I would sit him for the rest of the year, give him the option to play next season if he is on good behavior. If he (or his mom) doesn't like it, then he can walk. Doing nothing and "throwing the book at him" are both unacceptable reactions.
I guess Smart gave Ford the ok to boot him. Also the APR bar is set very low right now, they will be raising each year for the next couple of years I think. If they can't pass it now they are either not going to class or need major tutoring help.
It might be a good idea if you take a long, hard look in the mirror before you criticize someone for taking ridiculous positions in a discussion. You're out there so far sometimes, it leaves me scratching my head trying interpret what you said. I'm sure our age difference has something to do with it. But I would like to think of myself as a fairly open-minded person, at least most of the time.
CoolM has been a highly respected poster on this board since it's inception. I, for one, have no problem at all with his points of view. In fact, I agree with him most of the time.
For that matter, I feel the same way about you. Just try to keep it real from this point forward so you don't force me to take sides. Thanks!
As a little sister, I know how unfair and not cool it is to be compared to siblings constantly, but when schools recruit players, they recruit their entire families. Fair or not, it's the truth.
Why? It'll be mama talking to the media for a Jenni Carlson weekend feature (nice timing there, mama!), or in the case of a certain OSU quarterback, the older brother who tweets for the world see "Gundy, you're a chickensh1t" when little bro gets benched in the opener.
Think of how often we got to see Ma and Pa Griffin during Blake and Taylor's careers in the stands. Blake dunks --- look, TV is showing his parents again! On the women's side, they showed Paris twins' daddy at about every TV timeout.
This loser is questioning my ability as a criminal defense attorney?
LOL whatever.
Someone make sure to send me HIS name so I will make sure never to represent him. I only represent those who I feel deserve another chance. Being successful at what I do affords me that opportunity.
Now please refill my drink Bounce and "no" I don't want an apple pie with that.
This loser is questioning my ability as a criminal defense attorney?
LOL whatever.
Someone make sure to send me HIS name so I will make sure never to represent him. I only represent those who I feel deserve another chance. Being successful at what I do affords me that opportunity.
Now please refill my drink Bounce and "no" I don't want an apple pie with that.
Lol. Yes I'm questioning you when you say a "kid" is being mistreated for braking the law three times in inder two weeks and you take offense when I call him garbage.
But then again, you are a defense attorney so you start to become like the people you defend I suppose.