Stevie arrested again...

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Hard to kick him off the team when you paid so much to get him.
I think Bobik still has some eligibility left...maybe...
Maybe it is just me but I can't help exactly do you pee out a car window? It requires some determenation .
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.

I'm pretty sure peeing out of a car window would draw more than a "just go home" from most law enforcement. Seems pretty ridiculous...

Hope he gets it together. I saw him as an 8th and 9th grader and was amazed at his range...(shooting not peeing)
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.

Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but since this is his 3rd time getting in trouble this season he obviously isn't learning from his slap on the wrists.
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.

Norman PD did the same to me during my college years and no you have never heard of me.
at the folly of trying to prove a negative - YES athletes at a univ are more apt to be charged these days rather than shoo'd off ... and

YES telling them to go home is a common police tactic for public urination.

I work with literally hundreds of these defendants monthly. It's my job and I've been doing it for a long time. You believe what you want and I will stick to what I know ... which is this subject.
Believe it or not, this type of offense now can be charged a very serious matter. Can even be a sex offender crime and be made to register as one. Eddie had great lawyers and local judges that kept him from being charged in this way after he was caught on a school camera wizzing there. This kid is soooooo much trouble - if he was at OU I believe Lon would have long ago sent his butt back to Momma's house. By the way Jenni Carlson, what is momma gonna say when she calls Traber's show tomorrow? LOL
People that suggest "letting a kid like this go" are part of the problem.

He's been warned. Not once (Florida). But twice (pot incident). And yet he still feels the need to piss out of the window of what I assume was a moving car. F that. All of that within about 6 weeks or so of each other? What did he do during that time that he didn't get caught doing? Kids like that, that mess up and aren't scared of losing anything (a scholarship in this case) after multiple warnings, need to have the book thrown at them, or they will never change.
chill out. he's a kid.

the only reason he was even charged with anything was because of who he is. otherwise they woulda told him to go home.

these kids are STILL human beings you know. and make no mistake about it ... they are kids. should he be punished? sure. kicked off the team? heavens no.

Dude. He's underage and peeking out a window. Oupd would being chomping at the bit for any student.
It's his third strike in ONE month.

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at the folly of trying to prove a negative - YES athletes at a univ are more apt to be charged these days rather than shoo'd off ... and

YES telling them to go home is a common police tactic for public urination.

I work with literally hundreds of these defendants monthly. It's my job and I've been doing it for a long time. You believe what you want and I will stick to what I know ... which is this subject.


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"the book thrown at them"???

Tell you what ... it's absolutely CLUELESS crap like this that lies at the heart of our criminal justice system problems. You think someone deserves to have their life irreparably altered by mistakes they make at 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 years old?

you ALL have not a clue at how to approach these issues. you need to think at what point (after what actions) you are willing to condemn a kid to a life of never getting a job, never getting a home loan, never being any type of pillar in their community, and having the probability that they end up in prison raised by 300-500%. He is a KID. I dont care if he did 3 things in a month he is still a kid. Making bad decisions, and a LOT of them, is one of the traits of being a kid.

A kid pees out a window and you think he should have his life ruined? That is PATHETIC. I dont care if he is a cowboy, a whorn, or whatever. I dont care if it is Seymour Shaw. He's going to have to do a lot more than that before I take his life away and make him an outcast ALL before he actually has a chance to get settled into a trusting family atmosphere that he's never had before and before he has a chance to grow up.

if MOST of us were made to be fully answerable for all the crap we did as young men then MOST of us wouldnt have many of the positives we have today.

and Bounce, if you wanna say something then say it. dont sit there and insinuate.
"the book thrown at them"???

Tell you what ... it's absolutely CLUELESS crap like this that lies at the heart of our criminal justice system problems. You think someone deserves to have their life irreparably altered by mistakes they make at 18 and 19 and 20 and 21 years old?

you ALL have not a clue at how to approach these issues. you need to think at what point (after what actions) you are willing to condemn a kid to a life of never getting a job, never getting a home loan, never being any type of pillar in their community, and having the probability that they end up in prison raised by 300-500%. He is a KID. I dont care if he did 3 things in a month he is still a kid. Making bad decisions, and a LOT of them, is one of the traits of being a kid.

A kid pees out a window and you think he should have his life ruined? That is PATHETIC. I dont care if he is a cowboy, a whorn, or whatever. I dont care if it is Seymour Shaw. He's going to have to do a lot more than that before I take his life away and make him an outcast ALL before he actually has a chance to get settled into a trusting family atmosphere that he's never had before and before he has a chance to grow up.

if MOST of us were made to be fully answerable for all the crap we did as young men then MOST of us wouldnt have many of the positives we have today.

and Bounce, if you wanna say something then say it. dont sit there and insinuate.

Who said they want his life ruined? He needs to be taught a lesson. Obviously his punishment isn't working. Would you rather him have no co sequencing and risk him doing something worse?

I wasn't insinuating anything. I think it's laughable that a secretary ( which is what I assume you are) for an attorney is posing as a defense lawyer. Lol

If you really are an attorney I guess this is your way of throwing a Hail Mary in hopes that somehow Marcus sees you stickin up for him and hires you when he gets his next DUI.

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Who said they want his life ruined? He needs to be taught a lesson. Obviously his punishment isn't working. Would you rather him have no co sequencing and risk him doing something worse?

I wasn't insinuating anything. I think it's laughable that a secretary ( which is what I assume you are) for an attorney is posing as a defense lawyer. Lol

If you really are an attorney I guess this is your way of throwing a Hail Mary in hopes that somehow Marcus sees you stickin up for him and hires you when he gets his next DUI.

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"The book thrown at them" suggests legal action. That's what he's responding to, and yes, that can have pretty severe effects on the rest of a person's life.

Taught a lesson, yes. That lesson doesn't need to come in the form of severe legal action.
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