Thursday's NCAA slate

Butler/ODU is underway. 7-6 about 2 minutes in.
I think ODU can beat Pitt. They have a really impressive resume.

Lose to GTown by 3.
Beat Clemson by 1.
Beat Xavier by 9.
Beat Richmond by 7.

Their style of play and size don't look like no mid major team. I don't like them against a team that will try and run but they have the talent to play with any normal or slow paced physical team.
WVU is tightening up that game. 24-23 about to be at the under 8 timeout.
its going to take some time getting used to the first Thursday and Friday of the tournament being called the 2nd round now....
Butler/ODU is a little higher scoring than I expected so far.
So if we get Blaine Taylor is the student section going to be called Stalingrad?
does anyone else get pissed watching a team like ODU and how good some of their offensive sets look ? why the f can't we run some of that crap.
Most every non OU game I watch I feel that way Merc
The "kicks" that North Carolina will debut tomorrow. Yea or nay in terms of looks?

butler on a good run until howard got into his obligatory foul trouble. nored not giving it up on the 2 on 1 fastbreak killed me.
Good games so far. Clemson/WVU tied and ODU up two against Butler.
blaine taylor just gave the most cordial halftime interview i've ever seen.