Trevor Releford and KC Ross-Miller backup plan

If it was a planned unofficial, I'm sure Capel would have made himself available. As it was, Capel was on the road visiting family.


Then KU should offer him

Of course you wouldn't. No way OU could match up against mighty Kansas in a recruiting battle.

I would hope so, however I'm not Coach Capel, and I damn sure am not the talent evaluator he is. But if it were my call and McCallum and Pressey were off the board, I would go for the best player available regardless of position. The one thing that may play is OU may have 5 scholarships instead of the 4 that OU is scheduled to have. If their was an extra scholarship, then I think it would be a decent move to sign Releford IF he is open to attending OU. Personally, from what I have seen of TJ Taylor, I like his size, like his athletic ability, like his ball handling, and love his on ball defense. The area where he lacks is shooting and is not the established floor manager as OU's other targets. If you can get away with not being a great shooter at a position, it would be at the point.

The first 3 parts of your post aren't even worth addressing other than you seem to have a major case of little man's syndrome. Whatever it is you still have no info that goes against others who are saying that OU is "heavily involved" with Releford.

I can see what you're saying in the last paragraph. I think you definitely look at taking the best player available and that may well be Releford. the other thing is you can't underestimate how nice it is having a good backup PG. Having TJ Taylor sounds like it makes another PG more of a luxury than absolute necessity.
Whatever it is you still have no info that goes against others who are saying that OU is "heavily involved" with Releford.

I never knew I was making this point. I guess you assigned this point to me. My comment had to do with the difference between "interest" and "offer". I would hope OU would have Heavy "interest" for the second best player out of Kansas. I would hope Kansas would have heavy interest in him. Do you think KU has "heavy Interest"? As far as the "little man syndrome" I think you and everyone else knows what you're pattern is as far as recruiting talk and your insinuations about one schools caliber of recruits versus the others. As for Releford OU has signed worse prospects than Trevor Releford and personally I would not be against getting Releford if it were in the plans. I think Releford may be in the plans and may not. Capel has had "heavy interest" in alot of guys that were in the plans and alot of guys that OU chose not to pull the trigger on. OU had heavy interest in Lane Adams, James Watson, and Travis Leslie the last few years. I really wish they would have pulled the trigger on Watson and I truly think they regret not pulling the offer on Leslie who was dying for an offer. That's how coaching goes though.
I never knew I was making this point. I guess you assigned this point to me. My comment had to do with the difference between "interest" and "offer". I would hope OU would have Heavy "interest" for the second best player out of Kansas. I would hope Kansas would have heavy interest in him. Do you think KU has "heavy Interest"? As far as the "little man syndrome" I think you and everyone else knows what you're pattern is as far as recruiting talk and your insinuations about one schools caliber of recruits versus the others. As for Releford OU has signed worse prospects than Trevor Releford and personally I would not be against getting Releford if it were in the plans. I think Releford may be in the plans and may not. Capel has had "heavy interest" in alot of guys that were in the plans and alot of guys that OU chose not to pull the trigger on. OU had heavy interest in Lane Adams, James Watson, and Travis Leslie the last few years. I really wish they would have pulled the trigger on Watson and I truly think they regret not pulling the offer on Leslie who was dying for an offer. That's how coaching goes though.

Again, just a weird post. Everyone knows about my insinuations? Again, the little man syndrome. You read everything I write through some strange frame of reference that I am looking down on OU. And the fact that you try to validate your point by saying "everyone" is just silly. You're the only one saying it. Just isn't true. You are the one to always bring up KU. What does KU's interest or lack thereof have to do with OU's recruitment of Releford? Nothing. Other than your obsession with bringing them up constantly.

You said that Releford was a tag along. That is saying that OU isn't really interested to me.

I agree there is definitely a difference between interest and an offer. There is also a difference between what seems to be a conditional offer and an offer that is available whenever the recruit wants to commit.
Again, just a weird post. Everyone knows about my insinuations? Again, the little man syndrome.

Again, classic Grace response when he has no rebuttal

You read everything I write through some strange frame of reference that I am looking down on OU

Could care less if you look down on OU or not. Just find it funny how everytime A comment comes up about a common recruit that OU and KU are recruiting how you seem to shine KU in better light or slide OU out of the picture, ala KU having a 35% chance of landing a guy (Cameron Clark) that they just got involved with two months ago, or OU having no chance at KU's top PG target Ray McCallum, despite the fact he said OU does. Man I find that hillarious. Also the Little man syndrome that you keep mentioning is actually your own interpretation of OU, because anyone that follows this board knows that I don't think OU and more specifically the coaching staff are "Little men". When you sign three top ten guys three years in a row, how could I as a fan think OU or the recruiting staff are Little men. Seems that's your interpretation.

