The State of Oklahoma basketball looks bleak to me ..

I agree with you. It could work out in the end. But we're not in a position to take that chance.

The only "chance" in that direction I'm willing to take is Evans, and only becuase I think he will bring passion to his job. Guy is more "qualified" than Frank Martin when he got his job. That said, I think Buzz was a done deal two weeks ago [knocking on wood].
I appreciate your passion and concern Sam, but sometimes, there are benefits to being old!

You are to young to have enjoyed OU basketball as it was when I was in school at OU. 'Go Go Stevens' was the coach and we were not good - not even close.

All through the 1970's, I used to watch the few games that were on TV on Saturday when I could. Teams like St. Bonaventure were some of the best. We got better under McCloud & Bliss but you got the idea that it was an accident.

Meanwhile, Nolan Richardson arrived in Tulsa and as I watched The Golden Hurricane win the NIT Nolan's first year, I wished we could be that good someday.

Then we hired a fairly unknown coach from Lamar - another accident I'm sure - and everything changed.

I don't think that we have an administration who doesn't care about basketball, like we had in the past. I know that they don't do everything that 'basketball first' folks always think they should do, but I do believe they care. Look around at all the facilities upgrades and the quality coaches they have hired for other sports. I think they want a successful program and I think they want it done the right way with no short cuts. Look around at all the facilities upgrades and the quality coaches they have hired for other sports. Men's basketball is down, but it won't be down forever.
I was right there with ya Sam. Although I am 5 years older. I grew up idolizing Terry Evans actually bc of the 3 ball. Ryan Minor and Corey Brewer were some early favorites. Ernie because of the announcer saying his last name. I went to Sampsons basketball camps, I pretended to be all the players I admired. I was basketball first/football second and always will be.

I know a lot of you are wanting a big time hire. But I went to Terry Evans basketball camps every year at MWC. I trained with him while trying to play ball in college and high school. He is a top character guy, a great coach, hard-worker, and a friend. He loves this university and would be a great hire.

Let's hope that whatever decision Joe makes, it puts us back on the map. I need to see the Sooner uniform in the dance again.

Screw Mateen Cleaves! I hate you Tom Coverdale!

Good post Sam
Did you also have the stagger stance at the FT line like McCallister did? Remember, one leg was further back than the other one.

I tried that stance but could never get it to work.

I also learned how to shoot a turnaround left-handed jumper after watching Wayman as a frosh. I was in the 6th grade and couldn't dribble left-handed or even shoot a left-handed layup, but I had a left-handed turnaround jumper that was deadly. It was my coupe de grace in a game of horse. :ez-laugh:

I did actually. I look back on my high school videos and think, man, I really would have been a better free throw shooter if my legs were closer together.
I can give you a little over 2 million reasons to believe that Joe C. is passionate about OU basketball and is going to make a strong hire.
If he didn't care, he would have kept JC and kept the money.
I can give you a little over 2 million reasons to believe that Joe C. is passionate about OU basketball and is going to make a strong hire.
If he didn't care, he would have kept JC and kept the money.

What makes you think Joe had a choice in the matter?
What makes you think Joe had a choice in the matter?

Doesn't really matter. If someone more powerful than him made the choice, then whoever that powerful person/people is/are, they are very passionate about OU Basketball.
Doesn't really matter. If someone more powerful than him made the choice, then whoever that powerful person/people is/are, they are very passionate about OU Basketball.

I heard from a guy that posts on here that a donor came up with the money for the buyout, it is a solid source that I trust, but certainly wouldn't expect anyone to take my word for it. Will not reveal the posters handle, but will say it is not chewy LOL!
I don't think OU has to hire a big name coach. I think OU needs to hire a good coach. As was previously stated, Billy Tubbs was not well known. He came from Lamar. How many people know where Lamar is (what State) and what conference they play in?

Sampson was also not well known. He came from Washington State. He had made the tourney but was simply running a respectable but average Pac Ten team.

