Taylor says he's hearing mid to late second round


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Nov 9, 2008
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He was quoted saying that in one of the articles pinned above. Would be awesome.
Yeah that would be great news. I'd love to see him get a shot in the league.
Actually that would be bad news. You would rather sign as a free agent with the team of your choice than be stuck with a team as a 2nd round pick.
Actually that would be bad news. You would rather sign as a free agent with the team of your choice than be stuck with a team as a 2nd round pick.

I don't think it is bad news at all. If you are drafted, at least some team had the desire to pick you up with one of their two picks. They also feel a bigger sense of ownership in signing you and keeping you on board.

It would be GREAT for OU basketball also to see Taylor drafted.
From a Taylor Griffin perspective it would be better to sign as a free agent than be a mid 2nd round pick.

He can either play in the league or he can't and if he can it is waaaay better to sign as a free agent.

Either way it will have no impact on "OU Basketball".
From a Taylor Griffin perspective it would be better to sign as a free agent than be a mid 2nd round pick.

He can either play in the league or he can't and if he can it is waaaay better to sign as a free agent.

Either way it will have no impact on "OU Basketball".

Having players drafted is a big deal for this program. I don't know what you are talking about. Usually (not always of course) the drafted guys are better than the FAs. I want Taylor to be drafted. I bet Taylor wants to be drafted. Utah at #50 would be perfect. He is a Jerry Sloan type player.
Usually when they hear mid to late second, that means not being drafted.
There are probably 30 kids hearing that same thing. You see it every year, and several of them, obviously, don't get drafted.

I don't see Taylor sticking, but for his sake, I kind of hope he goes undrafted and can try out for a team that suits him best. That might be his best shot.
There are probably 30 kids hearing that same thing. You see it every year, and several of them, obviously, don't get drafted.

I don't see Taylor sticking, but for his sake, I kind of hope he goes undrafted and can try out for a team that suits him best. That might be his best shot.
I agree with you. If he gets drafted by the wrong team (wrong for him) he might miss out on a chance to hook up with another team that could use him.
Kelvin used to say one of the tough things he had to do was explain to a player why it was actually better to be a free agent than get drafted mid to late second round. It goes against a player's pride and instinct to not want to hear their name called. But it limits their options a little.
The team will likely give a little bit more of a chance to make the team if you are drafted.
Best of luck to him. I hope he can make it.
The Jazz have a lot of interest in Taylor. Look from them to draft him in the 2nd round if he is available.
I think it helps the program to have "Oklahoma" come up on the draft board twice. I would think it is impressive to guys if we get players who are on the edge talent wise into the league.