What does KU's interest or lack thereof have to do with OU's recruitment of Releford? Nothing. Other than your obsession with bringing them up constantly.

Has nothing to do with either or. I'm just wondering if you would be interested in KU signing him. Seems their is a common link with his brother at KU and truth of the matter is he's a better prospect than KU's probable backup PG CJ Henry. If I were you I would be screaming for KU to get involved and not letting this hometown gem get away. Maybe he does come to OU and makes KU play for their recruiting mistakes. The thing I find odd as a KU fan is why you keep trying to push this hometown recruit whose stock is obviously rising on OU instead of your fav team KU.

You said that Releford was a tag along. That is saying that OU isn't really interested to me.

That's not saying OU isn't interested, it's saying he tagged along. You live in Oklahoma, don't you? Who do you think was the highlight of that trip. The top WR in the nation, or a PG who OU is showing interest in, but hasn't offered? The trip was based around McCay who is making a tour of trips. As a fellow prospect, it is smart for Releford to tag around. For all we know they might be a package football/basketball deal or a package strictly football deal.

I agree there is definitely a difference between interest and an offer. There is also a difference between what seems to be a conditional offer and an offer that is available whenever the recruit wants to commit.

There certainly is and to this point Releford has indicated that he has none of the above. Like I said, when he does get an offer, I'll start to follow the situation more. The counter is when a recruit visits OU, I'll pay more attention. You aren't going to hear me talk about OU and Barnes much because Barnes has not expressed interest in OU besides putting them on a list. He hasn't said he would visit OU.

Again, my personal opinion is that I would rather have TJ at the PG as opposed to Releford if it came down to that. I'm not Jeff Capel so that's pretty much his call. I do think that Capel has learned the lesson of not just taking a player because they need someone to fill that position with Omar Leary. Now to me, I don't know if Releford is a fill a position type player or a guy who is a player. At the end of the summer, we will find out. Again, his numbers indicate he's a good shooter and that gives him that advantage on Pressey.
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What does KU's interest or lack thereof have to do with OU's recruitment of Releford? Nothing. Other than your obsession with bringing them up constantly.

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner. KU is loaded at guard and doesn't have many schollies for that class and have some higher priorities at guard. Just like OU does as well. McCallum as prime example as target #1 for both schools. That is all. Doesn't mean Releford is a bad player or not an OU target. Relax Dirty, the pendulum has swung the other way and nobody "insuniates" anything.
Ding, ding, ding we have a winner. KU is loaded at guard and doesn't have many schollies for that class and have some higher priorities at guard.

Cheno, I respect you for coming out and saying what Grace wants to hint at. I think OU has higher priorities too, but I don't know if those priorities disqualify them from taking a kid like Releford. If Releford gets an offer, that will answer the question.
Cheno, I respect you for coming out and saying what Grace wants to hint at. I think OU has higher priorities too, but I don't know if those priorities disqualify them from taking a kid like Releford. If Releford gets an offer, that will answer the question.

What Grace wants to hint at? Grace and everyone here knows that Releford isn't KU or OU's top PG priority. Ray McCallum is. But I don't think KU is recruiting Releford at all. OU is. It's not a reflection of anything especially not Releford not being KU's "caliber" of player and being OU's "caliber" of player. If anyone is insuniating anything it's you.
KU's not recruiting him because they are stacked at guard. OU is not stacked at guard. Releford is every bit the recruit, if not better, than Brady Morningstar & Tyrel Reed. KU just doesn't need more guards unless they have huge upside. KU already has guys like Morningstar, Reed, CJ Henry, etc. Did OU recruit Brady Morningstar hard? I'm guessing they didn't recruit him at all. Nobody was insuniating anything then. Doesn't mean Brady wasn't good enough to play at OU.
Give it a break and quit looking for a fight. This board is soooo much more fun when that isn't the case.
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What Grace wants to hint at? Grace and everyone here knows that Releford isn't KU or OU's top PG priority. Ray McCallum is. But I don't think KU is recruiting Releford at all. OU is. It's not a reflection of anything especially not Releford not being KU's "caliber" of player and being OU's "caliber" of player. If anyone is insuniating anything it's you.
KU's not recruiting him because they are stacked at guard. OU is not stacked at guard. Releford is every bit the recruit, if not better, than Brady Morningstar & Tyrel Reed. KU just doesn't need more guards unless they have huge upside. KU already has guys like Morningstar, Reed, CJ Henry, etc. Did OU recruit Brady Morningstar hard? I'm guessing they didn't recruit him at all. Nobody was insuniating anything then. Doesn't mean Brady wasn't good enough to play at OU.
Give it a break and quit looking for a fight. This board is soooo much more fun when that isn't the case.