With a good hire and one great palyer or a couple of good players and OU will be back to winning. It is not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.

However, once OU starts winning again we need to do a better job supporting the program. The LNC needs to again become one of the toughest venues in college basketball like it was during the Tubbs era. (It is a fact that the LNC was considered as tough as they got in the late mid to late 80s.)

This will require the students to support the program but I think it also requires financial support from the alumni. We need to donate money and make it free or very cheap for students to go to the games. We need 10,000 alumni to donate $100 a year to endow the studnet section. We should sell concession cheap to students (adults can pay regular prices). We need a crazy student section that doesn't want to miss the fun of a home basketball game. If we get that, the alumni will enjoy the games too. Attendence will increase because the environment will be great.
I heard from a guy that posts on here that a donor came up with the money for the buyout, it is a solid source that I trust, but certainly wouldn't expect anyone to take my word for it. Will not reveal the posters handle, but will say it is not chewy LOL!

No way... who would donate their own private money to fire a basketball coach? Thats some serious dedication, I guess.
I don't think OU has to hire a big name coach. I think OU needs to hire a good coach. As was previously stated, Billy Tubbs was not well known. He came from Lamar. How many people know where Lamar is (what State) and what conference they play in?

Sampson was also not well known. He came from Washington State. He had made the tourney but was simply running a respectable but average Pac Ten team.

With a good hire and one great palyer or a couple of good players and OU will be back to winning. It is not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.

However, once OU starts winning again we need to do a better job supporting the program. The LNC needs to again become one of the toughest venues in college basketball like it was during the Tubbs era. (It is a fact that the LNC was considered as tough as they got in the late mid to late 80s.)

This will require the students to support the program but I think it also requires financial support from the alumni. We need to donate money and make it free or very cheap for students to go to the games. We need 10,000 alumni to donate $100 a year to endow the studnet section. We should sell concession cheap to students (adults can pay regular prices). We need a crazy student section that doesn't want to miss the fun of a home basketball game. If we get that, the alumni will enjoy the games too. Attendence will increase because the environment will be great.

According to the financial wizard AKA bocabull, all everyone needs to do to support OU basketball is turn on the TV on game night.
No way... who would donate their own private money to fire a basketball coach? Thats some serious dedication, I guess.

Just saying what I heard from what I consider a credible person; not saying it is gospel or 100% accurate.
My freshman year was Dave Bliss' last year, the Sooners had won the Big 8 the year before but struggled.

Bliss left, Tubbs came in and won about 10 games and OU basketball was awful and I wondered if OU was ever going to be decent again.

Well, Billy got it going and set the table for nearly 30 years of winning basketball.

Yes, it seems bleak but it just takes the right guy.

Joe C. will find him.
I agree with your post Sam although when Kelvin Sampson came here nobody thought he would do much of anything. First year we competed to be like 3rd or 4th in the conference and he was National Coach of the Year. That's really how bad OU was expected to be that year. I think they were picked last in the Big 8. I think the program was probably not quite as bad when Billy left here but it wasn't really that much better. There wasn't a lot of excitement for the end of the Tubbs era.

I remember going to a game with Jeff Webster playing. I don't remember the year but we were playing Iowa State near the end of the year. It was about half full, it was probably 91 or 92. We were still having NIT/NCAA type success. Now granted we had a lot more success back then but I'm not sure the support is all that much better now. But then again that's me looking back being probably 8 years old at the time.

I would like a coach that can get back to winning, don't care if that's with a slow it down, defense first type guy. Or if it's running and gunning. If you want to put butts in the seats at OU you win. Even Tubbs couldn't fill it up his last few years and he was still running and gunning, because he wasn't winning as much.
Just saying what I heard from what I consider a credible person; not saying it is gospel or 100% accurate.

And just to add, not sure if you are living in Oklahoma right now, but there is some stupid money here. I live in an "okay" neighborhood in Edmond/Deer Creek area, and some fool down the street bought a friggin Ferrari. Oily's crack me up.