This Board....

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This board is GREAT!!

There are tons of knowledgeable basketball fans on here as well as the negative nancys that keep us all on our toes...

Most of the people that jump on here when things are going bad are just for comical relief IMO, i dont take any of them seriously...very few actually bring any objective opinions...

and even some of us regular posters go off the deep end from time to time but who wouldnt go insane with this type of season, right?

Makes it more fun when you have some disagreeing opinions :)
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And Tubbs let OU basketball slide off the map late in his tenure. 3 NIT's in his final 4 seasons. Kelvin has ONE season in twelve where we weren't Dancing, and that year we were in the NIT.

To me, that is what sets him apart. People forget about the non-traditional powers when they miss the Dance for a few years. That was one of the reasons it was so hard for Kelvin to come in and recruit upper-tier talent. Also one of the reasons Capel didn't have that problem. Sure, he is a great recruiter, but he was also recruiting to a great and consistent program at that point. Tubbs left on a sour note. Kelvin left after a season in which we were 3rd in the Big 12, a top 25 team, and went Dancing.
And Tubbs let OU basketball slide off the map late in his tenure. 3 NIT's in his final 4 seasons. Kelvin has ONE season in twelve where we weren't Dancing, and that year we were in the NIT.

To me, that is what sets him apart. People forget about the non-traditional powers when they miss the Dance for a few years. That was one of the reasons it was so hard for Kelvin to come in and recruit upper-tier talent. Also one of the reasons Capel didn't have that problem. Sure, he is a great recruiter, but he was also recruiting to a great and consistent program at that point. Tubbs left on a sour note. Kelvin left after a season in which we were 3rd in the Big 12, a top 25 team, and went Dancing.

Kelvin left the team with another first round loss to a lower seed and NCAA sanctions.
You couldn't be more wrong.

The problem is posts like YOURS that simply assume something that isn't true. I'm guessing you consider me a part of that "crowd". Why in the **** would I want a program I've followed my whole life, a program that has been competitive my whole life, to fall apart before my very eyes?!? This season sucks. I'm not having fun. It isn't fun for me to the craptastic basketball that this OU team plays most games. I make no secrets about how much I like Kelvin as a coach. I think he did alot more for OU hoops then any other coach. I think he is a helluva coach. And despite making some extra phone calls, I think he is a pretty good person too. Always been good to me. That said, there is ZERO chance he comes back to OU. Just won't/can't happen. And I'm fine with that. All I want is a coach that is going to do this program justice. To date, I don't think Capel has done that.
So maybe the problem isn't that I want Capel to fail, it's that I might have been right about him as my opinion has changed. The things that 75% of this board is saying this year, I've been saying since early on. Not b/c I wanted it to be true, but b/c what I saw was leading me that direction. I don't want Capel to fail b/c I don't want OU basketball to be an afterthought. And that is quickly what we are becoming.
So maybe if you and others would quit with this nonsense, we might be able to move past it. To suggest any real OU fan wants us to fail is stupid. Then what, those fans will have to root against the next coach? And the coach after that? Because we all know Kelvin isn't walking through that door.

First highlighted quote: Pretty big assumptions being made in this post, I don't know you or what you are all about...or what bias or non-bias you have towards anything in the program or the product that is being put out on the floor. All I can see is what is thrown out for discussion and where some people seem to be coming from...if you are one of those people, then that part of the post was directed squarely towards you, if not, then ignore it.

Second highlighted quote: It does seem like you hold Kelvin in high regard; is if fair to say that you compare the job Capel has done to the job that Kelvin did? If so, how many NCAA tournament wins did Kelvin have in the course of his first four seasons. I like Kelvin, but for all of the frustration over this last season, I'd take what Capel has done in his first four years over what Kelvin did in his first four years. That is just my personal opinion, one that other people certainly have a right to disagree with.

Third highlighted quote: He just had OU in the Elite Eight last season, and but for playing the team that won the whole thing going away, he would have more than likely had OU in the Final Four. The year before that he took us to the NCAA and made it to the round of 32 [i.e. won a game and played to seed]. I hold OU basketball in as high of regard as anybody, but the last two seasons [and IMHO his first season], Jeff was certainly doing the program "justice".

Fourth highlighted quote: IMHO there is a little bit of "I told you so" going on here. Do you think that your past statements or positions you have taken have maybe impacted your perception of where the program currently stands? I mean, we just recruited a pretty highly thought of group last season, already have two pretty highly thought of guys coming in next season, and the ability to recruit around a few weaknesses that have shown out this season. In any instance, if one bad season can make OU a "afterthought", then maybe we were not as great a program as you think we are?

Fifth highlighted quote: So myself and other fans need to move past the nonsense...what nonsense is that? That a Top 20 program all-time is going to become an afterthought based on one bad season [that happened right after a run to the Elite Eight], that Capel isn't the right guy for the job when less than a year ago he was considered the hottest young coach in the country? Adversity sucks, but it is a necessary precursor to improvement. Based upon his resume and what he has accomplished at OU to this point, I'd just like to see Coach Capel get an opportunity to work through some adversity and see what comes of it, that is not nonsensical [sp?], it is keeping an even keel.
Adversity sucks, but it is a necessary precursor to improvement.

I'm going to give you major props for that quote if you just made that up. I'm a high school football and track coach and I use quotes mainly for motivation and that may be one of the best I have ever read! Im writing it down as we speak.

I'm going to give you major props for that quote if you just made that up. I'm a high school football and track coach and I use quotes mainly for motivation and that may be one of the best I have ever read! Im writing it down as we speak.

