Tiny Gallon


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Lost in the wreckage of this game was the effort Tiny has given. Tiny has been busting his butt for a while now, first getting into shape and staying in shape and it only continues. He has checked some of his pride at the door and gone to work this season and become a legitimate threat in the post (only one too). One of the few bright spots of the night was the time he got on the floor for the loose ball, he fought for it, I doubt if even 6 months ago he would've thought about going on the floor for it. It seemed almost Blake Griffin like the way he went to the floor for it. We just need his, Tony's and Cade's attitudes and effort to infect the rest of the team.

Thank You Tiny.
He really played his heart out during that second half.

Thanks Tiny! :tiny
I was really proud of Tiny in the second half. He stepped up on both ends, and not many other players can say that. He's just a freshman and almost averaging a double-double, and he's barely getting the ball inside. He's doing his part, IMO.
Ya and he was visably upset after this loss and that's something I haven't been seeing from this team outside of Crocker and sometimes Cade.
He was amazing in the second half. I hope he will continue to work it inside and be physical.
Obviously Capel didn't feel the same, at one point I watched Capel yell at Tiny two times to sit on the bench cause he was taking his special time. I will give him credit for shutting down Caracter for the most part.
We need to run our offense through Tiny imo. He needs to touch the ball on nearly every possession.
Obviously Capel didn't feel the same, at one point I watched Capel yell at Tiny two times to sit on the bench cause he was taking his special time. I will give him credit for shutting down Caracter for the most part.

In his post game comments, Tiny was the only player that Capel had any positive remarks about, so I think he did feel the same.
It seems like he is starting to pick up on low post play-wonder how good he can be by the end of the season?
I only saw the second half but I too was impressed by his effort and heart. I should have said so before now....so thanks Tiny for working so hard.
Tiny has exceeded my expectations this season, especially on the boards. His average of nearly 9 rebs per game is amazing when you consider that an undersized and playing out of position Tony Crocker is the only real help he's getting on the boards. For a guy who was not required to be a low-post scoring or rebounding threat coming out of high school, I couldn't be more pleased with his progress.

Great job, Tiny!
He's still real tenative on offense but he really tries which is a lot more than you can say about some of the guys on the team right now.
Put me in the group that thought Tiny Gallon played well against UTEP, at least in the second half.

I think the first order of business with Tiny is to get him to develop a move to his right shoulder with his back to the basket. He tries to force things going to his left too much and teams are overplaying it. He has used a drop step a few times to much success; when that becomes natural for him he will be very very dangerous.
He has used a drop step a few times to much success; when that becomes natural for him he will be very very dangerous.

Based on some of the moves I saw last night, brother you are spoutin' the truth. He is surprisingly Nimble.
We see Tiny's skill and forget that he is still very raw offensively. He still has some progress to make with his back to the basket. In the second half, I thought he saw where he could dominate. When you can outplay a guy like Caracter, it says alot. Tiny's offensive skills will never be in question. His hustle and effort in the second half are going to be things that he needs to do consistently
Tiny is making great strides.

Imagine the possibilities once he gets completely comfortable down low and Capel takes off the leash and we get to see the true dual threat post game he can truly provide.

I wish Ryan Wright could step his game up. I'm not convinced that running a 4 guard system is the way to go. We need someone to come in and step up down low.

I miss Patillo. He would've brought a lot to the table if he could've just kept his head on straight.
I agree with everyone that Tiny played well that 2nd half,why? he was a part of the offense. When your post players touch the ball, they will rebound , play defense, etc. because they know they will be rewarded on the other end.. You noticed Carcater only scored 4 points in that second half and it wasnt against Tiny. I will not hide it like some do, I am a Big Tiny Fan, been following him since AAU ball. I know what he can do. He is a play maker, he will keep the defense honest.. I hope they run the offense through Tiny...