Tiny Gallon = Al Jefferson?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
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Tiny is about 6'9'' 290, Jefferson is listed at 6'10'' 270 but they seem to have similar body styles and styles of play. Jefferson is skilled, athletic, big, etc... Tiny could be that kinda guy in the NBA if he got down to 270-280, IMO.


Tiny's going to be an absolute beast next season after another year of strength training.
Pretty good comparison. If he can get to Jefferson's level, that is a big success.
Gallon needs to play to the physical level of Jefferson and Blair. He's probably a little more skilled than Jefferson over the same age progression.
Pretty good comparison. If he can get to Jefferson's level, that is a big success.

I think the difference is that Jefferson has always embraced the low post role and loves mixing it up around the basket. The guys can really score down there.

I think it's a great comparison of what Gallon could be for sure, similar body types and skill sets.
I started a thread and everyone agreed... Its a Festivus Miracle!