Might want to look precursor up in the thesaurus. Most high school athletes will stop listening at that point because they don't know what it means! :D

I'm going to give you major props for that quote if you just made that up. I'm a high school football and track coach and I use quotes mainly for motivation and that may be one of the best I have ever read! Im writing it down as we speak.

LOL. Not sure where that came from, but I'd guess that I read something like that somewhere else or morphed it from several things I'd read. Really, I worry that people are forgetting the purpose of hard times and struggles, not only for themselves, but for others around them.

To me, the most important job that Jeff has the rest of the season and in the off-season is not kicking some of these young kids to the curb, but getting them to work hard to finish the season strong and instill both pride and confidence going forward through hard work and belief in each other and their individual talents.

It seems that some on here won't be satisfied until a sacrificial lamb is thrown out there, first it was Willie, then it was Tiny...however, when the net result of those guys not playing is an embarrassing loss to oSu [a team we have pretty much owned since Capel has been here], then it is Capel who is again on the hot seat and everyone wants to rip him and how he motivates his players [while ignoring that they had questioned WHY he wasn't benching Willie and TIny just a few weeks before].

Bottom line, winners get through adversity, losers whine about it or quit...but adversity isn't going anywhere anytime soon so you better figure out how you are going to react to it. I think to this point Coach has done an outstanding job dealing with it.
I believe that 95% of the OU fans that post here sincerely want Coach Capel to have success.

At the same time, Jeff Capel is the head man and he is the one that has to get the job done. Humans are only patient up to a point. If next season has similar results to this one, Coach Capel will lose a lot of support.

The end of this season is important. Win or lose, I want to see this OU team FIGHT. It would be supremely disappointing if the team just packs it in.

This basketball program, fan base and coaching staff sure could use some good news.
Bottom line, winners get through adversity, losers whine about it or quit...but adversity isn't going anywhere anytime soon so you better figure out how you are going to react to it.

Dude, you need to start writing a book. I agree with everything in your post. I think it is simply just the way people look at the world and that isn't immune to athletes at OU or even MB geeks like us.
Pretty simple formula here, and I am not sure why people don't understand it.

Sucking = angry fans
Not sucking = happy fans

Been that way on every board I have ever seen or heard of.



I've moderated at both places as have many of our mods here and trust me, this place is considerably better than OUI!
Pretty simple formula here, and I am not sure why people don't understand it.

Sucking = angry fans
Not sucking = happy fans

Been that way on every board I have ever seen or heard of.


This is correct but in the case of OU football sucking=9 wins or less.
Guys, I would not want this. If Joe fired Jeff Capel as soon as the season was over I would not bat an eye. I mean I would not be surprised. I think he deserves another year or maybe two. I would just hate to watch next season be replay of this one.
This is correct but in the case of OU football sucking=9 wins or less.

You live in a fantasy world. With football not winning by 50 points equals sucking to a signficant number of OU fans. 9 wins is out of the top 10 and entirely unaccpetable to eitehr a majority or a very significant minority of OU football fans. Bob Stoops has both one of the best and worst jobs in America.
Sampson's and Tubbs' record at OU were quite similar. One final four, one elite 8, 4 sweet 16s for Tubbs and 3 for Sampson, each won 3 conference tourneys, Tubbs won 5 regular season titles and Sampson won 1, and each had too many underachieving tourney teams.

And one had OU placed on probation on his watch.

So, to say Sampson did "A LOT" more than any coach in OU history....I disagree

What Sampson and Tubbs teams underperformed in the Tournament? I suspect you don't like that the 89 team lost to Virginia or that the 90 team lost to North Carolina. I would also guess you don't like that the 95 team lost to Manhatten and the 2001 team lost to Indiana State (was it 2001, that is definitely the opponent). Honestly, two upsets in the tournament for each coach is a lot easier to take than two years of no post season play and that is where I see this team heading.

I would personally give Tubbs a slight notch above Sampson but they were both great for OU basketball.
I'm not going to get into this here. The mods don't want this type of discussion going on. But I'll leave you with two numbers:

Kelvin's winning %: 72%
Drake's winning %: 52%

Isn't that the perfect reason to talk about it? Seriously, when someone tells me I can't do something, I am not a big fan of that.
I'm new to this board. MPS directed me this way after requesting a sane, knowledgeable OU basketball board. It seems most people are pretty sane over here.

I would equate OUI to the lowest common denominator of OU fans. Its what all oSu & Texas fans wish/think we were/are. becomming a lot like OUinsider, i.e. Fire Wilson, Fire Venables, Fire Stoops......Fire Capel.


Boomer Sooner
and some of ones on OUinsiderare bringing their infatuation with Texas here
What Sampson and Tubbs teams underperformed in the Tournament? I suspect you don't like that the 89 team lost to Virginia or that the 90 team lost to North Carolina. I would also guess you don't like that the 95 team lost to Manhatten and the 2001 team lost to Indiana State (was it 2001, that is definitely the opponent). Honestly, two upsets in the tournament for each coach is a lot easier to take than two years of no post season play and that is where I see this team heading.

I would personally give Tubbs a slight notch above Sampson but they were both great for OU basketball.

I gave you the list already for Sampson yesterday. Heck, I broke down every tournament for Sampson.
What Sampson and Tubbs teams underperformed in the Tournament? I suspect you don't like that the 89 team lost to Virginia or that the 90 team lost to North Carolina. I would also guess you don't like that the 95 team lost to Manhatten and the 2001 team lost to Indiana State (was it 2001, that is definitely the opponent). Honestly, two upsets in the tournament for each coach is a lot easier to take than two years of no post season play and that is where I see this team heading.

I would personally give Tubbs a slight notch above Sampson but they were both great for OU basketball.

The only Kelvin 1st round loss that REALLY bothered me was Indiana State. Good god that was a bad team we lost to that day.
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