Good post, Cheno.
Releford is every bit the recruit, if not better, than Brady Morningstar & Tyrel Reed. Did OU recruit Brady Morningstar hard? I'm guessing they didn't recruit him at all. Nobody was insuniating anything then.
Give it a break.

Certainly is, which is why I'm not being down on him as a player. If you go back to the second post, I'm not sold on him being less of a player than Pressey, because from the numbers, it seems as if he's a better perimeter shooter than Pressey, and in Basketball, if a PG can't shoot, coaches tend to pack the lane. Just ask Doug Gottlieb and Dogus Balbay. Personally, he's probably a better recruit than his brother who has turned out to be a one dimensional player with no game 15ft away from the basket. My only comments have been that I'll be reserve to talking about him until he gets an offer. It's indicative that he hasn't gotten one yet since OU has been recruiting this kid for over a year. When and If he does get one, I'll be the first one rooting for OU to get this kid, but until then I'll remain reserved. Personally, if there is a Julian Washburn out their ready to pull the switch, and OU has a chance of getting him and Clark, I'll be more for that.
Certainly is, which is why I'm not being down on him as a player. If you go back to the second post, I'm not sold on him being less of a player than Pressey, because from the numbers, it seems as if he's a better perimeter shooter than Pressey, and in Basketball, if a PG can't shoot, coaches tend to pack the lane. Just ask Doug Gottlieb and Dogus Balbay. Personally, he's probably a better recruit than his brother who has turned out to be a one dimensional player with no game 15ft away from the basket. My only comments have been that I'll be reserve to talking about him until he gets an offer. It's indicative that he hasn't gotten one yet since OU has been recruiting this kid for over a year. When and If he does get one, I'll be the first one rooting for OU to get this kid, but until then I'll remain reserved. Personally, if there is a Julian Washburn out their ready to pull the switch, and OU has a chance of getting him and Clark, I'll be more for that.

I didn't have as much a problem with your description of Releford as to your unneeded attack on Grace. He wasn't insinuating anything that was in the remote manner of pro-KU and anti-OU. That stuff just gets old when it's blatantly not true. As the case here.
No problem though Dirty. Talk to you later.
I didn't have as much a problem with your description of Releford as to your unneeded attack on Grace. He wasn't insinuating anything that was in the remote manner of pro-KU and anti-OU. That stuff just gets old when it's blatantly not true. As the case here.
No problem though Dirty. Talk to you later.

Do you mean when I told him he had little man syndrome and when I told him his post was wierd? Oh that's right, he's the guy who threw the insults out their. Fact is the Trevor Releford situation was already vetted out by Ada, Bigtime myself, and other on a prior posts. And the same things were said in that post that were said here which were he would be a good option if the other guys were off the table.

My point to Grace was he indicated that Releford was heavily involved with OU and he sited a visit Releford made. The thing i tried to get through to him was the visit wasn't a "Releford" visit as much as it was a Justin McCay visit. Releford met with Betts, and judging from the fact that Betts didn't offer and an offer hasn't come down yet, it indicates that OU is very confident about other things. This seems very similar to Micheal Dixon and AJ Walton, PGs that people thought OU would get after and in the end, it never happened. I think if OU gets involved with Releford, Ricky Scott, Dre Evans or Ross-Miller, things aren't going the way they hoped. Grace had a similar post about OU being interested in GJ Vilarino and that didn't pan out with OU having any interest in him. Now in Releford's case there definetely is interest, but obviously not enough to yeild an offer.

Also, if KU and OU have the same options at PG, my point was why was he not good enough to get a KU offer. You can't say KU can offer McCallum, but can't offer Releford. Your saying Releford isn't good enough for a KU offer which was my point. You can't come in here and talk about how great a prospect Releford is and OU having heavy interest, but in the same breath say he's not good enough for a KU offer. It doesn't make sense. If the kid is good enough for an OU offer, he's good enough for a KU offer. Your point was KU was too stacked at PG for Releford, but ironically their not too stacked for McCallum. Make sense.

