Texas vs ISU

No because he had not released the ball when he took that "long step".

When you establish a pivot foot (which he clealry had cause he pivoted around in circles over and over), you can not put your other foot down and pick your pivot foot up until the ball is released, that constitutes a travel.

His left foot was planted, he then stepped forward with his right foot, picked up his left foot, and THEN released the ball.

That's a travel.

That's not the rule.

It isn't a travel until the pivot foot returns to the floor...easiest way to put it.
Stuff like this really irritates me because people will defend the no call by saying, "the refs shouldn't decide the game." Well, but swallowing their whistles, they did attempt to decide the game.

Exactly, a foul in the first minute should be a foul in the last minute. Just be consistent. If you have been calling touch fouls all night don't stop in the last minute. If you have been letting guys play all game don't call a touch foul in the last minute.