Turgeon hires Dalonte Hill

I dont think so, it seemed like Hill's east connections wasn't getting it done on the recruiting front recently. Hill is in a much better position now and KSU can get a guy who is more Midwestern base.
I dont think so, it seemed like Hill's east connections wasn't getting it done on the recruiting front recently. Hill is in a much better position now and KSU can get a guy who is more Midwestern base.

it's a good move for everyone involved.
Agreed. For what he was getting paid, he needed to do more than bring in a 3 star recruit every year or so, which is pretty much what he's been doing since an initial haul that was much better. His connections simply weren't strong enough to get east coast talent to Manhattan, kansas. In Maryland, though, I think he'll do much better.
His connections simply weren't strong enough to get east coast talent to Manhattan, kansas. In Maryland, though, I think he'll do much better.

that had nothing to do with it, and yes hill & the rest of the maryland staff will clean up locally, at least for the next few yea