I hope that I'm not coming off as OU is too good for Releford. I post about guys all the time that are fringe guys as far as being OU caliber players. I posted about Xavier Alexander, a hometown guy who is not OU caliber, but I wouldn't be opposed to him playing for OU. I posted about a kid named Demarco Sanders, who is an under the radar recruit out of Michigan and AAU teammate of McCallum that OU has shown some interest in. So if I can entertain these guys being potential Sooners, I can definetely entertain the thought of Releford.
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Do you mean when I told him he had little man syndrome and when I told him his post was wierd? Oh that's right, he's the guy who threw the insults out their. Fact is the Trevor Releford situation was already vetted out by Ada, Bigtime myself, and other on a prior posts. And the same things were said in that post that were said here which were he would be a good option if the other guys were off the table.

My point to Grace was he indicated that Releford was heavily involved with OU and he sited a visit Releford made. The thing i tried to get through to him was the visit wasn't a "Releford" visit as much as it was a Justin McCay visit. Releford met with Betts, and judging from the fact that Betts didn't offer and an offer hasn't come down yet, it indicates that OU is very confident about other things. This seems very similar to Micheal Dixon and AJ Walton, PGs that people thought OU would get after and in the end, it never happened. I think if OU gets involved with Releford, Ricky Scott, Dre Evans or Ross-Miller, things aren't going the way they hoped. Grace had a similar post about OU being interested in GJ Vilarino and that didn't pan out with OU having any interest in him. Now in Releford's case there definetely is interest, but obviously not enough to yeild an offer.

Also, if KU and OU have the same options at PG, my point was why was he not good enough to get a KU offer. You can't say KU can offer McCallum, but can't offer Releford. Your saying Releford isn't good enough for a KU offer which was my point. You can't come in here and talk about how great a prospect Releford is and OU having heavy interest, but in the same breath say he's not good enough for a KU offer. It doesn't make sense. If the kid is good enough for an OU offer, he's good enough for a KU offer. Your point was KU was too stacked at PG for Releford, but ironically their not too stacked for McCallum. Make sense.

I hope that I'm not coming off as OU is too good for Releford. I post about guys all the time that are fringe guys as far as being OU caliber players. I posted about Xavier Alexander, a hometown guy who is not OU caliber, but I wouldn't be opposed to him playing for OU. I posted about a kid named Demarco Sanders, who is an under the radar recruit out of Michigan and AAU teammate of McCallum that OU has shown some interest in. So if I can entertain these guys being potential Sooners, I can definetely entertain the thought of Releford.

Just fact checking here. I had no post about OU's interest in Vilarino. I responded to someone else's post that said OU was interested and said I didn't think he was good enough.

And your second paragraph is all over the place. Not every kid who is offered at OU is good enough to be offered at OU. Obviously, OU and KU are going head to head more often but KU didn't offer Pledger or Fitzgerald. They never offered Cade Davis or Ray Willis but they did offer Blake Griffin and Willie Warren. Why is it a big deal to tell the truth? KU is at a higher level in recruiting than OU is right now, but OU is obviously closing the gap.
Just fact checking here. I had no post about OU's interest in Vilarino. I responded to someone else's post that said OU was interested and said I didn't think he was good enough.

And your second paragraph is all over the place. Not every kid who is offered at OU is good enough to be offered at OU. Obviously, OU and KU are going head to head more often but KU didn't offer Pledger or Fitzgerald. They never offered Cade Davis or Ray Willis but they did offer Blake Griffin and Willie Warren. Why is it a big deal to tell the truth? KU is at a higher level in recruiting than OU is right now, but OU is obviously closing the gap.

Pledger, Fitz, Davis, and Willis aren't from Shawnee Mission Kansas or the brother of a current Jayhawk.

Why is it a big deal to tell the truth? KU is at a higher level in recruiting than OU is right now, but OU is obviously closing the gap

Nothing wrong with the truth on that if you come out a say it. You don't have to rebutt the conclusion that Ada, Bigtime, and others have come up with when it is apparent to all of us that Releford is one of OU's backup plans. When Ada mention he posted the article area and made reference to Releford being a backup plan your response was "he clearly isn't a backup plan". How could he not be a backup plan if he has no offer and OU has already offered three other PGs. That statement made me wonder why you're were pushing the issue. My conclusion is that naturally your observation of Releford is he's a good player, but not a KU type player and OU can have him. Now that seems like a far fetched conclusion, but I came to it when you said OU had no chance at Ray McCallum. A comment that left me baffled, because I was pretty sure Capel was recruiting him and he has said recently that he could see him self playing for OU. Of course McCallum is KU's top pg target so that is why I think you said OU has no chance at him.

