and Michigan staffs are no slouches); (3) the Sooners may be playing the best softball going into the postseason (4) Paige Parker is, imo, the most consistent starter in softball; (5) Erin Miller is out of her mind at the plate and the rest of her team is feeding off her hot hitting; (6) statistics say (and the eye-test confirms) that the Sooners are the best fielding team in softball. Oh, and Nicole Pendley, for my money, is the best centerfielder in softball.

Am I giving these young Sooners too much credit? If I'm going overboard I'm confident you'll let me know.