Stevie arrested again...

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I wasn't insinuating anything. I think it's laughable that a secretary ( which is what I assume you are) for an attorney is posing as a defense lawyer. Lol

When you say idiotic stuff like this, it makes the rest of your point worthless.
I don't know why people are so concerned about what Ford does with one of his players. I just as soon Stevie kept right on playing. The times when Ford has Forte and Clarke on the floor at the same time, they are just terrible.

Now, I would want my Coach and my team to do a better jobs of representing the program and university. Fair or not, ball players are probably held to a higher standard of behavior than others. If we had a freshman come in and behave so poorly, I would want Coach Kruger to handle it.

I do agree with those that would cut Stevie some slack on the legal issues. No good can come from hanging a kid over things that kids do. But, that is different from defining what type of kid and behaviors one would want representing a basketball program and the University.
Peeing out of a car window? Classy.

I was no angel growing up and I never heard of anyone doing this. Isn't this effectively peeing all over your car and probably in your car due to wind.

If he was stopped, then the cop should have written a second ticket for being an idiot and not walking behind a dumpster, tree or building.
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.

This isn't true. The police write public urination on a regular basis. One of my friends got one in high school and he at least had enough common sense to walk behind a building.
Skyvue, I usually agree with you but not on this. "Stupid college kid crap" it is NOT. Driving while under the influence of pot can KILL someone. That is Serious business!!!

I haven't heard or read anything indicating that Stevie has been charged with driving under the influence of anything. If he has been, then, I would agree with you.
wahhhhh.. fighting over form rather than substance... the kid is a moron and will eventually get kicked off the team. its a matter of time, not if, so i dont get why everyone has their panties in a bunch

Stevie is an incredible flake. There was ample evidence of this before he signed with OSU.
Who said they want his life ruined? He needs to be taught a lesson. Obviously his punishment isn't working. Would you rather him have no co sequencing and risk him doing something worse?

I wasn't insinuating anything. I think it's laughable that a secretary ( which is what I assume you are) for an attorney is posing as a defense lawyer. Lol

If you really are an attorney I guess this is your way of throwing a Hail Mary in hopes that somehow Marcus sees you stickin up for him and hires you when he gets his next DUI.

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Coolm is an attorney.
I would sit him for the rest of the year, give him the option to play next season if he is on good behavior. If he (or his mom) doesn't like it, then he can walk. Doing nothing and "throwing the book at him" are both unacceptable reactions.

kenny41 ... What's bad about this situation is we're not in a good position to kick Stevie off the team. Our basketball team is setting at a 928 APR and sanctions (including loss of multiple scholarships/ban from post-season play) start at 925... over a barrel

Interesting! That may explain why Ford has not given Stevie the boot. Not saying he should, but if what this poster said is true, it would definitely weigh heavily into the coach's decision.

I'm glad OU's APR is way down the list of the things our coaches have to worry about.
If you believe twitter he's gone and Ford will announce it publicly later today.

You will not regret clicking that link above to OP. 9 pages of lamenting their once promising season lost, including National Lampoon references.
"The book thrown at them" suggests legal action. That's what he's responding to, and yes, that can have pretty severe effects on the rest of a person's life.

Taught a lesson, yes. That lesson doesn't need to come in the form of severe legal action.

Throw the book at them does mean legal action but not ruining a life.

So Stevie shouldn't have any leal action? Underage drinking? Public intox? Possession of weed?

Just let him off the hook?

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Throw the book at them does mean legal action but not ruining a life.

So Stevie shouldn't have any leal action? Underage drinking? Public intox? Possession of weed?

Just let him off the hook?

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Sure, just like everyone else. They are misdemeanors. Pay the fines and move on.
Wow -- someone hasn't been paying attention. Anyone reading this board for six years should know coolm is an attorney.

And you called the kid "garbage," for pete's sake. He's had three missteps, yes, but all of them were stupid college-kid crap -- nothing that put other people at serious risk.

I agree that Ford needs to step up and discipline Clark, but you're overreacting.

Lol at coolm being an attorney. If so wow.

If he is doing this **** what has he not been caught for? I'm guessing he has drove under the influence.

And yes, I consider someone that has his opportunities and gets in trouble with the law three times in less than two months garbage

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When you say idiotic stuff like this, it makes the rest of your point worthless.

Maybe so. That's fine. Never liked coolm and found him to have rather ridiculous stances. Much like myself.

But somebody pm me his name so I won't ever use him as an attorney. Unless of course I fail drug tests at work and get dui

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Two quick points.

1. The ARP is a joke. Schools should not be punished for the failings of their student athletes. There should be standards in place that require schools to provide resources for their student athletes and don't toss them to the curb, but they also shouldn't be punished for when those kids screw up. Schools should not be scared away from taking kids with academic issues with the threat of sanctions. This does the kids no favors whatsoever.

2. And most importantly. Other boards have gotten rid of Bounce. This one would be wise to do so as well. Talk about a zero value added poster.
Maybe so. That's fine. Never liked coolm and found him to have rather ridiculous stances. Much like myself.

But somebody pm me his name so I won't ever use him as an attorney. Unless of course I fail drug tests at work and get dui

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We'll just assume you're a secretary at your place of employment too, that way both of you are on a level playing field.
I personally think coolm has always been reasonable and fair.

However, saying he and Bounce are secretaries is an insult to secretaries everywhere. :)
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