King of the hill. Undisputed champ. It will be that way for a while. 4 of the last 16 titles. 2 of the last 4. Unbelievable young head coach. They will continue to be in the hunt virtually every season. Why would any top recruit from the NE go anywhere else? They even have a 5 star coming in from LA next season.
Great to see them prove these patched together conferences of mediocre state schools are overrated.
A top recruit from NY can go to Sryacuse and get lost in the shuffle in the ACC or go to Uconn & be with the big dogs.
Great to see them prove these patched together conferences of mediocre state schools are overrated.
A top recruit from NY can go to Sryacuse and get lost in the shuffle in the ACC or go to Uconn & be with the big dogs.