As for Releford, I'm glad OU is at an option where we can have a backup plan like him instead of backup plans like Chris Walker and Omar Leary.
Also, if KU and OU have the same options at PG, my point was why was he not good enough to get a KU offer. You can't say KU can offer McCallum, but can't offer Releford. Your saying Releford isn't good enough for a KU offer which was my point. You can't come in here and talk about how great a prospect Releford is and OU having heavy interest, but in the same breath say he's not good enough for a KU offer.

KU and OU don't have the same options at PG. I don't know where you come up with this stuff. Where do you? Correct me if I'm wrong but OU has 1 PG on the entire roster for the 2010 season. TMG. They need a backup PG type. I've said over and over that is what Releford is. Now take a look at KU's roster and they have PG's all over the place. They've got 4-5 guys for 2010 that can play the point. They don't need another backup type. Ray McCallum is a whole different level. You take him whether you need a PG or not. He's that good. Again, it's not about that Releford isn't good enough to play at KU. He is but KU already has 4-5 guys equal or better than him at that can play that position.

Pledger, Fitz, Davis, and Willis aren't from Shawnee Mission Kansas
Jeremy Case and Darnell Jackson are from McAlester & OKC. Did OU offer Case? No. Did they go after Jackson that hard? Not by what I heard. Does that mean OU was too good for them and better than KU? No, it just means OU had different needs.
Again, your fishing to stir up the waters.
KU and OU don't have the same options at PG. I don't know where you come up with this stuff. Where do you? Correct me if I'm wrong but OU has 1 PG on the entire roster for the 2010 season. TMG. They need a backup PG type. I've said over and over that is what Releford is. Now take a look at KU's roster and they have PG's all over the place. They've got 4-5 guys for 2010 that can play the point. They don't need another backup type. Ray McCallum is a whole different level. You take him whether you need a PG or not. He's that good. Again, it's not about that Releford isn't good enough to play at KU. He is but KU already has 4-5 guys equal or better than him at that can play that position.

Same options as in recruits. OU has offered McCallum and Pressey, KU has offered McCallum, Joe Jackson, and Brandon Knight. McCallum is the desired target for both. My point was if KU has room for McCallum, why can't they have room for Releford. What if they don't get McCallum? Does that mean there is no one else they would recruit at PG, Or is it a far gone conclusion that they'll get McCallum. You answered my question by saying that McCallum was very good and Releford would be equal or lesser than the guards KU's guards. I get that point. It kind of goes to my point about KU depth affecting them in recruiting other guard targets. Remember that convo.

Jeremy Case and Darnell Jackson are from McAlester & OKC. Did OU offer Case? No. Did they go after Jackson that hard? Not by what I heard. Does that mean OU was too good for them and better than KU? No, it just means OU had different needs.

Again, have no Idea what your talking about. OU went after Jackson hard and actually thought they had him. His mom was a huge OU fan. How can you make an idiotic statement to OU not recruiting Darnell Jackson? Nothing farther from the truth. Case didn't have an OU offer to my understanding, but he committed early. Case and his good friend JR Giddens went to KU! Get it! I had the Luxury of being at the Adams Course in Edmond, a rocks throw away from Roy Williams, Pat Knight, Steve Wojo, and Kelvin Sampson at a recruiting showcase. The Best prospect in the place was an unknown JR Giddens, the second best prospect was an unknown Ronald Ross, the third best performance was Jeremy Case. Who outplayed a host of D1 recruits including the kid that had foot surgery that went to Colorado, a Capital hill kid that played at NMSU, Both Alexander brothers, and Marques Hayden. I suspect that is why Roy offered him. I can tell you Kelvin looked impressed with him on that day as well. You need better sources

Again, your fishing to stir up the waters.

Just fishing for tranparency. Good to see you KU guys sticking together. Sometimes I can't tell one from the other. Almost like the same person.
Let's just agree to disagree. Kind of like on how Cole Alrich is a stiff. We all have different opinions.


- BT