The LNC's atmosphere is getting there.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
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But there's still work to be done. I think it's obvious that the crowds have slowly but progressively grown as the team has shown real signs of life, and the student section, while not near being full, was vocal enough against Arkansas. ("We want Sanchez!" comes to mind; name the last time the whole section was chanting something in unison). I bet by the KU game January 7, you'll see a pretty full section, although there will still be empties because of the Texas students still being at home. It certainly won't be like last year's embarrassment of a Squawk game.

First, and I've been posting this for awhile, but please, GET RID OF THE ANNOYING ANNOUNCER! I hate that guy's voice. Not the PA guy, but the spikey-haired fellow with the high-pitched squeal. It hurts to listen to him. Which leads me to my next suggestion...

Ditch the things that the announcer says and encourages. There is zero place for that NBA, "We don't sit until the Sooners score!" crap. That doesn't encourage an involved crowd; it says, "hey, stand and cheer until OU scores, then sit down and shut up." And the whole crowd follows suit. Again, the LNC is not an NBA arena. Believe it or not, college crowds are generally made up of diehards. We don't need to be breathlessly told to cheer coming out of a media timeout. The whole thing feels forced and fake.

Third, and this is a common complaint, but security needs to lighten the eff up. There are way too many of them to begin with, and they create kind of a weird mood IMO. Like they're always watching to make sure the crowd doesn't get too rowdy or something. The stairs that connect the upper and lower bowls don't need 4 guards there, nor does the student section need several guards staring at it constantly. I saw IndySooner suggest in the Arkansas attendance thread that OUPD has been cracking down on alcohol and student behavior, and this could be a reason for lower attendance. I don't know if it plays a role in people staying home, but I do know that the atmosphere doesn't exactly promote rowdiness.

I think the LNC is coming around, and we'll see some great crowds this year if the team keeps winning and putting forth effort. But the atmosphere at the LNC isn't exactly helping these loud crowds and rowdy student sections that Coach Kruger has wanted.
The crowd definitely seemed better against Arky. I know it generally takes a month or two for crowds to start showing up because of football, etc.