Sooners aim to earn back locker room, practice gear

Willie says all of the right things in the paper, but his defensive effort doesn't say the same thing.
I love the move in terms of motivating, but I agree that even a 180 on effort wouldnt cover the lack of defensive skill set on this squad. AAU = Athletes Always Unguarded.
I think at this point we should be trying anything to build a team. These guys can run plays, shoot the ball, and play a little defense. The problem is they are not a TEAM.

You need go no further than the Maryland Eastern Shore game. The Sooners had a 4 on 1 fast break and they didn't even get a shot off.
Willie says all of the right things in the paper, but his defensive effort doesn't say the same thing.

My thoughts exactly. I hope he walks the walk with effort and leadership on BOTH ends of the floor this time.....
I will tell you its working MENTALLY for the team. Now lets hope it translates over to the court!
I love the move in terms of motivating, but I agree that even a 180 on effort wouldnt cover the lack of defensive skill set on this squad. AAU = Athletes Always Unguarded.

Lack of defensive skills? More like lack of defensive desire. This team is very athletic and they have the tools to be a very good defensive team but some, not all, choose not to. I agree with the AAU part, though.
I applaud Coach Capel's move! I'm for anything to get this team's attention, because conventional methods definitely didn't work or were temporary, at best.

The real question is, will they respond appropriately or just talk about it as some of the players have already done, only to go right back into their lackluster, no-urgency mode? Guess we'll know more about that after tomorrow's game.
Lack of defensive skills? More like lack of defensive desire. This team is very athletic and they have the tools to be a very good defensive team but some, not all, choose not to. I agree with the AAU part, though.

Defense is about more than athleticism and desire. It's also about knowing how to play great team defense. And our guys don't get that yet. Alot of time they aren't playing hard, but alot of times they just flat don't play defense "right" as a team. Rotations are wrong. Guys are letting dribble penetration go to the side they aren't suppose to. Guys aren't closing out.
I like the fact that Capel did this also...MY question would be though is that how did it get to this point? It seems he lost control of the team somewere somehow and that is his fault...imo...If guys dont hustle from day one they dont play, and it seems he may have not had that philosophy at the maybe coach should be without also until he gets the team back under control

Like I said I applaid him for doing this, but it never should have came to this point and he is the head coach so he has totally control of basketball operations
Defense is about more than athleticism and desire. It's also about knowing how to play great team defense. And our guys don't get that yet. Alot of time they aren't playing hard, but alot of times they just flat don't play defense "right" as a team. Rotations are wrong. Guys are letting dribble penetration go to the side they aren't suppose to. Guys aren't closing out.

I agree, but without desire none of the other stuff matters. I'm tired of seeing WW not make past midcourt after he turns the ball over or getting beat on the dribble and a team mate rotating to help and all of a sudden his man is open for a 3.

It only takes one guy being lazy to undo the hard work of the other 4 guys. I know it is not all WW's fault, but JC could send a powerful message to the rest of the team by benching his best player until he decides to play hard on both ends of the court.
I agree, but without desire none of the other stuff matters. I'm tired of seeing WW not make past midcourt after he turns the ball over or getting beat on the dribble and a team mate rotating to help and all of a sudden his man is open for a 3.

It only takes one guy being lazy to undo the hard work of the other 4 guys. I know it is not all WW's fault, but JC could send a powerful message to the rest of the team by benching his best player until he decides to play hard on both ends of the court.

IMO, the part I highlighted in bold personifies the primary issue this team has faced on defense since the season began. I have said many times that a man to man defense (zones, too, for that matter) are only as good as the weakest link. Unfortunately, this team has had more than their share of weak links on defense so far.

As Sobchak said, when one player takes a play off (just one), that momentary lapse of concentration leads to a total breakdown in our defense. This team is not good enough or experienced enough to overcome momentary lapses of concentration and effort that hands our opponents layups and wide open shots from the perimeter on a silver platter.

While it's easy to blame Willie, because regardless of what some might say or think, he is our best player. He is not the only one who has failed to lead by example when it comes to playing solid D. There is not a player on this team who hasn't been beaten badly on defense or failed to move into a help position to take a charge, or at least stop an opponent's drive to the basket when he had the opportunity. They're all guilty, to some degree.

This has been a team without a purpose, to this point of the season. They have no identity, and even worse, no leader. Call this move by Coach Capel an act of desperation, if you will, and maybe it is to some extent. But, these kids need to wake up and realize that with the Big 12 season beginning this weekend, there is a lot of basketball left, and many of their goals are still attainable. That is, if they're willing to work hard to achieve them.

It will be interesting to see if this new approach to practice actually got their attention, or it's just more of the same ol' lip service from some of the players we have all heard before.
Defense is about more than athleticism and desire. It's also about knowing how to play great team defense. And our guys don't get that yet. Alot of time they aren't playing hard, but alot of times they just flat don't play defense "right" as a team. Rotations are wrong. Guys are letting dribble penetration go to the side they aren't suppose to. Guys aren't closing out.

This is exactly what I was getting at. I think the guards have serious defiencies defending the dribble drive and working around screens. Once inside the perimeter level past the guards, our rotation D is laughable. Being athletic can cover up a lot of this (See Blake and Taylor). Minus Ryan, I would say our interior level of D is FAAAAR from athletic. I would venture to say we have doubled the amount of uncontested layups at this point this season vs. all of last season.
Three observations after watching every game of the non-conference schedule...

1. Defeatism: When someone makes a mistake or the other team scores despite OU's best defensive effort there have been numerous times from several players when they hang their heads and mosey back to the other end of the court with chin on chest, seemingly feeling sorry for themselves. This must stop! Winning attitudes and actions include much more than hitting the shot at the buzzer.

2. Fast Break (transition) Points: When was the last time we witnessed a breakaway slam dunk or even a successful outlet pass to the man running ahead to the basket? This seems to happen rarely from our guards and when they have tried it has not worked out. I would like to see the big man (Tiny, Fitz) rewarded more often for hauling ass to the hoop!

3. On The Road: Sooners shooters have shot horribly in away games! It hasn't been from a lack of open shots or smothering defense by the opposing teams. I have seen great execution and good passing only to be thwarted by a god-awful, awkward brick of a shot attempt. They lack confidence and it is evident. OU needs to get a good road win soon or they may lose every road game this year... and yes that includes @ Colorado. The Bears-beating streak must continue tomorrow! It is time to step up, come together and knock down those open shots.
To those who have criticized Capel's actions, what would you have him do? Surely you don't think Capel has suddenly forgotten how to coach basketball? Look what he accomplished at VCU in his short time there (not to mention what he did with his first three Sooner teams).

Capel is in uncharted waters. He's suddenly coaching McDonald's All Americans with egos bigger than Big Macs. What's worked for JC in the past hs not worked with these players. I think Capel is beginning to understand that and now he's trying a different approach.

I don't know whether Capel will be able to mold these 2009-10 Sooners into a winning team. But I, for one, remain optimistic. These kids are not without talent, and it's too early to give up on them – or their coach.
To those who have criticized Capel's actions, what would you have him do? Surely you don't think Capel has suddenly forgotten how to coach basketball? Look what he accomplished at VCU in his short time there (not to mention what he did with his first three Sooner teams).

Capel is in uncharted waters. He's suddenly coaching McDonald's All Americans with egos bigger than Big Macs. What's worked for JC in the past hs not worked with these players. I think Capel is beginning to understand that and now he's trying a different approach.

I don't know whether Capel will be able to mold these 2009-10 Sooners into a winning team. But I, for one, remain optimistic. These kids are not without talent, and it's too early to give up on them – or their coach.

I'm with you. Some fans always go overboard when their team isn't winning. Heck, some fans think Stoops should be fired!
He's suddenly coaching McDonald's All Americans with egos bigger than Big Macs.

How much bigger? Because that doesn't really seem all that big to me....